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Prospective Changes to the BONUS SYSTEM
Jazz: !bonus fullship does not give you specials. Its kind of a ramped up version of !tuneup. It moves your Max Nrg to the max your ship can have, your bullets and bombs to their max levels, enables bouncing bullets and multi in case you dont have them, stealth, x and aw if you dont already have them. Not sure if it guarantees you prox. Probably does.

Considering there's actually a bit of substance to all that, I reckon it should cost 4 bonuses, not 3. A spawning pilot missing only one or two of these things, eg they are full except max nrg is 1600 and otherwise they're ok, they shouldn't find this a handy bonus. It should really only be attractive for when you spawn and the game just sold you a complete lemon of a ship.

Nothing bonus-wise should be money for jam. They are super-power-ups. They should feel like you've spent as much cash (bonus) buying them as you would have spent time and effort, greening them.
One of the three most dangerous people in Subspace.

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Prospective Changes to the BONUS SYSTEM - Nude For Satan - 04-06-2011, 01:39 AM

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