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S32 R13 Schedule & Ship settings?
Round 12 Results:

10/28 3:53 pm FTNguyen def Assassins 12-4 log

10/28 3:00 pm Rebels def Llamas 9-6 log

10/28 2:23 pm Thor def StarFire Elite 12-1 log

Assassins vs. FTNguyen was just so-so exciting. It had the crowd talking about basketball. Most of them probably missed KN's portal shenanigans on Jake, what a shame. Assassins wasted 10 repels, Nguyens wasted 2. Only 7th Saga finished with a >50% DmgE for Nguyens.

Rebels vs. Llamas was rather tight, finishing 9-6 at full time. At 42:23 it was 6-5 in favor of Rebels, then Llamas tried to tie it and.. well, 1 for 3. Captor monstered up 6-2 while Eric Clapton got the other 3. Pension and Cycl0ne had the most everything for Llamas.

Thor manhandled StarFire Elite 12-1 in 9:11. That's a few minutes short of Assassins' unoffial 7-ish minute record. Once again SFE just hasn't felt like using repels, wasting 10 total. Baldorin finished the game 6-0. Candyman and Three shamelessly subbed in for 0 and 1 seconds to get that sweet +1 eRating.

--- Rosters are now locked. ---

Standings after R 12/15:

1 FTNguyen 12-0 101 0.46

2 Thor 8-4 32 0.469

3 Assassins 7-5 20 0.5

4 Rebels 6-6 -6 0.491

5 Llamas 2-10 -55 0.544

6 StarFire Elite 1-11 -92 0.536

I think the game time difference for euros will be back to normal as USA will be going back an hour on the 4th.

Some ship settings were tried after the last round. If you were there, comment on it. If you feel like we should just leave the ships alone, let me know.

Personally I'd prefer seeing less multibullet use overall. I don't really mind birds vs. birds as the ship is "standard" without bombsee or other useless game altering tricks.

Schedule for Round 13


StarFire Elite vs. Rebels -- 107547


FTNGuyen vs. Thor -- 107575

Llamas vs. Assassins -- 107576
The jav felt too fast.

Removing multifire from any ship seems wrong to me. So many players are so used to switching naturally between single fire and multifire that I think that change would take quite a while to get used to. I would be in favor of other ideas to punish the warbird for being too good. Some ideas might be removing one or more of the specials (rocket count reduced to 2, remove some combination of portals/decoys/stealth).

I didn't get a sense for the bullet damage on the weasel. How much damage did it do?
[quote name='babaloo' timestamp='1351623312' post='285063']

The jav felt too fast.

Removing multifire from any ship seems wrong to me. So many players are so used to switching naturally between single fire and multifire that I think that change would take quite a while to get used to. I would be in favor of other ideas to punish the warbird for being too good. Some ideas might be removing one or more of the specials (rocket count reduced to 2, remove some combination of portals/decoys/stealth).

I didn't get a sense for the bullet damage on the weasel. How much damage did it do?


I agree on the javelin, pretty much unkillable at that speed and can outrun most bombs. Although even the current jav is 3500 for free and a hefty 3750 if you sacrifice half of your recharge rate.

Weasel's bullets were the same cost as blues at 80% the damage so 170 a pop.

Decoys... stealth... portals... one might argue that these aren't worth much anyways. Rockets? Harsh and possibly game breaking, could be tested. The traditional argument for 3 rockets is that they are mostly used for offense, to wear down those reps.
I agree it is harsh--just throwing it out there. I don't like the idea of taking away things that are fun. I would assume most people agree that rockets, repels, and thors are fun.

Do you think the majority of players use rockets to chase down enemies? For players that aren't as good like me, we have to use them to run away. The warbirds agility saves the pilot's life enough, does it really need 3 rockets? I guess it could also be said that the warbirds agility allows it to get more shots off on enemies or chase them down easier, so does it really need 3 rockets?
i was thinking of suggesting a diminishing item count with the help of the bot for each new life. +3 reps, +2 reps, +1 rep (LL). 1 brick, 0, 0 ; etc. This would give a strong start in the beginning of games as that is when you will have the most items. Thus dying for items is not as much worth it.

the problem is that dying for items to "abuse" someone is FUN. Without it we will be bored.

I think all ships should have the same access to the same amount of items.

For ship settings..

weasel and shark are overpowered pretty much.

for the shark, it would be nice to see a LVL 2 bombs, no bullet delay after bomb, regular bullet dps. So a non emping weasel.

for the jav, increase x radar cost, lower stealth cost

for the bird, slight increase in thrust (still feels a tad off what a warbird should be) increasing this lets you play with the costs of x/stealth/aw of other ships.

for the levi, lower the cost of laying a mine, remove brick

for the lanc, reduce stealth and x radar costs

for the spider, reduce x radar cost, reduce cloak cost

for the weasel i'd rather see (LV1) red bombs with limited prox, doing the same damage as lvl 2 yellow bombs or more but i don't think you can do that. (if you can go like lvl2.4 in dmg that would even out difficulty so 2.3 to keep it fair) - the idea is "if i hit you, you're going to be hurt" However you can accomplish that. Raise bomb cost is needed already. sholdn't bomb cost = 1/2 of max possible damage including the duration of the EMP? So emp does roughly what 1200 on direct hit. emp costing 600 is wild so drop it 100 and say good luck. 500ish

Basically everything you suggested makes the game more defensive. People don't die for toys in league games unless their team has a massive lead and they have someone 0/0 LL and they want a repel for them. This is rare enough to not break pracs.

And I don't think there's any need to buff the warbird, especially to 20 thrust which was a bit of a breaking point when sharks had that.. unless it was 21.

And all the lanc will ever get are nerfs, the ship is broken.

And there's no setting for bomb/bullet delay (it's bomb delay, iirc). EMPs just break the regular one.

Level 1 bombs were never that popular. The way it deals damage in regards to lag is super random. You kinda have to assume you only just dealt 200 damage, even though it looked like 700. You only have to assume 350ish with level 2's to be on the safe side of things.

You capitalized FUN, so I assume the ship settings were aiming for max levels of fun?
Yeah i did give the ships less items to promote more teammwork playing which would be a lot more fun if EVERYONE was doing it.

this isn't the only arena. our mission is to make the very best 4v4.

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