02-05-2015, 07:52 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-05-2015, 10:54 AM by Nude For Satan.
Edit Reason: typos
Over the past ... I dunno how long ... I've been scouring the net and people's heads for historical info on leagues in SVS Subspace competition. Now's probably a good time to link it here. In a wiki format, with basically zero bells or whistles, but just timeline data, I've collated everything I could find. So here it is, hopefully it's a bit of fun to look through, maybe even of use for the odd argument here and there.
>>> http://svsleagues.shoutwiki.com/ <<<
A few things to understand:
- http://svsleagues.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Category:Players (I just want you to see the number of links
- housebound, with OCD - what do you expect!)
- http://svsleagues.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Editor%27s_Arena - handy hints I rushed together to try to keep control in case every man and his dog wants to contribute
- http://svsleagues.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Media - essentially all the match videos and a couple of easter eggs down the bottom
- http://svsleagues.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Website_References_Catalogue - nostalgia ftw!
If you see errors, or just have info you'd like to include, by all means go for it: tell me or edit the site directly. I'll clean up any struggles with consistent format.
A lot of people have helped, generally providing info. Some of the ones who've offered a heap of info include Gruntster, Hallu, hendrix, Peeking Duck?, High Gain, twIsta, Three, Plutorus, Mighty Sven, Bargeld, Ra, Underlord, Benji, Caerbannog, Pryde - and many, many more. Thanks to everyone who put up with my questions.
Ok hope you enjoy. I suck at playing so wanted to give something other than 250 ping of aussie badness.
- Nude
>>> http://svsleagues.shoutwiki.com/ <<<
A few things to understand:
- I haven't made it pretty. That wasn't the point. Sure, maybe one day. Not high on priorities. I'm already regretting some formatting conventions. I am not a web designer. I'm just a nerd with a lot of time on my hands.
- Its not finished, and never will be. Clearly there are heaps of holes ... I do have more info to integrate, but its a wiki ... which means an eternal work in progress. Anyone can contribute. It can grow so long as more info is ever out there to be found.
- So feel free to add stuff. You can pass info to me, or edit the site yourself. Just try to make sense, and remember to cross-reference. Ask me if you are unsure what to do or how to do it. I am notified about any changes.
- ALIASES - Some aliases are linked. Some are not. In general, people no longer around got their aliases linked (if I knew them - there would be hundreds that I don't know). If they're still playing, I didn't, unless if I chatted with them and they said it was ok. A lot of obvious matches are there but that's up to the player if they are current. There might be some rare exceptions, but that's just me being inconsistent. Clearly obvious alternative names like Benji v B3NJ1, I tended to link. Again, work in progress. Most people would probably like to see all their info on one page.
- Warzone and Powerball are little more than placeholders at the moment. I have some data, just haven't got around to it yet. Wanted to publicise the wiki before the finals came up. Dueling League (2v2) is still to come. Gladiator needs more filling out. Euro league is lacking a lot of data, especially Delta and Gamma. tbh Pro/IML & AML got the most focus.
- http://svsleagues.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Category:Players (I just want you to see the number of links

- http://svsleagues.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Editor%27s_Arena - handy hints I rushed together to try to keep control in case every man and his dog wants to contribute
- http://svsleagues.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Media - essentially all the match videos and a couple of easter eggs down the bottom
- http://svsleagues.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Website_References_Catalogue - nostalgia ftw!
If you see errors, or just have info you'd like to include, by all means go for it: tell me or edit the site directly. I'll clean up any struggles with consistent format.
A lot of people have helped, generally providing info. Some of the ones who've offered a heap of info include Gruntster, Hallu, hendrix, Peeking Duck?, High Gain, twIsta, Three, Plutorus, Mighty Sven, Bargeld, Ra, Underlord, Benji, Caerbannog, Pryde - and many, many more. Thanks to everyone who put up with my questions.
Ok hope you enjoy. I suck at playing so wanted to give something other than 250 ping of aussie badness.
- Nude
One of the three most dangerous people in Subspace.