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  State of Chaos/League Zone
Posted by: hallucination - 04-11-2014, 07:30 PM - Forum: Chaos Discussion - Replies (3)

As I'm sure you've noticed, Chaos/League SVS Zone did not come back up Thursday which was the ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival - please note the word "estimated" ;). I have no further news on when it will be back up, but am confident it will be back up, and probably soon. I have, or other folks in the SSC, have posted on these boards every bit of news we've gotten on the status of things. We'd all like it to get back to normal asap.


>>>>So what's the hold up? Why isn't the regular zone back up?


I can only speculate, but I think this scenario is fairly likely:

1) Major DDoS on the ssc servers

2) Hosting company (which hosts the game servers, the "real" biller, and the Chaos Bot server also) is not actually ready to handle such a massive attack. The attack affects not only us, but also other of their customers.

3) Management of the Hosting Company is not happy (I wouldn't be) as they probably thought/were told by their security people that they were ready for such an attack. They get complaints from a number of customers (including Priit)

4) Major meetings at the hosting company over how to deal with this sort of thing going forward. This is an issue completely outside the scope of our little game - they need to be able to deal with this stuff if they're to be considered a serious hosting company.

5) They design a way forward which includes: new hardware, new software, ordering it, getting it delivered, installing it, learning how to set it up, configure it and use it. Then ideally testing it against such an attack before releasing these upgrades into the field.

6) Their ETA of when they're ready to release it was Thursday (probably an optimistic estimate), which they missed.


And that's where we stand - waiting for the hosting company to be sure that they're ready if another attack starts up as soon as those servers come back online. Which, imo, is the correct decision - best to be completely ready when you relaunch things.


>>>>Why are Hockey and other zones back up on the real biller?


The attack stopped several days ago. The real biller has been up. The zones that are at hosts that feel they are ready to deal with another attack (or not, and are just crossing their fingers). 


>>>>Why didn't you put up Chaos/League zone on a diff server?


We did exactly that. The thing to understand is that the really important piece here is the "real" biller - no connection to the real biller means no cross zone chats, possibly illegitimate names, scores being messed up etc. etc. It's critical to the community to be on the real biller. It's not possible to connect to the real biller from a different server (i.e. the temp one), so we're in this interim state until the real game server comes back up. There is good, alternative biller that we could all move to.


We've done what we could. Priit jumped in and did his part in getting things going again (pound on the hosting company and throwing money at them). When things come back up, we should be better off than before. Thank you for your patience. 


In the meantime, spread the word to get people into the temp zone and keep them connected. Thanks.



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  Death throes.
Posted by: Ninespike - 04-10-2014, 02:33 AM - Forum: Chaos Discussion - Replies (24)

This entire debacle is going to end up being the death of our game. What do you think pops are going to be like when and if this is ever resolved? The longer it takes the worse things are going to be in the future.

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  TEAM TOURNAMENT 4v4 2014-4-11
Posted by: Captor - 04-09-2014, 08:35 AM - Forum: Chaos Discussion - Replies (4)


2014-4-11 Friday 5pm ET (DIV "A") and 9pm ET(DIV "B") games

2014-4-13 Sunday 4pm ET Finals, between division A vs B winners.


Games will be player #1 server if it is up and running, if not, then we use #2 backup server.


How to participate?

go sign yourself to either one of the divisions here:



More info about the tournament here:



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  SubSpace Rap
Posted by: SK+ - 04-08-2014, 07:38 PM - Forum: Chaos Discussion - No Replies

Recently I came across some DSB nostalgia, two videos of people from DSB rapping.


One of them is a diss @ Dre you all know quite well :p


Delic - Failure (Dredon diss):



Etherlord - Duel Song:




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  Malicious software
Posted by: Benji - 04-08-2014, 12:18 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (5)

so Chrome thinks that the Continuum download @ http://www.getcontinuum.com/ is malicious.  any veracity to that?  any alternative certifiably clean alternative sources?

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  !Bonus Freedom
Posted by: Bonus Booster - 04-08-2014, 03:29 AM - Forum: Chaos Discussion - Replies (11)

My fellow pub dwellers.  I write to you today in the hopes that some of you can read and somehow find your way to this forum.  The topics of this letter are ones which are near and dear to my heart.  Bonuses and Freedoms. 


It makes sense that a bonus defense or a bonus rabbit can only be had in safe... It was a necessary measure to keep the Mormon population in check... but there are no more Gadianton turrets that run for hours then bonus to escape death.  The restrictions on bonus booster and speed has actually made it much harder to catch hight bounties... run run run with no happy ending not fun for pub rats. 


When they took away our God given right to bonus booster and bonus speed outside of safe that was not cool... not at all.


Let us plead and beg with our 4v4 overlords to return our freedoms!


Muh freedoms!

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  Temp Chaos/League Zone up
Posted by: hallucination - 04-06-2014, 08:29 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (6)

Psyops is hosting a temp Chaos/League zone - thanks Psy! All settings are the same as the regular zone, but the server isn't nearly as robust. We'll see how that goes.

To get there, click Zones from the Continuum front page

Paste ONLY this into the Directory Server Address List field:

erase all the ones in that list


Click the Download button

Scroll through the list and double click on:

SZ Chaos/League Zone SVS


then click OK

Now, create a new profile for your regular nick, but with a diff password (not on the same biller) This is not a critical thing to do here (since Psy isn't going to be stealing any nicks), but it IS critical in some of these other zones. So it's better to get in the habit of using a diff pw for each of these zones. When you see that box with the red text come up when you hit play (that says "this server isn't on the SSC biller"), make sure you're not using your normal password if you don't want the nick stolen. Alternatively, when the regular biller comes back up, just change the password there.

I've set up one 4v4 prac bot. I've also just brought in the Chaos Bots - so scores will count! I will create a new reset whenever the regular zone comes back. If there are some unforseen problems, I can just delete all the new data/kills so it won't muck things up.


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  Temp Chaos/League Zone up
Posted by: hallucination - 04-06-2014, 08:29 PM - Forum: Chaos Discussion - Replies (1)

Psyops is hosting a temp Chaos/League zone - thanks Psy! All settings are the same as the regular zone, but the server isn't nearly as robust. We'll see how that goes.

To get there, click Zones from the Continuum front page

Paste ONLY this into the Directory Server Address List field:

erase all the ones in that list


Click the Download button

Scroll through the list and double click on:

SZ Chaos/League Zone SVS


then click OK

Now, create a new profile for your regular nick, but with a diff password (not on the same biller) This is not a critical thing to do here (since Psy isn't going to be stealing any nicks), but it IS critical in some of these other zones. So it's better to get in the habit of using a diff pw for each of these zones. When you see that box with the red text come up when you hit play (that says "this server isn't on the SSC biller"), make sure you're not using your normal password if you don't want the nick stolen. Alternatively, when the regular biller comes back up, just change the password there.

I've set up one 4v4 prac bot. I've also just brought in the Chaos Bots - so scores will count! I will create a new reset whenever the regular zone comes back. If there are some unforseen problems, I can just delete all the new data/kills so it won't muck things up.


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Posted by: Captor - 04-06-2014, 05:31 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (5)



you cannot find the server, unless you add those 3 directory servers to the list "ZONES" on you continuum client



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  No games today?
Posted by: Caerbannog - 04-06-2014, 06:33 AM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (1)

Due to a bot rebellion last weekend, Mop lost his K/D stats and obviously organised two computers with A: drives and DOS 5.0 to ping the server TWICE each, resulting in a full blackout.


Anyways, yes, the situation is all sorts of fucked up and it'll probably be easier to not have games today. So... farm on, Nephalem.

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