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Posted by: SK+ - 11-15-2014, 11:16 AM - Forum: Chaos Discussion - No Replies

It's been dead for quite a while, why not change map and spice things up a little bit?

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  S36 Round 8 Schedule
Posted by: Caerbannog - 11-14-2014, 06:32 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - No Replies


BYE Round - Outlaws -- 1292595
BYE Round - Assassins -- 1292596
Slopships - Backarrow -- 1292597
Critical Mass - The Dark -- 1292598

Cosmic Rift - Sterling -- 1292599
Llamas - Dropships -- 1292600
Symphony - Starfire Elite -- 1292601

WTF? announced they'd be dissolving. If your squad has room, you can roster their players up to... round 10?

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  Pro Season 11 - Play-Offs
Posted by: Nude For Satan - 11-14-2014, 11:35 AM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - No Replies

Sleuths and people not prone to headaches welcome:

In Season 11 of Pro League (Premier League 3 Pro Div) the competing teams were Assassins, Bad, B.I.A., The Dark, Devil, Interloper, Intrepid, Prevail, Quality Control, RaDaR, Sterling, Typhoon and Unhallowed.

From the regular season, the standings when recreated seem to show the following: BIA, Intrepid, Interloper, Assassins, RaDaR, Sterling, Unhallowed, Quality Control, Devil, Typhoon, The Dark, Prevail, Bad.
I say "seem" because one match result was missing (neither team would have featured in play-offs), and I am uncertain how no-shows were scored at the time.

So a play-offs series - one would think - would feature the top 4 or 6 teams. A top 8 seems a lot of teams for a 13-team competition.

Round 1 of play-offs saw:
- Unhallowed 12 def Assassins 3
- Interloper 12 def RaDaR 3
- Sterling 12 def ??? 4 (the Sterling win was reported by speccers joining the log for Interloper/RaDaR)
These teams were the teams placed 3rd thru 7th, and 1st. 2nd and 3rd were not mentioned but 1st & 2nd did later play in the Final.

The season concluded with an Intrepid championship. BIA were runners-up. 

I am at a loss to understand how these play-off matchups worked - maybe it was a final 8 and Sterling's win was over QC? Maybe it was a Top 7 with Sterling defeating Intrepid - but if so, then how did Intrepid make the final if it was single-elim.

The first round of play-offs was indeed referred to as "Round 1", not as "Quarter-Finals", so maybe it was an extended series with double-elim structure.  The season prior, though was a Top 6 from 12 teams. The one prior was a 7-team playoff series from a league of 16.

That first round was played the weekend of October 27, 2002.

Yeah. I know this might seem like a pointless exercise to most, but I'm keen to understand it. So if anyone remembers how it played out, or has records of it ... or if they can visualise the play-offs structure that was being applied, I'd be keen to know.

You could ask me why I want to know, but I doubt you'd have time for the answer  Tongue

- Nude

Edit: Teams shown in play-offs were those placed 1st through 7th (1st and 2nd played in the final, 3rd thru 7th played in the first round of play-offs)

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  Which team for these players?
Posted by: Nude For Satan - 11-12-2014, 02:07 PM - Forum: History / Nostalgia - Replies (39)

In AML Season 08 (equates to Pro 12, commenced late 2002), the following players were each rostered with one or the other of the teams listed beside them ... but I can't work out which.

Any assistance greatly appreciated.

- Nude

I've edited the following to compile all 3 posts together as one, and separate the resolved entries out.

Which teams did these folks belong to? All I know is that they were on one or the other of those listed beside them :

AML08 - Ausro: Blasphemy or -Blitzed-
AML08 - bad-news: Fly-NDeath or Tweaked
Pro07 - battlecity tom: .foo. or RaDaR
AML08 - Capt. Pain: Fly-NDeath or Alcoholism
AML08 - Cpt Choas: Blasphemy or Alcoholism
Pro07 - Custom: Spork or United
AML08 - dEaTh $KuLl: Liquid In. or Wretcheds
AML08 - EPL: -Blitzed- or Happy Mob
AML08 - Excel: Ferrum or Starfire Elite
Pro07 - Fatal Image: Pulsar or Starfire Elite
AML08 - foot fungus: Fly-NDeath or Epik
AML08 - Fox_Trot: -Blitzed- or Tweaked
Pro08 - Fuzz E. Mascot: Allah or Black Star
Pro07 - gandalf: Ascension or phatboys
AML08 - Gangster: KoTH or SilverArrows
Pro07 - Godfather: Iced Out or Unhallowed
Pro07 - huggible: Ascension or .foo.
AML08 - killer88: Blasphemy or ASWZ
AML08 - lowlights: Happy Mob or Llamasery
Pro07 - Malefactor: ONE or Watchmen
Pro07 - Malmox: Spork or United
Pro07 - mark: ONE or Addicts
Pro07 - Mr. Yawn: Elements or RAF
Pro07 - nathan hale: Pulsar or United
Pro08 - Oddz: Ascension or Militancy
Pro07 - orcrist: RAF or Unhallowed
Pro07 - Pete: Ascension or Redshift
Pro07 - Poizon: Journey v RAF
AML08 - Precept: Ferrum or Llamasery
Pro07 - Quadrant: Legends or Presence
Pro07 - Quest: Addicts or Iced Out
Pro07 - Rage: .foo. or WTF?
Pro07 - Sentinel: Equilibrium or WTF?
Pro07 - Simon Snow: Starfire Elite or United
AML08 - StrYL: Blasphemy or -Blitzed-
Pro07 - Talent: RaDaR or WTF?
Pro07 - vegeta: Dynasty or Elements
Pro07 - Vihtahousu: Ascension or WTF?
Pro07 - Warlock: EpiK or Spork

