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How about something along the lines of 1 or 2 uses per winning streak, tied to the freq (not the cap/player/squad). Or 1 use per 2 hours. Once that's up, change arenas if it's really that important to play a specific team.


It's stupid to use !fc anyway. In most cases, if a winning freq wanted to specifically play someone, but the !cap line was held valid, then the winning freq and their chosen competitor could always go to a different arena voluntarily. !fc is just a lazy shortcut for that. It could be argued that the !cap who is losing their spot could just as easily do the same... except that the single main arena tends to have a pre-existing line which makes the gameplay flow better for the randoms/next in line/people who have been waiting 30 minutes.


Cater the arenas to be for practicing for the layman and let the squads/vets adjust around that mindset, rather than the other way around. Catering to the vets is ultimately going to make league participation shrink due to attrition. The status quo arena is already to the point where players are suiciding cuz they don't care, aliasing so they don't tarnish their real stats, and incessantly spewing stupid, useless, wanna-be 1337 crap in blue.


The only legitimate reasons that !fc is needed is due to a player's ability to "?away claim" while afk, or some douchebag just wants to !claim and hold the arena hostage.




Would be cool if different game modes were available too, as mentioned earlier in the thread. Perhaps have a concurrent line of players that are volunteering to play in a random match. Let the new, challenging cap determine if he wants to draw the next players in that line and let the bot PM those players to !join or get skipped after a 30 sec timeout (kinda like how !cap works). Then, if both caps agree, allow the bot to mix up the teams based on more even ratings (The 2 caps keep their freq, the one with the lower rating gets the guy with the highest rating out of the non-cap players that are in, the other freq gets the next highest, back n forth). At least it wouldn't take 10 mins just to put a team together while the !showline is 7 caps deep.


Example command list:

!join (puts a player into the player line)

!showjoin (shows that line of players waiting)

!mix (both caps use the command while freqs are full, similar to !rdy - also, could be used as many times as desired, as long as both caps use the command... in case someone afk's/gets kicked/has to leave)

"<span style="font-family:tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(41,41,41);">Cater the arenas to be for practicing for the layman and let the squads/vets adjust around that mindset"</span>


<span style="font-family:tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(41,41,41);">There's really no amount of bot code that would accomplish that. People aliased to be allowed back into Alpha after dying in chaos pub back in '97. Checking aliases isn't reliable either.</span>


<span style="font-family:tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(41,41,41);">Sadly we cannot program people. Well, I can't program a bot either, but that's beside the point ;P</span>

While you're around, Caer, how's about updating A1 sometime. Maybe my erat is clouding my vision but last season seems to be missing eg: in 4v4squad1


And shouldn't AML Ssn 26 show team maimer over !norating?


No rush. Have you done it yet? How about now?

One of the three most dangerous people in Subspace.
Three, you wonder why I troll you?  You , and people like you, are a big reason this game is dying (Faster than it would otherwise)


LET THEM PLAY.  Perhaps play with 3 good players, 1 "newer" player on BOTH TEAMS? 
well, if some of the elitist fks keep it up, there will be no game to play... (there won't be either way)


But maybe, just maybe, consider something other than yourself you serious,selfish little man.


EDIT:  I pick "newer" players all the time.  Even if i might lose.  Why? Because I actually care about the game, and it isn't all about winning.  


To the people saying how bad some "newer" players are, well maybe it's bc they cant improve because they can rarely even play?  


And if these "newer" players wait in line, and your team is so damn good, why not just beat them in 5 mins and move along??  (not just directed at three, but all the chronic FC'rs)



ALSO, last I remember, the FC feature was to FORCECAP to a SQUAD with 4 on.  Hence the 4v4squad name.  Am i right?


so it isnt you can FC to whomever you wish if you won.

I hope Nacre finishes Subspace 2 soon.

I hope Nacre finishes Subspace 2 soon.

Three drew a Penis.  

