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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Three" data-cid="291093" data-time="1403334538">

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Psycho Psematic" data-cid="291064" data-time="1403119076">
Three, you wonder why I troll you?  You , and people like you, are a big reason this game is dying (Faster than it would otherwise)


LET THEM PLAY.  Perhaps play with 3 good players, 1 "newer" player on BOTH TEAMS? 



You're the guy that honestly believes Requiem 2.0 used the spider because of you and not Sterling. I don't care why you troll me - you just got sacked from Llama's for being a huge douche that can contribute lobs. Join backarrow - I'll be sure to personally sign off on a Level 3 bomb just for you, hand delivered.


Every season you run your mouth - every season you get jacked up. It's getting old.


I have zero interest watching shitty players play - ask other "good" players. Do they want to watch Joe Jr. and Mindriot battle it out? Or do they want to see Assassins play The Dark?


Yeah exactly. Rhetorical question.


You're the same guy who watches those Nissan Altima commercials thinking it's really handling like a race car. L O L. 




FIrst of all...





The funniest portion of this entire thread is Three claiming he is the captain of a no.1 ranked squad in league right now. LOL


Oh man... Three, here is a tip since you are obviously a newb... go into any arena with a bot and type !standings... then pick up all your little toy blocks and find the big shiny 1, 2, and 3 on it... and then compare with what you see on the screen... After some hard work, I am sure you will figure it out.


On a serious note, I truly think you are one of the saddest individuals playing this game right now. Everything that comes out of your mouth is egotistical, unwarranted, and in some way insulting to other people. You write love letters to yourself by writing hate letters to others. 


Mr. B-Hole, you have more character, and are a much better human being than Three will probably ever be. The fact that you cussed him out privately for being a douche was a mistake as trolls feed on that type of energy... it's like you gave him a Monster energy drink.... In the future, don't waste your time insulting another person that probably needs help... the man is totally lost and all his bravado paints a small, tiny, hateful garden gnome... Rise above his wee shadow and realize a simple fact... noone likes Three.... everyone I have spoken to has a story about Three acting like a dick towards them.... He thinks people don't like him because he is under the delusion that he is the best, but in reality.... people don't like him because of his attitude, and incessant need to make everyone hate him.... he thrives on that type of energy... so you have to consider... what is going on inside him as a person? Probably not much. I bet he has anger and intimacy issues. I bet he is always thinking negatively about other people. I am sure he comes back to read his hate letters over and over again and basks in the glory of hatred he thinks fulfils him. All of this will come crumbling down at some point in his life and he will probably look back on all of this and feel a deep regret. That he made enemies of everyone that deserved respect.


Three, I feel sorry for you bro. If you had the resolve or character to read what Mr. B Hole was saying without using your dick as a pacifier... you would see value in the fact that new players are interested in this game. You admitted yourself that you force capped away out of spite. LOL. Knowing that you are of a low character and proudly admitting it is hilarious to me... Congrats pal. You really showed him. Did you tell your wife about it skippy? Was she proud of you lil fella?!


I think Forcecap should have a 2 game limit. Sometimes it becomes excessive and it does drive players away. I know the rules, but the rules are failing. This game is dying. That is the basic fact of it. As veterans, we should embrace new players and show them the ropes. Starting a new prac is not feasible when there aren't enough people to populate two arenas, so for all of you that climbed on your wee pedestals and offered that advice... way to ignore reality.


Overall, I think some of you were truly failed by your parents. I'm looking at you Three. You were clearly not taught anything that has value... and your constant douchey drivel is why I keep you on perm ignore. I would rather quit than ever play with you and laugh at your levi back lobbing as you try to defend your baseless and petty ego. You tarnish the name of this game and everyone that is on a squad with you, and yes, I know I wanted to join CM, but this was right after I came back... and I forgot how much of a douche you are, but you were quick to remind me.. and I'm honestly embarrassed that I even asked. I'm doing a ptooey on a sidewalk thinking of you kiddo. I know now why everyone on Critical Mass is aliased... because at the end of the day... noone wants their real identities tied up with a herp like you.


anyways.. l8r haters.



