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S33 R19 Schedule, R18 Results
<div>Standings after Round 17:</div>
<div>1 FTNguyen 16-2 142 0.474</div>
<div>2 Requiem 16-2 125 0.52</div>
<div>3   Sterling 14-2 71 0.529</div>
<div>4 Nuke 13-5 97 0.504</div>
<div>5   Assassins 12-6 76 0.51</div>
<div>6   Rebels 10-8 8 0.517</div>
<div>7   Llamas 9-9 -4 0.52</div>
<div>8   ReDS 5-5 6 0.554</div>
<div>9 Gods 4-11 -61 0.522</div>
<div>10   Unhallowed 3-15 -87 0.558</div>
<div>11   StarFire Elite 3-15 -96 0.52</div>
<div>12 Alpha Reunion 3-15 -126 0.531</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Results R18/22:</div>
<div>6/16 3:51 pm   Llamas  def    Unhallowed 12-5 log</div>
<div>6/16 3:39 pm   Sterling  def  Alpha Reunion 12-3 log</div>
<div>6/16 3:33 pm  Nuke  def    ReDS 12-1 log</div>
<div>6/16 3:01 pm   Assassins  def  FTNguyen 6-4 log</div>
<div>6/16 2:43 pm   Rebels  def    StarFire Elite 12-10 log</div>
<div>6/16 2:02 pm  Requiem  def  BYE Round 12-0 log</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Llamas kicked things off with Jamuraan dying twice for 0-2. They then got on their game and by 4-4 Jamuraan was still 2 deaths, while Suspension had hit the critical 3. 4v3 and only 1 death for Llamas after that. GGWP. Hedcase8 was rewarded with 1-0, 4as, 7fr and a mere +13 robot points.</div>
<div>Sterling defeated a five man (possibly more) Alpha Reunion 12-3, with Hallowed subbing in and dying in under 2 minutes. Although this was around the 22 minutes mark and AR were already 3v4 at this point.</div>
<div>Enforcer is horrible so he ruined the 12-0 for Nuke, making it 12-1. Dingo flew a lancaster, mostly into bombs, but still.</div>
<div>Assassins had a more traditional line-up in when they defeated Nguyens. The spec chat is a nice read here, well, sort of. It's way off the actual events, but a fun read regardless. Legacy and 7th provided sins with a 3 kill lead before TVB had time to start killing people. A lot of the deaths were via offensive repels or late repels (for both teams). Including the buzzer beater repkill/laterep.</div>
<div>I'm sad to say I missed the epic spectacle the 12-10 Rebels vs. SFE must've been. For SFE the stats that stand out are Dutch and INRI with 4+ AS and FR each. If anyone involved in the game can provide details, please do so.</div>
<div>And requiem totally upset BYE Round.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Alpha Reunion vs. Rebels -- 117065</div>
<div>Assassins vs. StarFire Elite -- 117066</div>
<div>FTNguyen vs. Requiem -- 117067</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Llamas vs. Sterling -- 117068</div>
<div>Nuke vs. BYE Round -- 117069</div>
<div>Unhallowed vs. ReDS -- 117070</div>
<div> </div>
<div>EDIT: Lul, hedcase got 13 points, not 1. Still kinda shitty for the effort.</div>
Thanks for the recap. I'd donate Hedcase some robot points if I had any, because that is baloney.


Req vs FTN for the top seed next Sunday =)

AR technically had six available if you count myself, which I wouldn't. Leaking a steady rate of deaths early pretty much upfucked any big chance of making inroads though I'm proud of all the girls for fighting on and I would like to think Ster didn't feel as though they were just flying around in ships solving mysteries, and picking kills off the trees. Rage   did what is known in cricket as "cleaning up the tail", but not before a highly entertaining THC check for coeliac on pseudo who was caught out too busy minding the front of the store. No-one else gave a shit but as an uncivilised spectator I thought it looked good. ishy stood out as being the most troublesome even though he didn't trouble the w/l scoreboard as much as their other guys. Interesting to note dmg was pretty even b/w the two teams throughout. Do I sound like I know what I'm talking about? 'cause I can do impressions.

One of the three most dangerous people in Subspace.

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