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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Three" data-cid="291093" data-time="1403334538">

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Psycho Psematic" data-cid="291064" data-time="1403119076">
Three, you wonder why I troll you?  You , and people like you, are a big reason this game is dying (Faster than it would otherwise)


LET THEM PLAY.  Perhaps play with 3 good players, 1 "newer" player on BOTH TEAMS? 



You're the guy that honestly believes Requiem 2.0 used the spider because of you and not Sterling. I don't care why you troll me - you just got sacked from Llama's for being a huge douche that can contribute lobs. Join backarrow - I'll be sure to personally sign off on a Level 3 bomb just for you, hand delivered.


Every season you run your mouth - every season you get jacked up. It's getting old.


I have zero interest watching shitty players play - ask other "good" players. Do they want to watch Joe Jr. and Mindriot battle it out? Or do they want to see Assassins play The Dark?


Yeah exactly. Rhetorical question.


You're the same guy who watches those Nissan Altima commercials thinking it's really handling like a race car. L O L. 



Yeah that's not going to happen. I've managed to build a pretty nice squad and i'll limit it to one douchebag. 






<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Three" data-cid="291092" data-time="1403333516">

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;">As for B-hole - stop fucking complaining and play. Holy shit. If you were taking peoples heads off would you be complaining? No. Get better. You're a grown man - shave the neck beard off, get on the elliptical, and blow some ships up.


Look, you fucking dickhead, you are arguing that it's just fine for you to STOP people from playing when they have waited in line to do so. I don't have time for such second grade bullshit. Fuck you in every possible way. You demotivate people who are trying to get better and then you tell them to get better. I no longer give a fuck about getting better, in fact I'll never set foot in there again. Did I mention FUCK YOU?



Did you act this way in your first week of college, assuming, you went to college?


Do you act this way on your first day of work? You're new, suck it up. You're not going to be treated like a CEO, neophyte.


I guess the fuck you and goodbye doesn't apply. You're still here. I thought you quit already.


Oh and a nice fuck you too buddy. ANYTIME kid. Grow up. Enjoy the !bonus, shields, bursts, superpower, and the remaining lame shit in public. That game suits you better. Controlled environments where teamwork and skill matter aren't your forte. Eat a dick.


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote">

My squad is still number 1, assuming we can show our best and I don't fly my 4th best ship.

Yeah and my team is still number 1 assuming we score more points than our opponents in games. Pew pew pew.


It's quite amazing how delusional you are. I guess you forgot about all those times you either jumped squads with a few players after you had no chance of being in the playoffs. And the times you quit on your squad after everything didn't go according to plan?


Oh and I'd much rather watch Mindriot vs. Joe Jr. if their squads have people show up, than watch Assassins vs. The Dark part 65 with the same players over and over. However, I'd rather play vs. either of the latter squads. Or would've rather done so back when I almost cared.


Either way, Three is a useless dick, don't mind him


<span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:arial, sans-serif;">Caerbannog 0/ 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6:48 | 4718/ 10507 30% | 20 1 | 10-1 | 17/3 | 0 593 1893</span>


Holy shit man you were undefeated before the finals? How did you do it?!@!?! Did you just wreck teams that were good? No - you didn't. Nice accuracy btw.


<span style="font-size:10.5pt;">You lasted about as long as the Pols lasted against the Nazi's playing a real team post season.. Your ancestors wouldn't be proud.



<span style="font-size:10.5pt;">I may die out in the regular season, or the post season, for that matter, but I'm no Caerbannog. I would rather blow it myself than sit back and watch it happen. I would rather take the blame when inaction has the same or worse </span>consequences<span style="font-size:10.5pt;"> as </span>over-extension.


<span style="font-size:10.5pt;">I think I missed the pro playoffs once in recent days (7+ years ago) - on No Contest, where we played Llamasutra, llamas, whoever, in the IMl finals, where a ref force killed scorch, and they offered a replay and we said no thanks. 1-0. Again, I left title teams to make smaller more active teams that I knew had strong odds against them. You hitched your wagon to one star, rode the bench in real games that mattered post season, and ran your mouth.