At the time of the post my squad was ranked #1, hence the word currently. Re-read it and check the standings as of that week. Sad


Ask anyone on Critical Mass if I am egotistical. Honestly. Hell ask Mop. It's the exact opposite. I would rather ride the pine and win than get in and blow it. If I am in I would rather be the one to fail than watch a team mate fail. I would rather take the blame. Shrug. Believe what you will.


Whatever garble you just typed out, I'm a little confused as to what you're getting at. You're the guy on mushrooms ranting and raving about this and that day in and day out. Didn't you just make a post recently saying "OWN WHEN YOU MAKE A MISTAKE" or something along those lines, like I said. I guess you were misguided agreeing with me.


I'm not the best. I am far from it. Point of fact Nacre and I got into it a few nights ago regarding the best Weasel in league history. I believe it's me, he thought it was omegasupreme. While Nacre has a tendency to back duelers and I back 4v4 players; I won't deny duelers skill. I get smoked by most of the guys that play in ?go duel 1v1 when I go there (I rarely duel). In 4v4 I usually, with support, as I use a support ship and cannot always initiate, do the smoking of said players. Shrug. Ask Travis who is the best. Ask Mop. I actually played against omegasupreme, on more than a few occasions, and whooped his ass. He, like bhole, had no idea how to play 4v4. Perhaps with a better team both could have evolved/will evolve into something better. I digress.


4v4 is extremely humbling. Nobody can do it alone. As a captain I can't just sit there quietly, ho-hum, as it were, listening to clowns run their mouths. I choose to fire back. You take it as me being egotistical. I have to have that kind of mentality to win. There is always somebody better on any given day. LeBron James, (I AM NOT COMPARING MYSELF TO LEBRON JAMES - ITS JUST AN EXAMPLE), just got smoked by the Spurs. He is the best player in the world hands down. The NBA, like 4v4, is a team game. While I believe I am the best, while knowing I am not, my persona reflects such. If you don't like it, too fucking bad. 


Some guy from pub named Mr. B-hole runs his mouth, upset force cap was done once against him, cursing me out, aliased, privately, and you back him. Yeah that's solid mature logic. You never were on the list of players to be invited to Critical Mass. You're not logical, you're not rational, you're not mature, christ you're probably still in rehab. And look, you're not in the post season. I wonder why that is.


Yes 4 people all aliased (all from Requiem) to not be associated with me. Most of them were on Aenima like 6 years ago. You're an idiot.


WTF: You do realize I held the forward key down nonstop against outlaws last season, post season, and that was the only time I used the Leviathan right, in the best of 3, in the finals. You must have been watching another series. Nobody uses the Leviathan in the finals for real, nobody. Smile I can link the video if you need it. It's a huge compliment to my team mates as I was able to t-off on everyone and everything.


Edit: don't bring my wife or my parents into this video game again. If you want to measure dick size in terms of educational prowess, assets, net worth, or 401(K)/IRA savings, etc, you'll be up way past your bedtime. And yes, that WAS an egotistical statement. As far as my morale compass goes, it doesn't point to mushrooms. ALL DAY SON.
Oh man. Who needs magazines for poop time when you have ss forums.
How many lives?

Oh man. Who needs magazines for poop time when you have ss forums.


I am pooping
WTF Get off my lawn!
OMG I just noticed I have 1 warning point! Thanks Arctos for reporting me! hahahahaha hallu Smile
WTF Get off my lawn!

correct me if i'm wrong, but there are still two 4v4 arenas types, 4v4prac# which does not have !forcecap and 4v4squad# which does (b/c its premised as a squad vs. squad arena).  so if you are concerned with or do not like the use of !forcecap, go to 4v4prac# and wait until there are enough like-minded people there to play.  if the majority of people choose to patronize 4v4squad#, and you cannot get sufficient interest in 4v4prac#, then people have in effect voted for the use of !forcecap and you are in the minority and at some point you are going to have to accept and deal with that. 
I'll try to reword it from a different perspective: If a squad wants to vs another squad they could always go to a free 4v4squad# arena and start it up there easily. Maybe the main arena should have a !disable feature on the forcecap if the queue is more than x number of players? the bot can easily check alive time to prevent afkers i think

I haven't read most of this thread because it appears to be mainly idiots throwing out verbal slander while calling the other person immature (look in mirror).


