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Cant connect to chaos?
for those that can't get in here is a repost of the fix that WORKS by Golden Blaster. It was somehow lost when the forums were restored.

Will work 100%!!!!! Need help? Pm me here or on fb.

Zillion x Tested with alot of relogs after the message Wait a couple minutes: Relog in 2 min possible, never ever a Disconnect and or 'Ban-by-server'.

For all those locked out of SvS try this, it will work!

Hey can you try this ?

Delete all continuum clients (the steam one and or the normal continuum040 one)

Also delete old garbage in windows 10 (or this wont work due of the old settings)
'C:\Users\(your pc user name)\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\' , find the map 'Continuum', now you can rename 'profile.dat' and 'macro.dat' into 'profile.txt and macro.txt' and delete the rest of the files (ALL OF THEM!). You can save the new txt files to some place you like (this way you can see your account info and later rename it back and put in the new client, if you would want that).
Or just delete the whole folder 'Continuum' but this will cost your data (you need your passwords anyway, but profile names can be tricky too!).
You need to really delete this data in order to prevent the old list to return in Red/endless-loop.

Delete your registry with this reg file i wrote !!!!!!REFER TO THIS INSTEAD OF THE LINK WITH THE REGISTRY!!!!! (the basic ones in hklu/software/continuum) for Continuum, heres a link. (!!!!!!!!!!!!this link wont work anymore sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!)>>(be aware that this will erase all your account info's) !YOU NEED TO DO THIS IN ORDER TO HAVE THE STEAMS NEW LIST AND NOT THE OLD LIST THAT GIVES RED ON SVS AND OR THE ENDLESS LOOP!<<

Next install continuum via steam right here: Log in , dont download zones just press ok on everything new. Get in SvS, get out...again after you entered pub.

After that CUT all files from ur steam folder (standard location, yours might be different):
'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\' ,find the map 'Continuum'.

And paste it into any other place on your Hard Disk, and you can launch Subspace from there.

After you moved the map (ONLY IF U CUT AND PASTED) 'Continuum' you can delete it from steam (so not via programs and features, but uninstall via steam) and it wont uninstall from you pc but rather only remove it from steam. So, you can..after that remove steam again if you dont like it and keep the files where you have cut and pasted it.

I have tested with the Resizer and it will work.
>> When resizer wont work find the next map in 'C:\Users\(your pc user name)\AppData\Local\' , and look for 'continuumresizer' map and delete it, after that you can relaunch resizer and it will be restored to the first use DEFAULT

*Lets pray Gruntster! hehe*


he said clear registry and used Steam files and save your keyboard setting file. Cbut basically its to get rid of everything also deep hidden files.

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