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  S30 R3 Results, R4 Schedule
Posted by: Caerbannog - 09-19-2011, 03:10 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - No Replies

Standings after Round 3 -- without added K/D for the squads that beat Mineshack:

1 Llamas 3-0 22

2 Nguyens 3-0 15

3 Sterling 2-1 17

4 Assassins 2-1 11

5 Team KN 2-1 5

6 The Dark 2-1 4

7 team maimer 2-1 3

8 Rebels 1-2 -4

9 !norating 1-2 -11

10 Die Antwoord 0-3 -19

11 StarFire Elite 0-3 -21

12 Mineshack 0-3 -22

9/18 3:43 pm Rebels def Mineshack 12-4 log

9/18 3:33 pm Llamas def StarFire Elite 12-3 log

9/18 3:33 pm Team KN def The Dark 12-5 log

9/18 2:58 pm Nguyens def Assassins 12-6 log

9/18 2:52 pm !norating def Die Antwoord 12-8 log

9/18 2:12 pm Sterling def team maimer 12-0 log

Riverside ended up 6-0 with 5 FR vs. the now dissolved Mineshack.

cfl got 2-0 K/D with 8 FR, 3 ass and a DD/DT of 28k/34k, which statistically looks wrong. Uni racked up the kills with 5-1. SFE looked like they panicked a bit, and Something Dutch wasted 4 repels alone.

Team KN defeated a decent line-up from The Dark. Develop (as i n c a .) got 5-1 and 8FR.

The 1570 eRating average each line-up Nguyens vs. Assassins was close until Dingo's subbed in javelin blew up somewhere near 29 minutes. KNeWWiN of course stole all the stats, going 5-2 and 8FR. It was a pretty decent game from both teams, although very sloppy at times.

!norating picked up a win vs. Die Antwoord, the stats are spread rather evenly. Lefty has 4as 6fr with his 3 kills.

The people on Sterling chose to show up with their names from Sterling roster, to defeat their no-showing selves 12-0.

Mineshack imploded sooner than anticipated, and with a smaller bang. (I imagined it would've been Three vs. Candyman on the squad's playstyle that does it). They weren't happy with their activity level, or how their zero pracs have not made them improve (0-3 season), so they announced they would be dissolving.

What this means is we now have a BYE slot instead of Mineshack. The squads that already played Mineshack will get enough kills added to their record to give them the same 12 kill margin before I run the playoff standings.

Apart from the people you can see via !roster Mineshack, Damnatus is also a free agent now.


Llamas vs. Team KN -- 102643

Rebels vs. Die Antwoord -- 102644

Sterling vs. BYE Round -- 102645


Nguyens vs. !norating -- 102646

Assassins vs. StarFire Elite -- 102647

The Dark vs. Team Maimer -- 102648

Sterling does not have to show up, BYE Round always loses 0-12 <img src='http://www.subspace.co/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />

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  S30 R2 Results R3 Schedule
Posted by: Caerbannog - 09-12-2011, 06:14 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - No Replies

Standings after Round 2:

1 Assassins 2-0 17 0.333

2 team maimer 2-0 15 0.333

3 Llamas 2-0 13 0.333

4 The Dark 2-0 11 0.667

5 Nguyens 2-0 9 0.25

6 Sterling 1-1 5 0.75

7 Team KN 1-1 -2 0.25

8 Rebels 0-2 -12 0.333

9 StarFire Elite 0-2 -12 0.667

10 Mineshack 0-2 -14 0.75

11 !norating 0-2 -15 0.667

12 Die Antwoord 0-2 -15 0.667

Round 2 Results:

9/11 3:59 pm team maimer def Mineshack 11-6 log

9/11 3:54 pm Llamas def !norating 12-6 log

9/11 3:53 pm Nguyens def StarFire Elite 12-10 log

9/11 2:51 pm The Dark def Sterling 12-10 log

9/11 2:44 pm Assassins def Die Antwoord 12-4 log

9/11 2:39 pm Team KN def Rebels 12-7 log

The quite cleverly aliased mAImER2 went 4-1 with 6FR as Team Maimer (6 players used) defeated Mineshack (4 players used).

Street Fighter managed 4-1 with 9FR as Llamas handily defeated !norating. Llamas used 7 players, !norating used 5. In 18 deaths total only 2 repels were wasted.

I recommend typing !game 102034 for some really weird boxscore statistics. I subbed mitf, realdeal subbed DarkDenizen. KN subbed GRAMPS. All that being said, Nguyens won SFE 12-10 in a rather odd game.