But! I like the mix idea where you just get in line and it gives the first 8 people for example chance to !claim or !join or whatever you want to make the command. If someone doesn't reply in x amount of seconds you would go to the next guy on list (or the next however many didn't reply).


As for the fact of "competition" and forecapping away and not letting new players play... This greatly falls upon the new/worse players to fix this. If you know you are less skilled than the current team winning the arena maybe you should try to get the other lesser skilled players together to start a new practice? Or is this too hard on our ego's to say we aren't at par with the "elite" players in the zone? They don't let scrubs play in the NHL or NBA of NFL (for americans) or Premier League (for eurotrashes gegegege) because they want to improve and get better. 


Find players of your calibur and start matches.  Why can't there be a gruntster, nude for satan, mr. b-hole practice with some of the lower squads or other new players in it as well?



Take some responsibility for yourselves. You are all to blame. Losers. Afk.

Surrey, whenever its possible, a second arena is indeed started. Again, "there usually aren't enough players active at one time for a second arena to be valid" seems to be a factor overlooked. People aren't demanding to play pro-tier opponents, they are simply lamenting the ability to get into a prac at all.


I specifically attempt to identify similar level to play with and against, and generally stay out of pracs quite happily when its all top-tier or ridiculous lopsidedness, except where there just isn't another 8th option to be found.


You would have us think players like myself (incomparable with a potential decent player like Mr. B-Hole, btw, who'd be checking your lanc for coeliac with a season with the right training and support) refuse to play unless its against quality opponents. That's massively erroneous. They just want a game. The age of Subspace is a factor because the players aren't teenage kids with a day to kill, waiting a while for a game is a big deal - people think, it'll take a while but hopefully my .cap should come up before too long. It's frustrating to have that patience abused - and again I feel there's many legit reasons but there should be guidelines for use in place.


I say "they" just want a game because I don't personally feel denied opportunity. I've actually pracced twenty more times this month than you have. I'm not arguing that I don't get to play (I manage a team in an almost non-playing capacity - that's fulfilling enough for me). I'm only arguing that a tool that seems to a newcomer to be unjust, and has no delineated clarification for its usage, puts forth a poor image to that newcomer.



Best answer of course is to find more players - would resolve most of this. But how?
One of the three most dangerous people in Subspace.
i'm confused why there is so much text in this thread...  (so i guess i'll be hypocritical and add some more)


correct me if i'm wrong, but there are still two 4v4 arenas types, 4v4prac# which does not have !forcecap and 4v4squad# which does (b/c its premised as a squad vs. squad arena).  so if you are concerned with or do not like the use of !forcecap, go to 4v4prac# and wait until there are enough like-minded people there to play.  if the majority of people choose to patronize 4v4squad#, and you cannot get sufficient interest in 4v4prac#, then people have in effect voted for the use of !forcecap and you are in the minority and at some point you are going to have to accept and deal with that.  that is, it would be a bit ludicrous to expect the majority to bend over backwards to cater to your minority view and whining on an online forum is unlikely to change that, but feel free to try.


so you have three options:


1) recruit more people to play in 4v4prac# arenas.

2) get better (socially, skill-wise, etc.), so that you aren't considered a nuisance, liability, and/or "unpickable."

note:  this game isn't hard, most anyone with decent resolution who isn't spastic should be able to become competent and "pickable"

3) find another game.

note:  majority rule is common in most online communities, and if you find it objectionable here, i'm afraid you're likely to find it objectionable elsewhere as well.


Benji just recieved another star in my book, 
Surrey, whenever its possible, a second arena is indeed started. Again, "there usually aren't enough players active at one time for a second arena to be valid" seems to be a factor overlooked. People aren't demanding to play pro-tier opponents, they are simply lamenting the ability to get into a prac at all.


I specifically attempt to identify similar level to play with and against, and generally stay out of pracs quite happily when its all top-tier or ridiculous lopsidedness, except where there just isn't another 8th option to be found.