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Mr. B-Hole" data-cid="291049" data-time="1402859807">
I've been playing this game since 1996. I decided a few months ago to put in some effort and learn 4v4. I find the more experienced players willfully make it harder than it should be to even PLAY let alone improve. Then, a more experienced player will join a freq with some newer guys and THROW THE PRAC. Experienced players going 0-3 in just a few minutes.  And then they have the nerve to act like the lesser experienced players should somehow be just fine with that. As if a newer player is going to keep sitting and watching, waiting for his turn to play and then when that time comes just not get to play at all  or have the prac sabotaged by an experienced player and then "keep their mouth shut" about it. SS has always had loud mouths and a lot of venom but when the better players are pulling this kind of crap, I'm done playing SS. Enjoy yourselves.


You're about 10 years too late. You are basically stuck with learning with your squad. The chances of having a good prac even with "good" players in it are close to zero. One or two will just be drooling at the mouth and mash F3 screaming ZDEATHXJENKINS. The best bit about the suicidal vets is how they are still picked over someone who is actually trying to play.


Disabling !forcecap doesn't solve the issue for as long as there are arenas the people playing can move to. That is what the previously did. I should add a sticky FAQ about this.


Three, your squad is not #1, stop lying (huehuehuehuehue). I did not read most of the posts, but I have no idea why Nude For Satan could not have valuable input on rules/policies, regardless of his pracstats.

You do realize half the rules that are keeping players from playing league (like kicking people past a certain point to replace them with others) are in place mostly because _you_ are the abusive dick that had us make them up? That's your true contribution to league you useless twat Smile



<p style="margin:0in;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">Well hi there Adolf, I'm sorry I bolted before the fire hoses and German Shepard’s arrived. I guess you didn't have the perimeter as secured as you thought! Fuck you Nazi. Do you honestly hate blacks that much.... the afterlife has an entire theme park lined up for you.</span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;"> </span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">My squad is still number 1, assuming we can show our best and I don't fly my 4th best ship. Thanks for having matches played on American major holidays, btw. heahehahjdrfeshehjehjeh %^^&&&& kekekekekekekekeke.... you're white, look in the mirror. Side note: 7 minutes, sit in spec and keep talking. You did wonders game three of the finals last year - huge contributor... You're a doorstop, not a play maker. </span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;"> </span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">I haven't dictated league policy ever. I don't have that kind of power (I even removed myself from the council I suggested be made because of inaction). I may have said so and so squad hasn't showed two weeks so they should be kicked out, shrug. That is true (you're job to notice - EGO probably fits the bill this season but hey, I like bhang). I also have voiced my opinion on ship settings. If the last statement you made were true Candyman wouldn't have been on Requiem near the end of its last past season. You refused to remove him, like the huge douche you are. 20 thrust sharks wouldn't have been allowed had a sane person been in charge, nor would spray and prey terriers (was this Underlord? I really don't care) - alas, it happened, and it is what it is. That being said I want nothing to do with the job - you're doing a bang up job alienating everyone and pretty much pissing on everyone that types to you.</span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;"> </span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">My true contribution is making new teams instead of staying on one stacked one for years on end. If I cared that much about winning titles I would never have LEFT the CHAMPIONS, whatever season it was. Would I have signed up against tak, Travis, Dingo, Mop, turb, etc. if I just wanted to win? Yeah I don't think so. Unlike you I prefer competition.</span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;"> </span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">Why is it again the current map isn't updated.... something about subs having to download the map? ANHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH - yeah those map downloads just take up megs and GIGS of memory when subbing into a match blind. You're such a fucking putz. Update the map with the current champions.....</span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;"> </span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">No..... Caerbannog........... There’s 2 e's in three. ehehehawhawhwhwahwaheawhewahewah DID U GET WHAT I SAUD THURRR??????</span>;

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;"> </span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">You'll have to type out Three once. and inertia, the second time, for this season.</span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;"> </span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">I really hope Outlaws start you in the post season... but they won't.... they know better. They know I'll take your fucking head off.</span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;"></span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"> 

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;">As for B-hole - stop fucking complaining and play. Holy shit. If you were taking peoples heads off would you be complaining? No. Get better. You're a grown man - shave the neck beard off, get on the elliptical, and blow some ships up.
Three, you wonder why I troll you?  You , and people like you, are a big reason this game is dying (Faster than it would otherwise)


LET THEM PLAY.  Perhaps play with 3 good players, 1 "newer" player on BOTH TEAMS? 