The Dark defeated Sterling 12-10. Sterling was already up 4v3 at 7-5 but about 10 minutes later peng decided to gunduel three people at once to make it 3v3. Tool then snuck his spider close to Nadai for a kill, then exploded in a big cloud of bullets and bombs that were repelled at him I reckon. 2v2, Da Monkk managed to spray and pray Kdak who got stuck between some walls.

Assassins vs. Die Antwoord was pretty unsurprising.

Hachiko got 11 FR along with a kill vs. Rebels. In total Team KN forced 23 repels. I believe the maximum number you can force is 4*2*3+2=26. So that's a statistical anomaly.


Team Maimer vs. Sterling will basically be the first game where the core of the draft squad (3 of sterling, who have been there) take on themselves. In theory the people from other squads will play for Team Maimer and try to make it as hard as possible for Sterling to even make Pro.


Team Maimer vs. Sterling -- 102367

!norating vs. Die Antwoord -- 102368

I'll call this a bit later than the other two Assassins vs. Nguyens -- 102369

4pm or after Ass vs. Nguyens is done:

Rebels vs. Mineshack -- 102370

Llamas vs. StarFire Elite -- 102372

The Dark vs. Team KN -- 102373

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  4v4 ship settings - Season 36
Posted by: Caerbannog - 09-11-2011, 03:20 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (37)

The settings have been the same for a while now. (4 seasons or so). Let me know if you find a mistake or I forgot to list something important. Javelin was changed for Season 34.

Universal settings:

Max energy: 1700

Recharge rate: 1150 per 10 seconds so 115 a second.

Bullet damage: 212, fixed.

Shrap damage, active: 190, 90% of 212 rounded down

Shrap damage, inactive: 5, doubled when calculated, no one knows why, so 10.

Direct bomb damage: 750 - add the shrap for all but weasel, 8*10 = 830

For the nerds out there: Direct emp = 750 (or close) and 4 seconds of loss of charge, 750+4*115 = 1210 damage

Repel speed: 3600

Repel range: 512 pixels

Brick time: 20 seconds

Brick span: 15 tiles

Bullet speed: 2000

Bomb speed: 2005

Rocket duration: 10 seconds

Rocket speed: 4000

Rocket thrust: 25

Turret limit: 1

Bullet cost: 60

Bomb cost: 350

Mine cost: 550

X-Radar cost: 100 per 10 seconds

Multi angle: 500 in very weird subspace units. (111 = 1 degree, 1000 = 1 ship-rotation-point)

Multi fire delay: 50 hundreths of a second.

Bomb delay: 150

Bullet alive time: 550 hundreths of a second so 5.5 seconds

Bomb alive time: 6000 so 1 minute.

Maximum Mines: 1 per player, 5 per team. (yeah, fancy that)

( Maximum Bursts: 3)

Maximum Repels: 2

Maximum Decoy: 2

Maximum Bricks: 1

Maximum Thors: 1

Maximum Rockets: 3

Maximum Portals: 2

Almost universal:

Anti-warp cost: 50 for everything but Shark and Lancaster. 150 for Sharks, 0 for Lancasters.

Initial bricks: 0 for everything but Leviathan. 1 for Leviathans.

Multi bullet cost: 105 for everything but Terrier. 90 for Terrier.

Maximum speed: 3250 for everything but Javelin.

Javelin speeds: 3500 normal, 3750 with afterburner.

Afterburner cost: 0 for everything but Javelin, 700/10 seconds for Javelin.

Stealth energy: 333 for everything but Spider, 150 for Spider.

Shrapnel: 8 for everything but Weasel. Weasel has none.

Bullet fire delay: 24 hundreths of a second for everything but Shark. 18 for Shark.

Ship specifics - Warbird:

Thrust: 19

Rotation: 290 - 400 would be full 360 degrees in one second.

Guns: 3

Bombs: 2

Ship specifics - Javelin (-> S33):

Thrust: 18

Rotation: 260

Speed: 3550

Guns: 3



(old) Ship specifics - Javelin (-> S33):

Thrust: 17 without Afterburner, 19 with Afterburner.

Rotation: 260

Speed: 3500 without Afterburner, 3750 with Afterburner.

Guns: 3

Bombs: 2

Ship specifics - Spider:

Thrust: 18

Rotation: 260

Cloak cost: 200

Guns: 3

Bombs: 2

Minesee on radar.

