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Antiwarp in Safe
Why the fuck does antiwarp go off after about 5 minutes while in safe? I was waiting for a turret to leave safe so I could burst them and then all of a sudden they warped away. I looked down and antiwarp, that was on, was now off. I did a test and it is about 5 minutes in safe and antiwarp gets automatically turned off.

Stop fucking with the settings and not telling anyone.
Its been that way for a while. It turns it off so that people who go to safe and afk for a long period are not anti-warping people.
[quote name='ZiGNoTZaG' timestamp='1346653956' post='283960']

Its been that way for a while. It turns it off so that people who go to safe and afk for a long period are not anti-warping people.


Antiwarp is part of the game deal with it. I'm trying to play the game and some asshat changed the setting thinking they know better. Leave the fucking game alone you tools.
There is no server setting for a delayed turn off of antiwarp. There is just the ability to disable it when someone enters safe in the server.ini but no delay.

The bots can't just turn your antiwarp off, but they can unprize and reprize it to give the effect that they did, but you would have seen that.

This is either an undocumented client side bug/feature, or the previous line is true and you didn't notice.

Edit: Tested this and after ~2.5mins the bot(s) removed my anti and re-added it. I say bot(s) as it was unprized, prized, unprized, and prized again.
[quote name='PoLiX' timestamp='1346700076' post='283964']

There is no server setting for a delayed turn off of antiwarp. There is just the ability to disable it when someone enters safe in the server.ini but no delay.

The bots can't just turn your antiwarp off, but they can unprize and reprize it to give the effect that they did, but you would have seen that.

This is either an undocumented client side bug/feature, or the previous line is true and you didn't notice.

Edit: Tested this and after ~2.5mins the bot(s) removed my anti and re-added it. I say bot(s) as it was unprized, prized, unprized, and prized again.


It really doesn't matter if the bot unprized it and then prized it, the end result is the same, anti goes off. It's a stupid thing to change and serves no purpose at all. If someone wants to sit in safe with anti on then they should be able to do so, especially since I was playing and trying to trap a turret and then all of a sudden they warp away because anti goes off. But if the staff inssist on keeping this change then I request burst be removed, I really hate bursts. Oh and those thors suck too, those should be disabled as well. Stop screwing with the game.
i agree with Ethylene, quit fucking around

after edit

Hate to say I agree with Ethy but i do.
I'm with Eth on this one, too. I know the entire point was to ensure nobody could run AFK and annoy nearby ships by sitting in safe with anti turned on, but this wouldn't be an issue at all if the safe timer was still at 15 mins.
[quote name='Sue E. Side' timestamp='1346828854' post='284022']

nobody could run AFK and annoy nearby ships


read it again
[quote name='Cheese' timestamp='1346861274' post='284035']

[quote name='Sue E. Side' timestamp='1346828854' post='284022']

nobody could run AFK and annoy nearby ships


read it again[/quote]

[Image: iJN1rN4xSFnz4.png]
i dont get it
It's good to see what the staff think about all this, oh wait...nevermind
sitting in safe with anti on while taking a dump is a keystone of chaos.
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