You would have us think players like myself (incomparable with a potential decent player like Mr. B-Hole, btw, who'd be checking your lanc for coeliac with a season with the right training and support) refuse to play unless its against quality opponents. That's massively erroneous. They just want a game. The age of Subspace is a factor because the players aren't teenage kids with a day to kill, waiting a while for a game is a big deal - people think, it'll take a while but hopefully my .cap should come up before too long. It's frustrating to have that patience abused - and again I feel there's many legit reasons but there should be guidelines for use in place.


I say "they" just want a game because I don't personally feel denied opportunity. I've actually pracced twenty more times this month than you have. I'm not arguing that I don't get to play (I manage a team in an almost non-playing capacity - that's fulfilling enough for me). I'm only arguing that a tool that seems to a newcomer to be unjust, and has no delineated clarification for its usage, puts forth a poor image to that newcomer.



Best answer of course is to find more players - would resolve most of this. But how?


Removing forcecap would not fix this at all as people would just switch arena's to rematch. So your options (as benji has somewhat stated) are to:


a) continue to wait in line until you are able to captain a team or are picked for a team in a 4v4squad arena

or b) do your best to get as many people to another arena as you can, and then wait for the remaining needed players to join.


Either option involves worse players waiting... there seems to be a fair amount of people arguing against the forcecap rule, so maybe next time you are sitting there and forcecap is used and you don't like it head off with the player who was forced away and anyone else you can grab to attempt to start a new arena. There is a lot of complaining to remove forcecap, but in the end removing it (unless players are in fact so lazy they would rather play bad players than move arena's) will accomplish nothing. So it falls on the people who dislike or disagree with the forcecap to figure out a way to stop it. If enough people are against it then the forcecap will inevitably kill the arena more often then not since the active people would leave.


The problem is, no one will complain if they are forced to but many will complain if captainship is forced away from them. Only the players who disagree with the command can do something about it, removing it will be pointless as changing arena's will just be the new way to "forcecap".
I haven't read most of this thread 

You should. Your last post was way off target because of it.
Yeah the orginal issue is being mutated by a myriad of generalistic opinion.


Surrey which bit would not be fixed by removing forcecap? Nothing in my post would be affected by the removal of forcecap. Possibly quoted wrong post?


You do touch upon an element worth taking into account - if the 4 ppl holding winning freq and the 1 person they wanted to force too, feel solid enough on their desires that they would change arenas, then, great! That's what the point of the whole debate is about. They're not a squad, so, change arenas if you want to keep playing together.


We (Dropships) do it often. Of course we do it in Prac arenas. You want to know why? Because forcecap is not an option there. SO in essence you have people using !forcecap for the wrong reasons in !forcecap-enabled arenas, and us putting squads in prac arenas where they don't belong because of the issue of forcecap abuse.


In comes someone else who gets !cap while we're happily putting in an hour or so of intras, so we just up and leave with all 8 or 10 players to the next available arenas. "It's an odd thought, I grant you. But there it is."


Just reiterating my intitial concern : I don't think !forcecap should be removed. I believe there should be rules in place for its use. The "gentleman's agreement" has gone. Decide once and for all if !forcecap should have restrictions on its use, and legislate.


Due to your not reading the entire thread, here's the issue :


In the incident that is in question, neither competing freq was a squad. Sure one freq was top-tier, but the other was kindah middle. No offence intended but I do watch a lot of play and that's where I'd put a playing team which includes High Voltage, Blazer-Elite and Greg (and I can't remember the fourth). Mr B.Hole's cap had come up and he was about to play (I don't remember the full holding freq now but Three was there under alias and he had three freqmates who were similar level but it wasn't all CM).


If Mr. B-Hole had taken !cap he would have invited in 3 and quite likely ended up with the most attentive players there at the time, quite possible High Voltage, Blaze-Elite and Greg.  Mr. B is learning the ropes and imo can play a great solo game but has a lot to learn on team play - and was very keen to learn. Again, imo, there would have been very little lost to the challenging team's competitive advantage between the two options. The resultant .pred was in the 30/70 range I think - remember that the holding freq were aliased so .pred was skewed.


I stated "Don't forcecap!" It was a groan, not a directive. Then we had ourselves a right kerfuffle. 