Ship specifics - Leviathan:

Thrust: 18

Rotation: 260

Guns: 3

Bombs: 3

Bombsee on radar up to level 4, thors are invisible.

Spawns with a brick.

Ship specifics - Terrier:

Thrust: 18

Rotation: 260

Multi cost: 90

Guns: 3 - dual barrel

Bombs: 2

Ship specifics - Weasel:

Thrust: 18

Rotation: 250

Guns: 3

Bombs: 2 - EMP

Minesee on radar.

No delay on firing bullets or repel after firing a bomb.

Ship specifics - Lancaster:

Thrust: 18

Rotation: 270

Guns: 3

Anti-warp cost: 0

Bombs: 2 - Bouncing, 2 bounces.

Bombsee on radar up to level 4, thors are invisible.

Ship specifics - Shark:

Thrust: 18

Rotation: 260

Bullet fire rate: 18

Anti-warp cost: 150

Guns: 3

Bombs: 2

EDIT: Added bomb and bullet alive times from the top of my head since Arctos asked about them. I'll doublecheck them eventually..

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  Master of Chaos Sat at 5pm ET!
Posted by: hallucination - 09-02-2011, 10:42 PM - Forum: Chaos Discussion - No Replies

Can Sath defend his title?

Come on down Sat Sep 3 at 5pm ET!

Last month, 34 players competed in Master of Chaos.

In round 3, it was down to

Sath, KinGNewbiE, Rage, 7th, and Candyman.

However, 10 mins went by and no kills which

should result in no winner!

But in special OT, Rage died to Sath!

Sath, the Aug 2011 Master of Chaos!

In the future, we will stick with the long standing rule that can very rarely produce no winner for MoC. Thanks to lightbender for adding some extra super-spam to the bot to notify the players of the impending TIE when the situation arises.

Good luck and see you there!


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  S30 R1 Results, R2 schedule
Posted by: Caerbannog - 08-30-2011, 03:28 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (1)


1 team maimer 1-0 10 0

2 Assassins 1-0 9 0

3 The Dark 1-0 9 0

4 Llamas 1-0 7 0

5 Nguyens 1-0 7 0

6 Sterling 1-0 7 0

7 Die Antwoord 0-1 -7 0

8 Rebels 0-1 -7 0

9 Team KN 0-1 -7 0

10 !norating 0-1 -9 0

11 Mineshack 0-1 -9 0

12 StarFire Elite 0-1 -10 0


8/28 3:51 pm Assassins def !norating 12-3 log

8/28 3:43 pm The Dark def Mineshack 12-3 log

8/28 3:30 pm Sterling def Team KN 12-5 log

8/28 2:50 pm Llamas def Die Antwoord 12-5 log

8/28 2:44 pm Nguyens def Rebels 12-5 log

8/28 2:31 pm team maimer def StarFire Elite 12-2 log

!norating had Dingo (javelin) at 2 deaths by 2-2 score. Then Assassins got all of !norating to x-2 before finishing them off one by one from 9-3 to 12-3. Saiyan 5-1 7fr.

Mineshack vs. The Dark wasn't really even close, mad clown opened with 0-2 in 1:32. The two other pilots in for Mineshack (pseudo and arctos) tried to make a move, while Candyman bravely ran away for stats. Candy then eventually specced with 0-1 and was assigned a 0-3 for his efforts.

Team KN had one newbie, one rebel, one llama and three Nguyens play. Sterling beat them in what seems like a pretty typical 12-5.

Die Antwoord (Team Arctos) managed to give 3 newbies playtime (4 if you count candyman <img src='http://www.subspace.co/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blum.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':p' /> ) based on both squads' chats, it wasn't a perfect game for either and some surprising lag deaths occured.

Nguyens beat Rebels, with Rebels helping us by messing up a fullsub (and a death sub?) after I subbed in. Clearly they were mentally defeated at that point. KN stole the stats, 7-1 7FR for +35 rating in round one.

StarFire Elite didn't have their best game against Team Maimer. SFE showed up with 4, Team Maimer with 3. Team Maimer won the game 12-2 (empty slots are not converted if you win, they are converted if you lose.) I don't know how it happened, byt MfA exploded three times in 4:54.


Schedule, there will be a draft filler / replacement round before round 3 somehow. If you are not on a draft team and want a chance to get involved, let me know somehow. Like in the draft filler thread. The idea is for the captains to axe people who don't show up, and pick up people who at least claim they are interested. This would make it easier to schedule draft teams' games and not end up with them no-showing as well.