Pro07 - a: The Dark or Redshift
Pro07 - Adamantium: Legends or RAF
AML08 - Addiction King - Dissent or SFE
Pro08 - Akemi: Betrayal or Equilibrium
Pro07 - aleksandra: intelli or Pulsar
Pro07 - A-PoC: Equilibrium or Pulsar
Pro08 - exorcist: Allah or Phatboys
Pro07 - chlorox: The Dark or intelli
Pro07 - Chronos: Unhallowed or Watchmen
Pro08 - FaidDragonWings or Equilibrium
AML08 - fuzion - Dissent or No Data
Pro07 - Gentle Star: Addicts or RAF
AML08 - Geneva - Mutiny or Blitzed
Pro07 - hagetaga: The Dark or Pulsar
Pro07 - High Flyer: Addicts or DoH
Pro07 - illiquid: Pulsar or WTF?
Pro08 - Indra: Betrayal or Legends (same as Optic)
AML08 - jermar - Blasphemy or -Blitzed-
Pro07 - Jinxi: ONE or Dynasty
Pro08 - Kurtz: Quality Control or Watchmen
Pro07 - Lynx: Addicts or Unhallowed
Pro07 - MashingWatchmen or Presence
Pro08 - Mauler: The Dark or DragonWings
Pro07 - merlin: ONE or Requiem
Pro07 - Mystikal: [color=#33cc33][b]Dynasty or Hemp Lordz
AML08 - Mythic - Heaven or Epik
Pro08 - Operator: Betrayal or Hemp Lordz
Pro08 - Optic: Betrayal or Legends (same as Indra)
Pro07 - orz: Ascension or DoH
Pro07 - phozed: phatboys or WTF?
Pro07 - Piloboy: EGO or WTF?
Pro07 - Sea: Dynasty or Watchmen
AML08 - spirant - Happy Mob or Old Germany
AML08 - SuG - BUNNER or Epik
Pro07 - Tunahead: Addicts or Hemp Lordz
Pro07 - Versatile: EpiK or United
Pro07 - zoo: Dynasty or Presence

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Posted by: Nude For Satan - 11-12-2014, 01:57 PM - Forum: Chaos Discussion - Replies (1)

What happened to him? Broken wrists is no excuse to un...spacesub

Also Omeaga Project ... where? Partsi go find him. Do it.

StarGuitar? NenMad? kosmos?

Where's seilgu and hook-ups and Jazz and Jynx97? They can't all be pregnant?

Finally, am I the only one who  Heart the Hybridrome map?

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Posted by: QA Man - 11-07-2014, 02:23 PM - Forum: Chaos Discussion - Replies (3)

What's going on up in here?

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  S36 Round 7 Schedule
Posted by: Caerbannog - 11-06-2014, 04:44 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - No Replies


Critical Mass - Backarrow -- 1292227
Llamas - Sterling -- 1292228
WTF? - Dropships -- 1292229
(re-scheduled from 4pm by Mop and KN) Assassins - Outlaws -- 1292230

Slopships - Cosmic Rift --1292231
Symphony - The Dark -- 1292232
BYE Round - Starfire Elite -- someone remind me to score this after we have slots available

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Posted by: PoLiX - 11-01-2014, 06:05 AM - Forum: Chaos Discussion - Replies (1)

Logins from the old forum should work perfectly fine here.

Any issues let me know.

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  S36 Round 6 Schedule
Posted by: Caerbannog - 10-30-2014, 05:59 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - No Replies

<div>Slopships - Dropships -- 1291920</div>
<div>Backarrow - Assassins -- 1291921</div>
<div>Cosmic Rift - BYE Round -- 1291922</div>
<div>Llamas - Symphony -- 1291923</div>
<div> </div>
<div>The Dark - Starfire Elite -- 1291924</div>
<div>Sterling - Outlaws -- 1291925</div>
<div>Critical Mass - WTF? -- 1291926</div>
<div> </div>
<div>This might be the last forum post you read on this forum, RIP in peace BIS in slot forum Kappa Keepo BibleThump</div>

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  Let's discuss Physics
Posted by: mindriot - 10-28-2014, 02:13 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (8)

Okay, so Einstein's General Theory of Relativity was confirmed by observing the stars that surround the sun's corona from our perspective here on Earth.


Einstein theorized that Gravity is strong enough to bend time and space and this was evident by how the light of the stars in question bent around the Sun, as is passed behind the sun into our lenses here on the planet.


Here is where I am getting a bit of a mind f*ck. I thought space was a vacuum. How can a vacuum bend or change shape? We are not rolling around on a flat table top. Space is all encompassing and 3 dimensional. Does the space bend around objects in all 3 dimensions? Wouldn't that mean that we are "swimming" or "held" in place by some sort of "matter"? Once again, how can there be any matter holding us in place in a place in a vacuum??

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