So you see, forcecap wasnt used to resolve danger to the arena's liveliness. I wasn't used to commit the arena to a squadprac. It wasn't used to ensure the correct level of competitive play. It was used, in my opinion, frivolously - and I believe from the pit of my gut no-one won out of it, but the game lost a player.


Maybe he should employ more patience. But that's his job to adjudicate on, not ours. I have appealed for Mr B to come back.


So, there it is.

One of the three most dangerous people in Subspace.

Just reiterating my intitial concern : I don't think !forcecap should be removed. I believe there should be rules in place for its use. The "gentleman's agreement" has gone. Decide once and for all if !forcecap should have restrictions on its use, and legislate.

<p style="margin:0in;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">The forcecap has never been just for squads and there has never been a gentleman's agreement.  </span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;"> </span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;"> </span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">To the people complaining:</span><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;"></span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;"> </span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">The issue is that society today is all focused on trying to put blame on others and not themselves.  Oh, let’s sue McDonalds because I am fat.  etc..   Learn to take on self-responsibility.  You are responsible for being sucky.  We all were sucky once.  Practice in another arena or you might have to wait to play in a 4v4 arena.  We all have done this and all still do this.  Deal with it.  Life isn't fair.  Grow up.  Become an adult and stop acting like a spoiled brat.</span>

I guess there's just something about "the game no longer has the numbers to support a second arena more than occasionally"  that you're solidly averse to hearing.


With a descriptive explanation for !forcecap, with its uses and intentions, in place, maybe enough people would stick around to support it.


Without that, the command looks like a freakshow to any onlooker.

One of the three most dangerous people in Subspace.
I can tell you from experience that stagnation leads to extinction. Change !forcecap.


The only reasons given NOT to change it so far are:

1) Change is bad, m'kay. (see sentence #1 of this post)

2) You guys suck too bad and we don't want to play with you. We vets want to maintain our elitism and only play who we want to play. Restated as: we want to continue dicking over everyone else not in our group of 20 players who have been playing league for 5+ years.


Give a valid reason for forcecap not to change and maybe that can be discussed. The only real obstacle at this point is having the bot code altered to accommodate a 'more friendly' and 'more fair' version of the bot behavior that caters to a broader range of players and not just the elite.

what Bargeld said

WTF Get off my lawn!

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Nude For Satan" data-cid="291245" data-time="1404443649">

Just reiterating my intitial concern : I don't think !forcecap should be removed. I believe there should be rules in place for its use. The "gentleman's agreement" has gone. Decide once and for all if !forcecap should have restrictions on its use, and legislate.

<p style="margin:0in;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">The forcecap has never been just for squads and there has never been a gentleman's agreement.  </span>


<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;"> </span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;"> </span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">To the people complaining:</span>


<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;"> </span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">The issue is that society today is all focused on trying to put blame on others and not themselves.  Oh, let’s sue McDonalds because I am fat.  etc..   Learn to take on self-responsibility.  You are responsible for being sucky.  We all were sucky once.  Practice in another arena or you might have to wait to play in a 4v4 arena.  We all have done this and all still do this.  Deal with it.  Life isn't fair.  Grow up.  Become an adult and stop acting like a spoiled brat.</span>




It is rare when there is enough people for another arena you reality ignoring buffoon. Get off Three's tiny penis.

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="mindriot" data-cid="291170" data-time="1403850944">

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Three" data-cid="291093" data-time="1403334538">

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Psycho Psematic" data-cid="291064" data-time="1403119076">
Three, you wonder why I troll you?  You , and people like you, are a big reason this game is dying (Faster than it would otherwise)


LET THEM PLAY.  Perhaps play with 3 good players, 1 "newer" player on BOTH TEAMS? 



You're the guy that honestly believes Requiem 2.0 used the spider because of you and not Sterling. I don't care why you troll me - you just got sacked from Llama's for being a huge douche that can contribute lobs. Join backarrow - I'll be sure to personally sign off on a Level 3 bomb just for you, hand delivered.


Every season you run your mouth - every season you get jacked up. It's getting old.


I have zero interest watching shitty players play - ask other "good" players. Do they want to watch Joe Jr. and Mindriot battle it out? Or do they want to see Assassins play The Dark?


