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Temp Chaos/League Zone up
Psyops is hosting a temp Chaos/League zone - thanks Psy! All settings are the same as the regular zone, but the server isn't nearly as robust. We'll see how that goes.

To get there, click Zones from the Continuum front page

Paste ONLY this into the Directory Server Address List field:

erase all the ones in that list


Click the Download button

Scroll through the list and double click on:

SZ Chaos/League Zone SVS


then click OK

Now, create a new profile for your regular nick, but with a diff password (not on the same biller) This is not a critical thing to do here (since Psy isn't going to be stealing any nicks), but it IS critical in some of these other zones. So it's better to get in the habit of using a diff pw for each of these zones. When you see that box with the red text come up when you hit play (that says "this server isn't on the SSC biller"), make sure you're not using your normal password if you don't want the nick stolen. Alternatively, when the regular biller comes back up, just change the password there.

I've set up one 4v4 prac bot. I've also just brought in the Chaos Bots - so scores will count! I will create a new reset whenever the regular zone comes back. If there are some unforseen problems, I can just delete all the new data/kills so it won't muck things up.


Is the Server down I can't get on

Hi Capefire, the main server is down. You can add the temporary Chaos Zone that is currently live by following Hallu's instructions in the initial post!



when is it going to be back up and running ?

When the DDoS attack will be over.

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Just got a message from Priit that the ip will be re-enabled on Thursday.  Smile


The hosting company is not real thrilled with the DDOS attack. Obviously, they haven't met our community. No one is thrilled except that moron who is probably going to be hunted down by our own Continuum Anonymous.


Not advocating, just sayin' ...




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