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Nuke beat Req 7-6 just before the OT. The game was... strange to say the least, Nuke was up a lot, then it was even for a while.


Alpha Reunion beat SFE 2-0 for AML bronze, aw yiss.


The bot defeated ReDS in the first game of AML finals, granting Llamas the 1-0 lead.

So... yeah, that sucks. Plus I thought the subs were in the other slots, so getting Kop back in took a bit longer than it should.



Well, SF and Hendrix have settled on playing a minimum of 2 more games with 1-0 up in kills for the third in a race to six, should they tie in the first two.


I'll schedule more games as we get there, to prevent any bot auto-calls again.


4v4a - PRO

3pm Nuke vs. FTNguyen -- 119020

4pm Nuke vs. FTNguyen 


4v4b - AML

3pm ReDS vs. Llamas -- 119019

4pm ReDS vs. Llamas

(5pm race to 6 handicap, if necessary)

<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;">2. ReDS win both? Reds obviously win the title if they win both.

<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;">2. ReDS win both? Reds obviously win the title if they win both.



I wasn't there for the game but heard through the grapevine about what happened. I don't exactly understand all your ideas.... but I don't think Street wants to replay game 1.


So if llamas win both, they win. If we win both, we win.


Should we tie... Sudden death, first to 3,4,5,6 kills? or first to get 2 kills ahead? (2-0, 3-1, etc). I don't get the kill/death thing... I mean, apparently we were down 3v4 for a long time because of bot issues, so that gives llamas a lead. At the same time, they could have been in the lead to begin with and won... so....................... I'm down with talking with SF about what we think is fair. I didn't see how the game was being played out, so I can't say llamas or reds were going to win without bot issues. At the same time I don't want to take a win from llamas... but at the same time maybe it would have been a win for us. We were lagging out apparently though... so that means something.


SF: I say we just play the two games. Hopefully one of us wins both and that is the end to it. We can talk about what to do with a tie. Maybe we do kill death and give you a lead to start off with, or play an OT game, or something... so lets talk about that.


So, obviously if either team wins both games, they win.


Yeah, this first game was a bit of chaos, but we did everything we could to help your guys with bot commands and even waited for them to have four in twice for like a minute or two.


I also want this to be fair, but I think we should have some sort of advantage if it ends up 1-1 this Sunday, cuz this shit happens all the time really. IMO, sudden death is a stupid way to decide the winner. But, we could do first to 6 kills with llamas leading 1-0 at the start if u think that's fair. Not a big advantage, but some obviously. Is that ok?


Also, game 2 at 4 est, game 3 at 5?



Yeah you would need some advantage definitely. 1-0 lead is fair to me. Having a 1 kill advantage to 6 kills is already pretty strong, 2 would be good if we went to 12.


If you don't want to do sudden death I'm down to talk about k/d or anything else as well, I just threw that out there. No matter what we do... Llamas get an advantage.


4 and 5 est is fine with me. I can't see my squad disagreeing either. I think 3 and 4 would be fine with us too.



edited original, bump

ass vs ftn?

Caer, llamas would like 4 and 5 EST please. Hend said it would be fine with him. Could u change it?

We play loser for AMLSILVER CHAMPS!

Caer, llamas would like 4 and 5 EST please. Hend said it would be fine with him. Could u change it?



Llamas beat ReDS 2-0 in two overtime games. The games were played... let's say carefully. The first one kicked off with a TK, and ReDS' fullsub wasn't full at all. The first kill in the second one came in late, around 22 minutes. If we ever crowned MVPs for series, I think it'd go over to Psycho Psematic, regardless of being on the losing team. 14 FR, assists here and there, damage, control.


FTNguyen and Nuke will finish their 1-1 series this Sunday at 4pm. Unlike the AML finals and careful play, these games were insane. Kill exchanged left and right, lots of WRs, sloppy play in general.


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