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Epic practice log
Uh, apparently attach did not work!


Smackdown kb Liar -- Assist by: saiyan
  Smackdown is OUT! - [11:44]
  Score: 12-7 Freq 200 -- [3v1]
  Final Score: 12-7 Freq 200 wins -- Game Time: 11:44
  | F 200: Freq 200  Ki/De TK LO SK AS FR WR WRk Mi PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AcB AcG |    W-L   |   Ki/De  |  Rat TRat ERat |
  | Liar              5/ 1  0  1  0  1  3  1   2  1 11:36 |  16905/ 15050  52% |  31   9 |    8-26  |   50/57  |  +23  633  928 |
  | D.D.              1/ 3  0  0  0  1  1  2   6  1 10:29 |  10739/ 25325  29% |  17  14 |    1-3   |    2/12  |   -8  459  912 |
  | saiyan            2/ 2  0  1  1  3  8  1   2  0 11:35 |  37249/ 23607  61% |  75  20 |   80-35  |  338/201 |    0 1280 1854 |
  | Nacre             4/ 1  0  1  2  4  5  0   0  0 11:32 |  32468/ 19458  62% |  66  22 |   71-53  |  291/266 |  +20  921 1611 |
  | TOTAL:           12/ 7  0  3  3  9 17  4  10  2       |  97361/ 83440      |  51  15 |  160-117 |  681/536 |   +8  823 1326 |
  | F 100: Freq 100  Ki/De TK LO SK AS FR WR WRk Mi PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AcB AcG |    W-L   |   Ki/De  |  Rat TRat ERat |
  | JOCKER            2/ 3  0  0  1  1  1  2   5  0  8:39 |  17865/ 23415  43% |  72  19 |   97-59  |  410/360 |  -17  776 1606 |
  | Parabola          1/ 3  0  0  0  2  4  1   3  1 10:56 |  18126/ 29839  37% |  58  13 |  100-100 |  396/464 |   +4  788 1151 |
  | Smackdown         2/ 3  0  0  1  1  1  1   2  1 11:39 |  21160/ 27694  43% |  50  17 |   34-73  |  210/242 |   +2  924  938 |
  | SiLeNT STaLKeR    2/ 3  0  0  0  1  2  0   4  6  9:55 |  17889/ 21750  45% |  39  15 |   11-48  |   57/140 |  +13  374  624 |
  | TOTAL:            7/12  0  0  2  5  8  4  14  8       |  75040/102698      |  52  16 |  242-280 | 1073/1206|    0  715 1078 |
  Stats for this game can be viewed at:
  MVP: Liar (+23)      -- Runner Up: Nacre (+20)
  LVP: JOCKER (-17)      -- Runner Up: D.D. (-8)
  Grifter has 15 seconds to claim their captain spot.
       Nacre> YES
     Grifter> !claim
  Grifter is the new captain for freq 100
     Grifter> um
     Grifter> 3 to 100
  Something > !cap
     Grifter> !rdy
  Freq 100 is ready. Game will start when all teams are ready.
      JOCKER> rdy up
    Parabola> i am warmed up now
        Liar> !ready
  Starting in 10 seconds...
    Parabola> not completely awaken
       Nacre> parabola is lubed up now he said
    Parabola> but close
T DZ-4v4-Bot> Odds to win: Freq 100 (35%), Freq 200 (65%). Use /!predict 100 (Grifter) or /!predict 200 (Liar) during the first 2 minutes to bet on a team to win.
    Parabola> i will show you whos lubed up
      JOCKER> .items
    Parabola> .items
  SiLeNT STa> .cap
  SiLeNT STa> .predict 200
    Parabola> .items
  saiyan kb Parabola -- Assist by: JOCKER
  saiyan has 2 lives remaining - [1:49]
  Score: 1-0 Freq 100 -- [4v4]
    Parabola> and its him
      saiyan> aimed
    Parabola> lool
      saiyan> i bet
      JOCKER> ya
     Cycl0ne> .cap
T DZ-4v4-Bot> Predicting Freq 200 to win: SiLeNT STaLKeR
  JOCKER kb Liar -- Assist by: Nacre
  JOCKER has 2 lives remaining - [2:01]
  Score: 1-1 TIED -- [4v4]
      JOCKER> backlobbers
      JOCKER> .....
