Poll: How many Team Mines should be allowed?
12 - SVS settings for 6-7 person freqs
More than 12
Number should change with freqsize (like number of greens)
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Number of Team Mines
[quote name='Gadianton' timestamp='1301931559' post='274387']

I have seen the light. I have been on the wrong side of the conversation all these years. I'm going to be a hunter from now on. I'm going to turn over a new leaf and be a hunter so that the other hunters will be my friends. I want to be well liked and popular in the zone. Fitting in with the other hunters is now my my greatest desire. Ok now that i am on your team, i have some ideas to help.

1. Make turrets MORE difficult to drive. Those lazy bastards have life to easy.

- cut down the speed of turrets. they run to dam much anyway.

- make gunners turn rates slower. i hate it when they all point at me at the same time.

Turrets are to hard to kill. It's not fair. I'm so mad that they are so hard to kill that I want to throw myself on the ground and punch myself.

2. Remove save zones. Retarded lazy turrets are the only people who use them anyway. I am very mad and upset that the safe zones have been added back to the zone. I was SOOOOOO happy when the zone had no safe zones. I would pay money on Ebay to buy a zone with no safe areas. Why did Hallu add them back. PLEASE take them away! I wanted to sue the turrets for using them yet my mommy told me I couldn't so I didn't. You're lucky my mommy didn't allow me to sue you or I would of!

3. Picking up greens is TOOOOO HARD for hunters. What we need in this zone is an ATM machine. You go up, and shoot the ATM and then my ship will be full of toys. I shouldn't have to work at greening, that's stupid. My mommy thinks it's dumb also. Greens help turrets more then hunters. Remove greens from the zone, hunters don't need. All i have to do as a hunter is ship change and get a new ship. If i don't get a ship with rockets and burst i just instantly ship change again. As soon as i ship change and get a COOL ship i then rocket the turret and slam into it trying to kill it. However if a turret recycles for toys lets yell and scream and ban them.

4. Lances always seems to kill me, I'm toast when I get around mines, turrets slaughters me, burst crush me and bricks just annoy me. Hallu should get rid of these things! I also hate blue bombs they always take energy away from me. Hallu PLEASE!!!!! get rid of these things and make this zone better! Only allow solo hunters to use rockets. Its not fair that those stupid turrets get to rocket as well. Turrets have to many toys since they are grouped together.

5. Bring back the Revenge command for hunters. That way when its to hard to kill a turret, hunters can use bonus points to recall a turret inside of a box and burst it. Its a design flaw to have to work. There should be some way to kill any player we want by just using a bot command and not thinking. A thinking process should not have to take place! This is just not right. It's just not fair that I have to think and be creative.

6. Driving a turret is lame and kills the zone. Don't allow this LAME play style to spend bonus points. Why should lame people get to use bonus points? Hunters are the only COOL people in this zone. I asked my mommy and she agreed with me. Hunters don't use Lame Turrets tactics which makes earning Bonus points hard to earn! Hallu should create a bot ships that looks like a small puppy and when hunters kill it Hunters should be given 50 bonus points, and on Sundays hunters should be given free bonus points just for being cool.

7. Hallu should hire staff members to green up big bounties and then ONLY allow me and my cool hunting friends to kill them. This wont be gifting. Think of it as a reward for Being a cool hunter. If you don't do this i have to go into pub chat and scream "TURRETS SUCK SUCK SUCK!!!. I HATE THESE PEOPLE. I WISH THEY WOULD JUST DIE. I HATE YOU!!! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!!!" and i have to do this over and over and over trying to confuse the turret so i can kill them. On top of this i cant figure out why the turret driver and gunners don't want to talk to me, and this hurts my feelings. Only my mommy talks to me it seems. It's not fair.

8. Waiting. This has got to be one of the lamest parts of the game. I hate spending hours in spec mode waiting for a someone to green up a big bounty. Hallu can write a bot to just text message me and my friends when a big bounty player is in the zone? Then me and all my cool hunting friends can jump in all at once and surprise the turret and kill it.

9. Don't let turrets have any mines. They are all ready over powered as it is.

10. Only allow 1 gunner. That way we can have the same settings as 4v4. With the zone population being low now days a big turret just kills the zone. If turrets only have 1 gunner the 4v4 people will feel at home and will play more.