<span style="font-size:10.5pt;">Is the time I jumped squads the one time No Contest merged with Starseed to beat Travis, tak, Dingo, and company? DAMN YOU GOT ME. I wonder if I could have joined Starfire Elite and ran the table - carried them to the title........................... LOL.



<span style="font-size:10.5pt;">Riiiiigggghhhttt "your" team. You sit in spec on "your team" and contribute nothing but sterile conjecture from spec or here in games that matter. Keep scheduling games on major holidays where you win when the roster you’re on shows 85% while everyone else shows 50%. 2-0. I guess none of the guys on Outlaws have a dad.



<span style="font-size:10.5pt;">You WOULDN'T PLAY EITHER OF THOSE SQUADS WHEN IT MATTERS BECAUSE YOU DON'T FUCKING PLAY. You sit in spec or here and talk shit when the post season comes around. 3-0, TKO.



Prove how useful you are, since I am clearly useless. I know nothing about teamwork, 4v4IQ, ship settings, etc. Rejoin llamas. Take them to the title buddy. All I hear are crickets. Enjoy the pine.


Edit: Update the map. And "your team" isn't undefeated. I already went balls deep in you sloshed last season with an inferior ship, actually, two inferior ships.. Bottoms up.

Three you should double your dose of whatever medication you're on. They are not working.


You are replying to things that were never even written here. Like "my" team being undefeated? Where did you get that? And while I don't have massive input on anything Outlaws related, it would feel silly to keep typing about them in third person. Meanwhile you make it seem like you = your entire team. Respect your teammates much?


Plus I guess you forgot about Requiem? You weren't exactly in PRO finals with them. You gave Nuke their first two kills in your semi-finals game. But hey, at least you're man enough to " I would rather blow it myself than sit back and watch it happen." I mean, I'm sure your teams really appreciate that too. If anything, they get a free "If only Three hadn't blown it" card. Or you were referring to blowing actual real life cocks, in which case I'll stick with video material, but you might want to talk to Crayzee, he was online about a week ago.


Three posts in a row to reply to three different people is quite the achievement though, want a cookie? But seriously, you can't find a single flaw with anything you do, the way you act, or anything.


P.S. Which Adolf are you referring to, who hated black people a whole lot? I don't remember such a person.
[Image: serious_cat.jpg]



[Image: tumblr_mb234va0zr1rxye79o1_500.jpg]

I'm having a lot of fun reading all of Three's posts and trying to figure out exactly how fucked up he is =)


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Psycho Psematic" data-cid="291064" data-time="1403119076">
Three, you wonder why I troll you?  You , and people like you, are a big reason this game is dying (Faster than it would otherwise)


LET THEM PLAY.  Perhaps play with 3 good players, 1 "newer" player on BOTH TEAMS? 



You're the guy that honestly believes Requiem 2.0 used the spider because of you and not Sterling. I don't care why you troll me - you just got sacked from Llama's for being a huge douche that can contribute lobs. Join backarrow - I'll be sure to personally sign off on a Level 3 bomb just for you, hand delivered.


Every season you run your mouth - every season you get jacked up. It's getting old.


I have zero interest watching shitty players play - ask other "good" players. Do they want to watch Joe Jr. and Mindriot battle it out? Or do they want to see Assassins play The Dark?


Yeah exactly. Rhetorical question.


You're the same guy who watches those Nissan Altima commercials thinking it's really handling like a race car. L O L. 




FIrst of all...





The funniest portion of this entire thread is Three claiming he is the captain of a no.1 ranked squad in league right now. LOL


Oh man... Three, here is a tip since you are obviously a newb... go into any arena with a bot and type !standings... then pick up all your little toy blocks and find the big shiny 1, 2, and 3 on it... and then compare with what you see on the screen... After some hard work, I am sure you will figure it out.


On a serious note, I truly think you are one of the saddest individuals playing this game right now. Everything that comes out of your mouth is egotistical, unwarranted, and in some way insulting to other people. You write love letters to yourself by writing hate letters to others. 