Sterling vs. The Dark 102029

Assassins vs. Die Antwoord 102030

Team KN vs. Rebels 102031


!norating vs. Llamas 102032

Team Maimer vs. Mineshack 102033

Nguyens vs. StarFire Elite 102034

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Posted by: Arctos - 08-24-2011, 10:19 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (2)

For the last time, can we get rid of this plague once and for all? I don't even care enough anymore to voice a convincing argument. Fuck you, thats why.


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  S30 Round 1 Schedule
Posted by: Caerbannog - 08-24-2011, 05:43 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - No Replies

Here we go, into a rather experimental season with the draft squads and such. You can all start bickering about how you'd like to play the semis (currently best of 1) and finals (currently best of 3 and not likely to go down to 1)

3pm -- I'll probably be too busy playing to play around with the draft team rosters much, so try to get your aliases to me before this:

Die Antwoord vs. Llamas 101886

StarFire Elite vs. Team Maimer 101887

Nguyens vs. Rebels 101888 -- will be announced a bit later than the other games so I can add aliases

4pm or after my game ends if there's no other 4v4 staffer online:

Assassins vs. !norating 101889

Team KN vs. Sterling 101890

The Dark vs. Mineshack 101891

The numbers after the games are the GameIDs which all 4v4 staff members can !refload and then !announce and then !start in case the captains don't ready.

In case of a no-show, !start -> !setscore 12-0-> make sure you set it right or !setscore 0-12. In case of the last player on a team lagging out / speccing !setdeaths playername 3 gives them the proper deaths.

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  Draft filler round
Posted by: Caerbannog - 08-15-2011, 03:03 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (6)

The bots were down so preseason was canceled (read: postponed to this upcoming weekend, provided the bots are there).

There have been a few people asking me about still getting on a draft squad. We cannot infinitely bloat the roster size for them up, at least before it is proven than 25 isn't enough.

So here's my plan for now, After 2 rounds, so before round 3, we have a draft revamp thing where the captains get to axe people who haven't showed up, and pick up people who at least claim to be interested. I know there were at least 3 of these people, but thanks to a technical failure (I forgot to save my notepad <img src='http://www.subspace.co/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' /> ) I lost one of the messages.

Wardan5 -- from chaos pub wants on a squad.

INRI / Digital_HR -- from I think StarFire Elite wants on a squad.

Slum -- from TW

Kentasaurus -- league / pb I suppose

Danks - league

DarkDenizen -- league

Dequadin -- league in the past, hockey zone (rly essential for 4v4 skills)

Partsi -- chaos pub, 200 erating pracs.

Glamdring -- from 2001, Arctos thinks that he convinced Glamdring to play again...

If we have more existing players who feel like they have the time and effort in them to possibly play two games a weekend, one on a draft squad and one on their real squad, let me know, I'll add your name here.

For example, Mop said he'd never show for draft. Oh, and clearly you cannot axe the newbies even if they don't show up <img src='http://www.subspace.co/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />

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  S30 Preseason 1 schedule
Posted by: Caerbannog - 08-10-2011, 01:04 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (3)

August 14th.

Rosters can be edited by staff members, they are basically unlocked until round 6ish.


Team KN vs. Team Maimer -- see if you were drafted, [url="http://www.subspace.co/topic/25958-the-draft/page__view__findpost__p__277234"]http://www.subspace....post__p__277234[/url]

You will need to register an alias to play with on your draft squad.

StarFire Elite vs. !norating -- No, el father, I won't remove the squad from league just because you cannot handle being called a lagger <img src='http://www.subspace.co/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />

Assassins vs. Sterling


Die Antwoord vs. Nguyens -- as above, although Antwoord has a decent amount of roster already.

Rebels vs. Mineshack

The Dark vs. Llamas

I'll be busy playing with the aliases at 3, although ass and sterling also being at 3 will eat up the draft teams' players. Which works ok to see if the newbies and "newbies" are going to show up <img src='http://www.subspace.co/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

There should be no round 1 match-ups in this, but I'm not sure.

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  Season 30 Schedule -- Results will get a weekly post
Posted by: Caerbannog - 08-08-2011, 03:22 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (5)

Here are your match-ups. The times will be assigned during the weeks between rounds, because it's simply too much work to get them right now (I have to dodge assigning the same time to all two active staff members and all).

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