Yeah exactly. Rhetorical question.


You're the same guy who watches those Nissan Altima commercials thinking it's really handling like a race car. L O L. 




FIrst of all...





The funniest portion of this entire thread is Three claiming he is the captain of a no.1 ranked squad in league right now. LOL


Oh man... Three, here is a tip since you are obviously a newb... go into any arena with a bot and type !standings... then pick up all your little toy blocks and find the big shiny 1, 2, and 3 on it... and then compare with what you see on the screen... After some hard work, I am sure you will figure it out.


On a serious note, I truly think you are one of the saddest individuals playing this game right now. Everything that comes out of your mouth is egotistical, unwarranted, and in some way insulting to other people. You write love letters to yourself by writing hate letters to others. 


Mr. B-Hole, you have more character, and are a much better human being than Three will probably ever be. The fact that you cussed him out privately for being a douche was a mistake as trolls feed on that type of energy... it's like you gave him a Monster energy drink.... In the future, don't waste your time insulting another person that probably needs help... the man is totally lost and all his bravado paints a small, tiny, hateful garden gnome... Rise above his wee shadow and realize a simple fact... noone likes Three.... everyone I have spoken to has a story about Three acting like a dick towards them.... He thinks people don't like him because he is under the delusion that he is the best, but in reality.... people don't like him because of his attitude, and incessant need to make everyone hate him.... he thrives on that type of energy... so you have to consider... what is going on inside him as a person? Probably not much. I bet he has anger and intimacy issues. I bet he is always thinking negatively about other people. I am sure he comes back to read his hate letters over and over again and basks in the glory of hatred he thinks fulfils him. All of this will come crumbling down at some point in his life and he will probably look back on all of this and feel a deep regret. That he made enemies of everyone that deserved respect.


Three, I feel sorry for you bro. If you had the resolve or character to read what Mr. B Hole was saying without using your dick as a pacifier... you would see value in the fact that new players are interested in this game. You admitted yourself that you force capped away out of spite. LOL. Knowing that you are of a low character and proudly admitting it is hilarious to me... Congrats pal. You really showed him. Did you tell your wife about it skippy? Was she proud of you lil fella?!


I think Forcecap should have a 2 game limit. Sometimes it becomes excessive and it does drive players away. I know the rules, but the rules are failing. This game is dying. That is the basic fact of it. As veterans, we should embrace new players and show them the ropes. Starting a new prac is not feasible when there aren't enough people to populate two arenas, so for all of you that climbed on your wee pedestals and offered that advice... way to ignore reality.


Overall, I think some of you were truly failed by your parents. I'm looking at you Three. You were clearly not taught anything that has value... and your constant douchey drivel is why I keep you on perm ignore. I would rather quit than ever play with you and laugh at your levi back lobbing as you try to defend your baseless and petty ego. You tarnish the name of this game and everyone that is on a squad with you, and yes, I know I wanted to join CM, but this was right after I came back... and I forgot how much of a douche you are, but you were quick to remind me.. and I'm honestly embarrassed that I even asked. I'm doing a ptooey on a sidewalk thinking of you kiddo. I know now why everyone on Critical Mass is aliased... because at the end of the day... noone wants their real identities tied up with a herp like you.


anyways.. l8r haters.



At the time of the post my squad was ranked #1, hence the word currently. Re-read it and check the standings as of that week. Sad


Ask anyone on Critical Mass if I am egotistical. Honestly. Hell ask Mop. It's the exact opposite. I would rather ride the pine and win than get in and blow it. If I am in I would rather be the one to fail than watch a team mate fail. I would rather take the blame. Shrug. Believe what you will.


Whatever garble you just typed out, I'm a little confused as to what you're getting at. You're the guy on mushrooms ranting and raving about this and that day in and day out. Didn't you just make a post recently saying "OWN WHEN YOU MAKE A MISTAKE" or something along those lines, like I said. I guess you were misguided agreeing with me.