Mr. B-Hole, you have more character, and are a much better human being than Three will probably ever be. The fact that you cussed him out privately for being a douche was a mistake as trolls feed on that type of energy... it's like you gave him a Monster energy drink.... In the future, don't waste your time insulting another person that probably needs help... the man is totally lost and all his bravado paints a small, tiny, hateful garden gnome... Rise above his wee shadow and realize a simple fact... noone likes Three.... everyone I have spoken to has a story about Three acting like a dick towards them.... He thinks people don't like him because he is under the delusion that he is the best, but in reality.... people don't like him because of his attitude, and incessant need to make everyone hate him.... he thrives on that type of energy... so you have to consider... what is going on inside him as a person? Probably not much. I bet he has anger and intimacy issues. I bet he is always thinking negatively about other people. I am sure he comes back to read his hate letters over and over again and basks in the glory of hatred he thinks fulfils him. All of this will come crumbling down at some point in his life and he will probably look back on all of this and feel a deep regret. That he made enemies of everyone that deserved respect.


Three, I feel sorry for you bro. If you had the resolve or character to read what Mr. B Hole was saying without using your dick as a pacifier... you would see value in the fact that new players are interested in this game. You admitted yourself that you force capped away out of spite. LOL. Knowing that you are of a low character and proudly admitting it is hilarious to me... Congrats pal. You really showed him. Did you tell your wife about it skippy? Was she proud of you lil fella?!


I think Forcecap should have a 2 game limit. Sometimes it becomes excessive and it does drive players away. I know the rules, but the rules are failing. This game is dying. That is the basic fact of it. As veterans, we should embrace new players and show them the ropes. Starting a new prac is not feasible when there aren't enough people to populate two arenas, so for all of you that climbed on your wee pedestals and offered that advice... way to ignore reality.


Overall, I think some of you were truly failed by your parents. I'm looking at you Three. You were clearly not taught anything that has value... and your constant douchey drivel is why I keep you on perm ignore. I would rather quit than ever play with you and laugh at your levi back lobbing as you try to defend your baseless and petty ego. You tarnish the name of this game and everyone that is on a squad with you, and yes, I know I wanted to join CM, but this was right after I came back... and I forgot how much of a douche you are, but you were quick to remind me.. and I'm honestly embarrassed that I even asked. I'm doing a ptooey on a sidewalk thinking of you kiddo. I know now why everyone on Critical Mass is aliased... because at the end of the day... noone wants their real identities tied up with a herp like you.


anyways.. l8r haters.

i'm confused why there is so much text in this thread...  (so i guess i'll be hypocritical and add some more)


correct me if i'm wrong, but there are still two 4v4 arenas types, 4v4prac# which does not have !forcecap and 4v4squad# which does (b/c its premised as a squad vs. squad arena).  so if you are concerned with or do not like the use of !forcecap, go to 4v4prac# and wait until there are enough like-minded people there to play.  if the majority of people choose to patronize 4v4squad#, and you cannot get sufficient interest in 4v4prac#, then people have in effect voted for the use of !forcecap and you are in the minority and at some point you are going to have to accept and deal with that.  that is, it would be a bit ludicrous to expect the majority to bend over backwards to cater to your minority view and whining on an online forum is unlikely to change that, but feel free to try.


so you have three options:


1) recruit more people to play in 4v4prac# arenas.

2) get better (socially, skill-wise, etc.), so that you aren't considered a nuisance, liability, and/or "unpickable."

note:  this game isn't hard, most anyone with decent resolution who isn't spastic should be able to become competent and "pickable"

3) find another game.

note:  majority rule is common in most online communities, and if you find it objectionable here, i'm afraid you're likely to find it objectionable elsewhere as well.


ps:  what about first to 12?  is that still an option?  would seem to minimize the major issue of playing a man down when newbs (or drunk vets) die out.

For the record: I have no personal quarrels with anyone here. However, this thread has opened my eyes and changed my opinion of some of the children that play 2d spaceships. I will continue to "keep in sucking," because this stupid game is kind of fun. When the game is no longer fun, I'll "hang up my keyboard." Please try to not ruin my fun and make me hang it up prematurely.
For the record: I have no personal quarrels with anyone here. However, this thread has opened my eyes and changed my opinion of some of the children that play 2d spaceships. I will continue to "keep in sucking," because this stupid game is kind of fun. When the game is no longer fun, I'll "hang up my keyboard." Please try to not ruin my fun and make me hang it up prematurely.
Keep ON sucking. OMG my fat iphone fingers.
Keep ON sucking. OMG my fat iphone fingers.