      JOCKER> I take it
      JOCKER> .items
       Nacre> repers
        Liar> i could just as easily call you a bomb plow
      JOCKER> :)
      JOCKER> ya
  Parabola kb D.D. -- Assist by: Nacre
  Parabola has 2 lives remaining - [2:42]
  Score: 2-1 Freq 200 -- [4v4]
       Nacre> haha
    Parabola> oosp
    Parabola> i am blind
  Nacre kb JOCKER
  Nacre has 2 lives remaining - [3:17]
  Score: 2-2 TIED -- [4v4]
    Parabola> fr
       Nacre> lol
    Parabola> fd
      JOCKER> haha
  JOCKER kb saiyan -- Assist by: D.D.
  JOCKER has 1 life remaining - [3:22]
  Score: 3-2 Freq 200 -- [4v4]
    Parabola> .items
      JOCKER> omg
      JOCKER> typing
       Nacre> i could have repped again
      JOCKER> :(
       Nacre> i ran out of energy shooting everyone
      JOCKER> ya
  Smackdown kb Nacre
  Smackdown has 2 lives remaining - [3:41]
  Score: 4-2 Freq 200 -- [4v4]
      JOCKER> .items
  JOCKER kb Liar -- Assist by: D.D.
  JOCKER is OUT! - [4:49]
  Score: 5-2 Freq 200 -- [4v3]
      JOCKER> unbelievable
  SiLeNT STa> Jocker good 2day!
       Nacre> parabola
    Parabola> .restart
       Nacre> would you like to discuss the terms of your surrender?
     Grifter> end or restart i dont care
  Freq 100 has requested to end the game. Game will end when both teams agree to end.
    Parabola> hahah
     Grifter> restart
  Freq 100 has requested to restart the game. Game will restart when both teams agree to restart.
     Grifter> end
     Grifter> oh
    Parabola> let
    Parabola> the tersm are
     Grifter> lol
       Nacre> nice lag?
       Nacre> lol
        Liar> teams says wait till we have 8 kills
    Parabola> no
       Nacre> i totally raped you while you were typing lol
    Parabola> the terms are, i get to win in a couple of duels. then i spec.
    Parabola> prepare your weapon
       Nacre> unconditional surrender?
       Nacre> ft
  Nacre kb Parabola
  Nacre has 1 life remaining - [6:29]
  Score: 5-3 Freq 200 -- [4v3]
       Nacre> NO
       Nacre> lol
  Grifter kb Liar -- Assist by: saiyan
  Grifter has 2 lives remaining - [6:40]
  Score: 6-3 Freq 200 -- [4v3]
  Parabola kb Nacre -- Assist by: saiyan
  Parabola has 1 life remaining - [7:51]
  Score: 7-3 Freq 200 -- [4v3]
  Liar kb Smackdown
  Liar has 2 lives remaining - [7:52]
  Score: 7-4 Freq 200 -- [4v3]
    Parabola> TO BATTLE
    Parabola> .items
       Nacre> fr
    Parabola> sec
    Parabola> charging
    Parabola> :)
       Nacre> ft
  Nacre kb Liar [TEAMKILL] -- Assist by: Smackdown
  Nacre is OUT! - [8:49]
  Score: 7-5 Freq 200 -- [3v3]
       Nacre> LOL
    Parabola> yes
  Something > lol
       Nacre> WHAT
    Parabola> you lost the battle
      JOCKER> .items
       Nacre> there was a traitor amongst us
      JOCKER> he might win the war though
  saiyan kb Grifter -- Assist by: Smackdown
  saiyan has 1 life remaining - [9:36]
  Score: 7-6 Freq 200 -- [3v3]
      saiyan> laff
  saiyan changes ships.
       nismo> !cap
       Nacre> grifter you have to believe in yourlse
       Nacre> yourself
      JOCKER> .items
        Odin> what the fuck
        Odin> seriously, how can two DVD RW drives fail at once
  Smackdown kb saiyan -- Assist by: D.D.
  Smackdown has 1 life remaining - [11:23]
  Score: 8-6 Freq 200 -- [3v3]
       Nacre> maybe it's the user
        Liar> ^^
        Odin> no dickwad
       Nacre> OH I GOT YOU GOOD ODIN
  SiLeNT STa> saiyan for the laggout
  SiLeNT STa> .......
      Savage> !cap
        Odin> two different machines, one fails to write properly (cds come out corrupted) the other machine I just realized the drive si completely dead
      Savage> :(
        Liar> .items
        Odin> time for a trip to frys
  Need pilots to duel in ?go duel - Savage
  saiyan kb Grifter -- Assist by: Parabola
  saiyan is OUT! - [13:10]
  Score: 8-7 Freq 200 -- [2v3]
      JOCKER> .items
       Nacre> we wish to discuss terms of surrender
    Parabola> lol
      JOCKER> my team didnt need me to win woohoo
      JOCKER> im a nonfactor
      JOCKER> $
  Grifter kb Liar -- Assist by: D.D.
