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Whining during pracs / weak attitudes
Alright dudes, couple of things from the Riot of Minds.


1. This is the best game ever created and the community is full of highly skilled pilots. I have a ton of respect for many of you, not solely for your skill level, but because many of you have done well with your lives. We have known each other for a lifetime already and that in itself is an interesting thing.


2. Given the reality of no.1, we can all do better when dealing with one another, and frankly some people have to man up. I am not going to name any names, you know who you are. If by chance you do not, I have written some friendly pointers below to help you out.


1. For the pilot that *always has an excuse* after a death:


three> enough with the excuses

three> it makes you weak


2. For the pilot that *always* blames lag after a death:

<div> </div>
three> enough with the excuses

three> it makes you weak

<div> </div>
<div>3. For the pilot that *always* blames his team after a death:</div>
<div> </div>
three> enough with the excuses

three> it. makes. you. *WEAK*



You get the picture. If you die, or die out... try growing a pair of testicles for a change and take it like a man, don't say anything. Come back and say something with how you pew pew. Kill the guy that killed you and FEEL THE GLORY!


You know what happens? You have a little less space between your thighs and a little bit more OOMF in your thrusters, savvy?


You are not going to survive every battle you have in Subspace. You are going to die. It is an inevitability. I know, you know, god almighty in his continuous continuum knows.


If you are in your early 30s, or approaching your 30s and the above applies to you, it is time to seriously evaluate where your life went wrong and why experiencing an inevitable death in an on-line game shatters your ego. I say that with love.



Haven't played in a while, but recall you as being the epitome of what you're now discouraging.

Haven't played in a while, but recall you as being the epitome of what you're now discouraging.


Yeah, when I was 15.


I'm sure you wet your bed at one point in your life. Are you the epitome of a bed wetter?
This was merely a few years ago.  Are you 17 or 18 now?

Riot this is the internet, people are gonna act a fool.

Riot this is the internet, people are gonna act a fool.


He is right though. I used to play DSB and over the years the zone slowly died due to lack

of leadership or bad leadership, but a big chunk of the players left because of idiots trash

talking, or behaving like Dre (DSB player) in a way.

I can say that this kind of behavior caused me to quit playing games quite a bit.


It's not as bad as it was in DSB but some days it does go there and I don't wish to see this

zone turning to a trash talk fest and idiots roaming around and staff not doing anything about it.
4v4 population has been higher recently and I think that it is due to Dre and Pez not being there.  


Anyone agree?  

4v4 population has been higher recently and I think that it is due to Dre and Pez not being there.  


Anyone agree?  


I'm still convinced dre is hiding under an alias, considering how many new ones we have now.

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="7th Saga" data-cid="289649" data-time="1395503192">
4v4 population has been higher recently and I think that it is due to Dre and Pez not being there.  


Anyone agree?  

I'm still convinced dre is hiding under an alias, considering how many new ones we have now.



He is known to disappear for long periods of time, who knows. I'm just glad he's not around to piss people off.
It's hard for me to believe that people actually get pissed off by words in Subspace, given ?ignore and (I think) the lack of people making more aliases just for the sole purpose of talking to you. I think more relevant factors for population are ease of getting into a prac, whether pracs are "fun" (and different people have different idea of what's fun, from tryharding to 123gospear to using random ships to mostly typing and occasionally shooting), and whether there are matches coming up.

In my entire subspace career, I've still never used the ignore feature, and doubt I ever will. Maybe I'm lucky to be ADD and have selective hearing for idiots like dre and secede, but keep in mind even said idiots can provide fuel for flaming, which can be a goodtime for everyone in the arena who chooses to spectate or participate.. Get used to the trashtalking, a lot of it is in fun, keeps the game interesting, and keeps people on their toes. Don't be so sensitive. Problem solved.

Everybodies so mean to me... No one will even take my free games!

Can I whine about the people whining about whiners? (Big Grin) JK, don't be so sensitive dude and use ?ignore. If people are acting stupid you just ignore them and now they can bother everyone else till they get ignored by them too, then they eventually disappear like 7th mentioned.


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