I'm not the best. I am far from it. Point of fact Nacre and I got into it a few nights ago regarding the best Weasel in league history. I believe it's me, he thought it was omegasupreme. While Nacre has a tendency to back duelers and I back 4v4 players; I won't deny duelers skill. I get smoked by most of the guys that play in ?go duel 1v1 when I go there (I rarely duel). In 4v4 I usually, with support, as I use a support ship and cannot always initiate, do the smoking of said players. Shrug. Ask Travis who is the best. Ask Mop. I actually played against omegasupreme, on more than a few occasions, and whooped his ass. He, like bhole, had no idea how to play 4v4. Perhaps with a better team both could have evolved/will evolve into something better. I digress.


4v4 is extremely humbling. Nobody can do it alone. As a captain I can't just sit there quietly, ho-hum, as it were, listening to clowns run their mouths. I choose to fire back. You take it as me being egotistical. I have to have that kind of mentality to win. There is always somebody better on any given day. LeBron James, (I AM NOT COMPARING MYSELF TO LEBRON JAMES - ITS JUST AN EXAMPLE), just got smoked by the Spurs. He is the best player in the world hands down. The NBA, like 4v4, is a team game. While I believe I am the best, while knowing I am not, my persona reflects such. If you don't like it, too fucking bad. 


Some guy from pub named Mr. B-hole runs his mouth, upset force cap was done once against him, cursing me out, aliased, privately, and you back him. Yeah that's solid mature logic. You never were on the list of players to be invited to Critical Mass. You're not logical, you're not rational, you're not mature, christ you're probably still in rehab. And look, you're not in the post season. I wonder why that is.


Yes 4 people all aliased (all from Requiem) to not be associated with me. Most of them were on Aenima like 6 years ago. You're an idiot.


WTF: You do realize I held the forward key down nonstop against outlaws last season, post season, and that was the only time I used the Leviathan right, in the best of 3, in the finals. You must have been watching another series. Nobody uses the Leviathan in the finals for real, nobody. Smile I can link the video if you need it. It's a huge compliment to my team mates as I was able to t-off on everyone and everything.


Edit: don't bring my wife or my parents into this video game again. If you want to measure dick size in terms of educational prowess, assets, net worth, or 401(K)/IRA savings, etc, you'll be up way past your bedtime. And yes, that WAS an egotistical statement. As far as my morale compass goes, it doesn't point to mushrooms. ALL DAY SON.



Wait, was I supposed to read that? LOL I'm sure its full of egotistical claims to your pathetic and deluded self image. Yawn. Go play somewhere kid.


There is a reason I keep you on perm ignore.  8)

WTF Get off my lawn!

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="7th Saga" data-cid="291246" data-time="1404446835">

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Nude For Satan" data-cid="291245" data-time="1404443649">

Just reiterating my intitial concern : I don't think !forcecap should be removed. I believe there should be rules in place for its use. The "gentleman's agreement" has gone. Decide once and for all if !forcecap should have restrictions on its use, and legislate.

<p style="margin:0in;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">The forcecap has never been just for squads and there has never been a gentleman's agreement.  </span>


<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;"> </span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;"> </span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">To the people complaining:</span>


<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;"> </span>

<p style="margin:0in 0in .0001pt;"><span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">The issue is that society today is all focused on trying to put blame on others and not themselves.  Oh, let’s sue McDonalds because I am fat.  etc..   Learn to take on self-responsibility.  You are responsible for being sucky.  We all were sucky once.  Practice in another arena or you might have to wait to play in a 4v4 arena.  We all have done this and all still do this.  Deal with it.  Life isn't fair.  Grow up.  Become an adult and stop acting like a spoiled brat.</span>




It is rare when there is enough people for another arena you reality ignoring buffoon. Get off Three's tiny penis.



I am not sure why you are relating my comments to three's.  The reality is that life isn't fair.  Live with it.  We have all dealt with this and still do.  Try to better yourself in other ways.  Go duel.  Go 2v2 go 3v3.... then 4v4 when you can.   Stop being a liberal idiot and deal with it like a man.  Stop whining. 


Why are we trying to change forcecap when it will probably alienate over half the population and only benefit 3 people who are new to the zone? (or these teams would just switch arenas and kill the arena leaving the newb team 4v0) it is a dieing game and we should be more inclined to keep vets then recruit new players.  It takes years for these newer players to truly compete and when the game is about to die we try to make the best out of the end. 

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