Joe, you have an EDIT feature which you can use to correct mistakes in the original post instead of posting others... like I did with this one. Smile

i'm confused why there is so much text in this thread...  (so i guess i'll be hypocritical and add some more)


correct me if i'm wrong, but there are still two 4v4 arenas types, 4v4prac# which does not have !forcecap and 4v4squad# which does (b/c its premised as a squad vs. squad arena).  so if you are concerned with or do not like the use of !forcecap, go to 4v4prac# and wait until there are enough like-minded people there to play.  if the majority of people choose to patronize 4v4squad#, and you cannot get sufficient interest in 4v4prac#, then people have in effect voted for the use of !forcecap and you are in the minority and at some point you are going to have to accept and deal with that.  that is, it would be a bit ludicrous to expect the majority to bend over backwards to cater to your minority view and whining on an online forum is unlikely to change that, but feel free to try.


so you have three options:


1) recruit more people to play in 4v4prac# arenas.

2) get better (socially, skill-wise, etc.), so that you aren't considered a nuisance, liability, and/or "unpickable."

note:  this game isn't hard, most anyone with decent resolution who isn't spastic should be able to become competent and "pickable"

3) find another game.

note:  majority rule is common in most online communities, and if you find it objectionable here, i'm afraid you're likely to find it objectionable elsewhere as well.


ps:  what about first to 12?  is that still an option?  would seem to minimize the major issue of playing a man down when newbs (or drunk vets) die out.


4) Change how the bots work so that the abuse of !forcecap is minimized




The suggestion to migrate people over to 4v4prac is ridiculous. Here is why:


SuckyDude gets in !cap line in 4v4squad. No one knows who he is, or he is known to suck, or is just a jerk. There are 5 others behind him in line that are all average, known players. TeamStack has just won. SuckyDude gets !cap. TeamStack decides to !fc the next guy in line, or whoever else they want. SuckyDude has to wait 10-30 mins for each game, thinking he gets next, to be !fc'd over because no one wants to play against him or the winning cap is just a troll.


So, SuckyDude decides to go to prac arena and !spam. He is an unknown and maybe 2 people come to see what happens and maybe join. In the meantime, the other arena has 5 people still waiting behind him in line who are willing to play in that 4v4squad because there is a 99% chance that !fc won't be an issue with them. They aren't squads, it's TeamStack vs TeamNextRandom and no one will leave to join SuckyDude willingly with a live line in progress in 4v4squad.


!fc works great when there are issues with captains that AFK while holding it. Or AFK and !away claim. Or, or... there are valid uses. And so having !fc is the better option when comparing 4v4prac vs 4v4squad. Realistically, no one actually cares about 4v4squad vs 4v4prac. The people saying it means something are spewing out a line of crap of how it's supposed to work, or what was in mind when it was implemented this way. But it's ultimately a load of shit. They should be the same, and in effect on a daily basis, they are.


All this boils back to letting the winners abuse the rest of the arena, and the people in line that they don't like. That's what 99% of the complaints here actually are. A tool for trolling has been given to the players, and those who choose to abuse it will do so whenever they see fit.


Fix the tool. Change how often is can be used by adding a timer. Maybe check for valid squads so that it can only be used for a winning squad to !fc another squad (they can make a private freq and the bot can look at it and check the 4 players and their squad and then activate everything). Or look at my previous post in this thread that elaborates and provides some other ideas for using it and enhancing 4v4.


Leave it open for trolls to abuse it, and they will. This issue will never go away in it's current state and it will continue to drive the newer people away from league. Ask for attrition and ye shall receive.

Just a bit more thought on it...


If the winning SQUAD wants to !fc another cap/team, but the winners are no longer a valid SQUAD of 4, or the chosen challengers are not a valid SQUAD of 4. Let say the teams are MOSTLY a squad, or just a TeamStack that wants to play another good TeamStackv2. GET IN FUCKING LINE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. This is the perfect example of what normally happens. It's not about squads. It's about the 'good' players being provided a tool that lets them abuse the arena and play whoever they want and waste the time of the people waiting in line. It's elitism at it's finest.

hey bargeld,


you have a nice idea on how you believe !forcecap should work that contradicts the empirical evidence of how it does.  you can continue to hold your (minority) world view and hope that the behavior of others somehow changes or you can change your behavior (i.e., do one of the three things i listed).  


