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It's Back! SSXA A Small WarZone
For all of those wondering where ASWZ went, wonder nevermore! Due to a gracious donation of server and bandwidth by sknox, ASWZ is back!

I will once again be leading this endeavor. I have no doubt it will go far better than my previous attempt.

We're using the ASSS server (grelminar being an old ASWZer, it just feels right). Because of this, we already have a bunch of features that subgame simply is not capable of (flags cannot be dropped outside the map, for example).

Before we open officially, there are things we need to do:

  1. Find maps.

    There are dozens if not hundreds of ASWZ maps out there. If you have a couple, please let us know.

    The old ASWZ ?go duel map is missing, if you have it we can put the duel arena back up.
  2. Hire staff

    We will need 3-6 mods. To begin with, as mod, your job will be to populate the zone at designated times, help new players get the hang of the zone (by not killing them, letting them kill you, and/or protecting them from spawnkillers), and otherwise be the face of ASWZ.
  3. Server Development

    There is little that really needs to be done here, but I have lots of ideas. These will be addressed in later posts.
  4. Get the word out

    At its peak, ASWZ had more players than Warzone. Some of those players are still around.

The first few weeks will be a lot of talking: How things should proceed, What sort of zone we want to build. The ship settings that are in-zone right now will remain mostly the same, but there are things we can do with ASSS to help the game stay fresh. These will be talked about in other posts.

Please be patient, ASWZ wasn't built in a day. My goal is to have 2 freqs of 8 on at least 2 nights a week. If we can achieve that, I will consider ASWZ reborn.

Messages In This Thread
It's Back! SSXA A Small WarZone - hawkaloogie - 12-22-2008, 09:16 AM
It's Back! SSXA A Small WarZone - L.C. - 12-22-2008, 11:37 AM
It's Back! SSXA A Small WarZone - CRe - 12-22-2008, 08:36 PM
It's Back! SSXA A Small WarZone - Hakaku - 12-23-2008, 07:38 PM
It's Back! SSXA A Small WarZone - TiReX - 12-23-2008, 09:56 PM
It's Back! SSXA A Small WarZone - kcb - 12-27-2008, 07:42 PM
It's Back! SSXA A Small WarZone - Acer - 12-27-2008, 10:40 PM
It's Back! SSXA A Small WarZone - quickspy - 01-08-2009, 04:33 AM

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