You're the guy that honestly believes Requiem 2.0 used the spider because of you and not Sterling. I don't care why you troll me - you just got sacked from Llama's for being a huge douche that can contribute lobs. Join backarrow - I'll be sure to personally sign off on a Level 3 bomb just for you, hand delivered.


Every season you run your mouth - every season you get jacked up. It's getting old.


I have zero interest watching shitty players play - ask other "good" players. Do they want to watch Joe Jr. and Mindriot battle it out? Or do they want to see Assassins play The Dark?


Yeah exactly. Rhetorical question.


You're the same guy who watches those Nissan Altima commercials thinking it's really handling like a race car. L O L. 
[Image: 314-lol-whats-going-on-in-this-thread.png]


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Psycho Psematic" data-cid="291064" data-time="1403119076">
Three, you wonder why I troll you?  You , and people like you, are a big reason this game is dying (Faster than it would otherwise)


LET THEM PLAY.  Perhaps play with 3 good players, 1 "newer" player on BOTH TEAMS? 



You're the guy that honestly believes Requiem 2.0 used the spider because of you and not Sterling. I don't care why you troll me - you just got sacked from Llama's for being a huge douche that can contribute lobs. Join backarrow - I'll be sure to personally sign off on a Level 3 bomb just for you, hand delivered.


Every season you run your mouth - every season you get jacked up. It's getting old.


I have zero interest watching shitty players play - ask other "good" players. Do they want to watch Joe Jr. and Mindriot battle it out? Or do they want to see Assassins play The Dark?


Yeah exactly. Rhetorical question.


You're the same guy who watches those Nissan Altima commercials thinking it's really handling like a race car. L O L. 



Yeah that's not going to happen. I've managed to build a pretty nice squad and i'll limit it to one douchebag. 





shave the neck beard off, get on the elliptical, and blow some ships up.
<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"> 

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;">But I need my neck beard to match my fedora.


Nice to see that Three has a stiffy for me and Mindriot. wonder if he thinks about me in the shower..?
Nice to see that Three has a stiffy for me and Mindriot. wonder if he thinks about me in the shower..?

I do.  8)
The problem is pracs are almost exclusively held in the squad prac arenas and not regular prac arenas. Look at the composition of teams in the squad prac arenas. They are very rarely two squads practicing against each other or one squad taking both freqs. Have you noticed that season after season after season after season the one common complaint is the lack of enough players to fill out squads? Hell that has been going on for over 10 yrs alone. My stats are horrible but I still like to play 4v4 because it is FUN for me and I enjoy it regardless of my stats. I try my best and whatever happens happens. Trotting out your stats as a valid reason to boot people because they aren't "elite" in your book is a bit disingenuous and vain at the least. Its not like Bhole is some guy that just dl'd the game and is flying around clueless in a prac and screwing it up for the other players. For people that aren't on a league squad or considered "elite" it is very hard to get into a 4v4 practice. If I have cap or somehow make it into one and am asked cordially if I would spec for a squad member or good flying friend in subspace I always spec with no argument but just booting people arbitrarily is really a childish move. Shit wait 15 mins and when he loses, take the spot and roll on. 

WTF Get off my lawn!
Three, you wonder why I troll you?  You , and people like you, are a big reason this game is dying (Faster than it would otherwise)


LET THEM PLAY.  Perhaps play with 3 good players, 1 "newer" player on BOTH TEAMS? 

well yeah that too PP Smile
WTF Get off my lawn!
Nice to see that Three has a stiffy for me and Mindriot. wonder if he thinks about me in the shower..?

I do Joe
WTF Get off my lawn!
[Image: GDKYa9m.jpg]

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