*hint, only one of these options can you yourself enact; i'd recommend doing that one.

Why would we encourage anyone to quit this already dying game..? If we act like adults (who play video games), we honestly don't want and can't afford anyone leaving.
you have a nice idea on how you believe !forcecap should work that contradicts the empirical evidence of how it does.


Let me restate what you said in a much easier sentence: 'you have a nice idea for how !forcecap should work that is different than the way it currently works'. I think you meant to say 'you have a nice dream but it's different than what most other people want'.


I'd say do a forum poll on keeping vs changing !forcecap, but the results would be skewed due to the demographics of the voting members (not everyone who pracs 4v4 checks the forum or will vote, so you probably won't get accurate results).


Providing opinions is how things change. If I want something to change, I will try to make it happen, not just sit back and 'hope' for it to happen. Just be glad that I don't have any direct ability to effect 4v4 and the arenas, or any admin ability in chaos, cuz I would be using *shutup and *kick left and right until a lot of people learned some basic sportsmanship and human respect for each other.
Keep ON sucking. OMG my fat iphone fingers.


Let us continue to suck together Joe Jr. 


oh wait that may sound wrong
WTF Get off my lawn!
I think a solution would be to limit the forcecap on the squad arenas to match days or even both Saturday and Sunday. That is when most squads have enough for an intrasquad or intersquad matchup.

WTF Get off my lawn!
Three you should double your dose of whatever medication you're on. They are not working.


You are replying to things that were never even written here. Like "my" team being undefeated? Where did you get that? And while I don't have massive input on anything Outlaws related, it would feel silly to keep typing about them in third person. Meanwhile you make it seem like you = your entire team. Respect your teammates much?


Plus I guess you forgot about Requiem? You weren't exactly in PRO finals with them. You gave Nuke their first two kills in your semi-finals game. But hey, at least you're man enough to " I would rather blow it myself than sit back and watch it happen." I mean, I'm sure your teams really appreciate that too. If anything, they get a free "If only Three hadn't blown it" card. Or you were referring to blowing actual real life cocks, in which case I'll stick with video material, but you might want to talk to Crayzee, he was online about a week ago.


Three posts in a row to reply to three different people is quite the achievement though, want a cookie? But seriously, you can't find a single flaw with anything you do, the way you act, or anything.


P.S. Which Adolf are you referring to, who hated black people a whole lot? I don't remember such a person.



No meds - though that would be a number of people here sadly, just some good old bud light and stella. Smile


Point of fact you're right - I misread something regarding the #1 team in league and I miss spoke. However, at the time of the post, I did say currently, and we were, currently ranked #1. Smile


I vividly remember Requiem, if you're bringing up the games against Nuke, post season, here they are for me:


Three <img height="8" src="" width="12" alt="Three.bmp"> 2/2 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 3 1 44:19 85586/81606 51% 43% 13%   <b>+6</b> <b>+500</b>



Three <img height="8" src="" width="12" alt="Three.bmp"> 4/0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 44:23 100134/70499 58% 43% 16%   <b>+25</b> <b>+500</b> <b>+1589</b> Three <img height="8" src="" width="12" alt="Three.bmp"> 1/2 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 26:02 52651/45551 53% 41% 13%   <b>-2</b> <b>+500</b> <b>+1589</b>



Regarding throwing my team mates under the bus. I fly a support ship role, not a leading attack ship role. The only way I win is by 1) keeping it together (as in keeping myself from overextending) and 2) having the support needed. I'm dogshit without team mates. Ask anyone who has ever played with me. I'm extremely objective and accept when I make a mistake. 


I replied to multiple people (posts) in a row because I don't troll the forums day after day - I'm confused as to how that is somehow e<span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:arial, sans-serif;">gregious or I'm at fault for.</span>


<span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:arial, sans-serif;">Which Adolf, as you yell at my squad calling us team Nigeria not but a week ago, hah.</span>


<span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:arial, sans-serif;">Fact remains: you're a racist trash talking piece of shit who never plays in games that really matter, and you still haven't updated the map for last seasons champions because it wasn't a squad you were on.</span>


<span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:arial, sans-serif;"> </span>

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