  Grifter has 1 life remaining - [13:29]
  Score: 9-7 Freq 200 -- [2v3]
  D.D. kb Smackdown -- Assist by: Grifter
  D.D. has 2 lives remaining - [13:30]
  Score: 9-8 Freq 200 -- [2v3]
    Parabola> .items
       Nacre> we wish to discuss a rematch
     Grifter> rematch
      JOCKER> .items
     Grifter> oh
     Grifter> i thought it was a command
  Something > objection
        Odin> grifter is the new 600 lbs gorilla of this game
      Savage> I WANT TO PLAY :(
  Something > !showline
      JOCKER> .items
        Liar> !end
  Freq 200 has requested to end the game. Game will end when both teams agree to end.
  Final Score: 9-8 Freq 200 wins -- Game Time: 14:51
  | F 200: Freq 200  Ki/De TK LO SK AS FR WR WRk Mi PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AcB AcG |    W-L   |   Ki/De  |  Rat TRat ERat |
  | Liar              4/ 1  1  0  0  0  5  0   2  1 14:47 |  25515/ 26152  49% |  39  14 |    9-26  |   54/58  |  +21  654  938 |
  | D.D.              1/ 1  0  0  0  4  1  0   0  0 14:47 |  13461/ 35419  27% |  25  11 |    2-3   |    3/13  |  +10  469  922 |
  | saiyan            2/ 3  0  0  0  2  5  0   5  1 13:07 |  30303/ 35263  46% |  61  14 |   81-35  |  340/204 |  -12 1268 1864 |
  | Nacre             2/ 3  0  0  1  2  4  3   5  1  8:47 |  26720/ 23736  52% |  85  21 |   72-53  |  293/269 |   -1  920 1621 |
  | TOTAL:            9/ 8  1  0  1  8 15  3  12  3       |  95999/120570      |  52  14 |  164-117 |  690/544 |   +4  827 1336 |
  | F 100: Freq 100  Ki/De TK LO SK AS FR WR WRk Mi PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AcB AcG |    W-L   |   Ki/De  |  Rat TRat ERat |
  | JOCKER            1/ 3  0  0  1  1  0  3   6  1  4:49 |   9782/ 16665  36% |  66  24 |   97-60  |  411/363 |  -35  741 1596 |
  | Parabola          2/ 2  0  0  1  1  6  0   3  1 14:47 |  27903/ 33439  45% |  57  27 |  100-101 |  398/466 |  +12  800 1141 |
  | Smackdown         2/ 2  0  0  1  2  2  0   3  0 14:47 |  35133/ 22588  60% |  63  20 |   34-74  |  212/244 |   +2  926  928 |
  | Grifter           2/ 2  0  0  0  1  5  0   5  1 14:47 |  38834/ 29306  56% |  65  26 |    8-9   |   38/39  |  +21  568 1188 |
  | TOTAL:            8/ 9  0  0  3  5 13  3  17  3       | 111652/101998      |  62  24 |  239-244 | 1059/1112|    0  758 1212 |
  Stats for this game can be viewed at:
  MVP: Liar (+21)      -- Runner Up: Grifter (+21)
  LVP: JOCKER (-35)      -- Runner Up: saiyan (-12)
T DZ-4v4-Bot> Winning Predictions (Freq 200): SiLeNT STaLKeR
  Something Dutch has 15 seconds to claim their captain spot.
  Something > !claim
  Something Dutch is the new captain for freq 100
  Something > !sub 100
       Nacre> ok
     Grifter> lol
    Parabola> wow
       nismo> !sub 100
      JOCKER> wtf
       Nacre> loloolol
     Grifter> hahaha
       Nacre> YOU FOOLS
       Nacre> WE ARE THE BEST
     Grifter> that was nice
       Nacre> god dammit im the best
     Cycl0ne> .sub 100
       Nacre> someone screenshot that
     Grifter> lol
       Nacre> and declare me the champ
       Nacre> .sub
      JOCKER> lol
    Parabola> that hurts
    Parabola> feels so dirty
  Something > crazy game
  Something > rdy
  Freq 100 is ready. Game will start when all teams are ready.
     Grifter> well
      JOCKER> they can have it
   Smackdown> usualy the winers get to dtay
   Smackdown> stay
     Grifter> !cap
       Nacre> the winners are staying
       Nacre> we were ahead
       Nacre> lol
     Grifter> lol
        Odin> gg
   Smackdown> oh lol
       nismo> epic fail of the day
       Nacre> that was legendary
  Starting in 10 seconds...
I don't get it
team forgot they requested an !end?


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