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Calling all map makers

I hate comparing spaceships to real-life sports but let's entertain it for a second. Football, soccer, baseball, etc all play on the same field and have been for decades. Aside from establishing standards applicable to the field for a given sport, the teams practice and have become acclimated with its form-factor and structure over time. If you were to change the field then players would be spending more time re-learning the field versus focusing on the game itself.



I hate comparing competitive video games to other competitive video games but let's entertain it for a second. Counter Strike, Starcraft, Team Fortress, etc... all feature different maps which require different tactics.


I bet one of the main reasons football, soccer, baseball etc don't have different "fields" (which for baseball is already not entirely accurate) is because it costs millions of dollars to create them and takes up actual real estate.


My 4 cents.

All those games you named started with different maps from the beginning. League has been on the same map for years, subsequently ingraining deeper feelings of comfort in the population over time. So changing it now would be too large of a distraction because of that sentiment.

I realize you're just a massive troll but if you're genuinely that dense I hope the above explanation helps.
The league map has changed before, the ship settings have changed numerous times, the rules have changed as well. I am not advocating changing the map necessarily just offering a counterpoint. 

Thanks for all the feedback. From what I've read here and talked to people in game there seems to be alot of difference in opinions. Which is good, a map should be a bit uncomfortable for everyone without forcing a specific style of play. But that's just my opinion.


I will tweak these maps during the season, based on feedback (keep it coming) and with some help from a few people.


Still looking forward to seeing what the general public can come up with, get to work.



I found that these maps felt too much like Powerball maps. I wanted to press alt to alert myself to location of ball simply because of the seeming Goal post symmetry in both of them. I think the map should be almost chaotic, and have obstacles that can be used towards a tactical advantage at any given moment. With the second map above especially, pilots would get pushed to one of the "goals" and get pounded without having anywhere to run. Just my 2 cents.

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