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PUBLIC REMINDER: Don't do stupid .. things
Such as 0-3 out and then !kick or !ban your entire team to not have the prac count.

Someone might or might not have been just banned for a week for doing this.


A week?! That's a bit harsh?! Sure, but I couldn't get the time changed. Deal wit it. Kappa.

Oh boy. Who could have been so stupid?

Stats for this game can be viewed at:


Ban obesity. Died out then kicked his teammates to spec.

If you're going to obsess at least make sure your link works?

Actually pez, you're only partially right. INRI specc'd on his own free will which was before I banned Bullshido from my freq. Nobody on the team wanted to play anymore. If you really want to get down to the stats you could bring up the fact that both myself and INRI have the highest first out % in the league; coupled with the other team having some of the best pilots in league currently there was no possible way to win this game.


Also, this prac counted, there were enough deaths in the game so I am not exploiting the bot to "save stats".


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