11. Those lazy gunners are the death of this zone. if they would stop being gunners and only dogfight on there own this would solve the zones problems and the population will sky rocket back up to 200 people.

12. Finely if that jerk Gadianton does start driving turrets again just BAN him. He is bad for the zone anyway. My mom says that If he is gone the zone will be a cool place once again.

Please Hallu, fix this zone to help us poor hunters.




I can't even tell if you're joking since your last list with 160 ideas to improve the zone looked much alike, as did 1/2 damage level 1 EMPs for weasels while defending turrets.

In either case, most of your suggestions are bad.

Safe zones? Sure, good riddance.

10. is moot. 4v4 only allows 1 turret for a good reason; it does not mean 4v4 players do not like turrets. In fact if 4v4 players ever play pub they're either flagging, or turreting. Probably cause they cannot do it in 4v4 arenas.

Last but not least: If turrets, or people who run, weren't harder to kill than suicidal negs, there would be no term "hunter". The chase is half of the experience, more than that really, since if you work in a group you don't care if you get the kill yourself or if you help your friend get it.

Messages In This Thread
Number of Team Mines - hallucination - 04-01-2011, 04:16 AM
Number of Team Mines - Audry - 04-01-2011, 04:40 AM
Number of Team Mines - PsyOps - 04-01-2011, 05:07 AM
Number of Team Mines - Gadianton - 04-01-2011, 05:27 AM
Number of Team Mines - PsyOps - 04-01-2011, 05:44 AM
Number of Team Mines - Ethylene! - 04-01-2011, 06:01 AM
Number of Team Mines - Nude For Satan - 04-01-2011, 09:50 AM
Number of Team Mines - Capefire - 04-01-2011, 01:40 PM
Number of Team Mines - Jazz - 04-01-2011, 02:47 PM
Number of Team Mines - Gadianton - 04-01-2011, 04:17 PM
Number of Team Mines - Nude For Satan - 04-02-2011, 02:24 AM
Number of Team Mines - Gadianton - 04-02-2011, 12:04 PM
Number of Team Mines - Jazz - 04-02-2011, 02:29 PM
Number of Team Mines - Gadianton - 04-02-2011, 03:10 PM
Number of Team Mines - PsyOps - 04-02-2011, 04:14 PM
Number of Team Mines - Jazz - 04-02-2011, 04:53 PM
Number of Team Mines - Caerbannog - 04-02-2011, 11:04 PM
Number of Team Mines - Ninja Cat - 04-03-2011, 08:55 AM
Number of Team Mines - Caerbannog - 04-03-2011, 11:43 AM
Number of Team Mines - hallucination - 04-04-2011, 01:58 PM
Number of Team Mines - Gadianton - 04-04-2011, 03:39 PM
Number of Team Mines - Caerbannog - 04-04-2011, 05:07 PM
Number of Team Mines - NuB KiNG - 04-04-2011, 07:03 PM
Number of Team Mines - PsyOps - 04-04-2011, 09:46 PM
Number of Team Mines - Gadianton - 04-05-2011, 02:07 AM
Number of Team Mines - Nude For Satan - 04-05-2011, 02:21 AM
Number of Team Mines - Jazz - 04-06-2011, 04:50 AM
Number of Team Mines - samgunn - 04-07-2011, 07:00 AM
Number of Team Mines - Gadianton - 04-07-2011, 01:43 PM
Number of Team Mines - hallucination - 04-07-2011, 02:11 PM
Number of Team Mines - Nude For Satan - 04-07-2011, 03:43 PM
Number of Team Mines - Gadianton - 04-07-2011, 04:33 PM
Number of Team Mines - Caerbannog - 04-07-2011, 04:40 PM
Number of Team Mines - Gadianton - 04-07-2011, 04:44 PM
Number of Team Mines - Caerbannog - 04-07-2011, 04:53 PM
Number of Team Mines - Ethylene! - 04-07-2011, 05:49 PM
Number of Team Mines - Jazz - 04-07-2011, 10:33 PM
Number of Team Mines - samgunn - 04-07-2011, 11:23 PM
Number of Team Mines - Nude For Satan - 04-08-2011, 01:00 AM

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