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Chaos is RED Poulation 10
I am not sure why its doing this. Maybe priitk started server with an old backup.

Any time you download a new zone list it will update as a wrong ip and will be in red.


The quick fix is this:


close Continuum.

go into continuum directory and open up zone.dat. You will see something like this.


<div>SSCJ Devastation,,7022,,0</div>
<div>#Devastation, reborn! - The Ultimate Base Fighting Experience. You will never want to leave. ( (Devastation <a>forums)</a>; ss://</div>
<div>SSCU Extreme Games,,7900,,0</div>
<div>#[Extreme Games]The fastest and boldest warzone flagging available. For more information visit Owners: Pointman, The Junky, Zeus, Croaker  ss://</div>
<div>SSCU Trench Wars,,5400,,0</div>
<div>#SSCU Trench Wars - The most popular zone in Subspace/Continuum! Battle within the Trenches! Original Sysops: DoCk> and PriitK - Current Sysops: Pure_Luck, M_M God and Demonic - ss://</div>
<div>SSCX Chaos/League Zone SVS,,13500,,0</div>
<div>#Chaos is a Free-for-all zone based on Standard VIE Settings (SVS). Fly lone-wolf, in a swarm, or on a turret to compete in the bi-weekly Reset Winners Competition, the biannual Pilot/Squad Rankings, or just for the hell of it.. Now also the home of</div>
<div>SZ Battle Zone SVS,,3000,,1</div>
<div>#New Battle Zone. All the old Battle with the new Battle Funz.</div>
<div>SZ Dueling Arizona Revival SVS,,3500,,0</div>
<div>#Newgen's Revival of the old Dueling Arizona</div>
<div>SZ Metallic Rift,,3213,,0</div>
<div>#SZ Metallic Rift! Get ready for an epic flag game!</div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div>this line here is what you change: (the ip is the old ip)</div>
<div> </div>
<div>SSCX Chaos/League Zone SVS,,13500,,0
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div>Change it to:</div>
<div> </div>
<div>SSCX Chaos/League Zone SVS,,13500,,0
<div> </div>
<div>Save and exit.</div>
<div>and you should be good after that.</div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div>PS: if you refresh your zone list by clicking "download" in the zone menu, or if you have it set to auto download , you will have to do this each time. To avoid having to do this each time i suggest you update your list then edit dat and not update again until this is fixed.</div>
I would have mentioned this myself the other day had i thought about it.


Followed the same route that psyops is recommending above and not re-downloading chaos keeps it clean.





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