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No preseason this weekend and league things!
Ok, as it would be a rather late call (and some people somehow cannot predict league times), we'll skip this weekend's pre-season.

But don't worry, we still have two more weekends to go before the superbowl.

Now, in other league related news. You can comment on this here, but..
If we have 8+ (we might have 9, perhaps even 10) squads, we'll go double round robin. If we have 7 or less, we'll go triple.
I know the 15 round season we had with 6 felt long for many, but fact is once we hit playoffs, squads get eliminated.

Oh well, discuss amonst your squaddies if you can find them and or tell me what you think.
Oh and if we have squads dissolving, the number of rounds quite obviously changes from the original, regardless of the format.
And we seem to have some pretty volatile squads forming up.

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