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Season 30?
[quote name='babaloo' timestamp='1307111844' post='275565']

I like a fixed schedule and then some sort of playoffs type schedule for AML/PRO.

Draft league would be awesome, but I think its success is completely dependent on the players. If older and more experienced players have a good attitude and are willing to include newer players, I think it could be really helpful for bringing in new players. EG has a draft league that is very popular and accomplishes just that (bringing in new players). It would of course require more of a forum community to run, because you have to have a lot of organization and rules behind a draft league...

Just for kicks to explore this a little further:

-a group of players (volunteers?) serve as the managers or captains of the teams

-a group of players (volunteers?) score players who sign up for the league based on popular opinion of their value (skill, ability to show up, etc) from 1-5

-captains take turns choosing players and can only have a certain number of 5s, 4s, 3s and so on.

-could even go so far as to only allow certain number of each to play in matches, e.g. one 5, two 3-4s and one 1-2. could have a hard time having teams have enough to show, could allow for NTS for a sub of the same value.


The last time we even attempted a draft we couldn't even find captains. I reckon we were just going to have them pick one player at a time from the current league player pool, then tell the players that such a league is happening.

But seriously, if you manage to waste your top picks on players who won't show up, it kinda sucks. It'd be cool if we could somehow have people show up at the same time and run it right there and then.

We have a total of 6 signed up pilots even for the 2v2 tournament that people are always asking for.

Messages In This Thread
Season 30? - Caerbannog - 05-25-2011, 02:42 PM
Season 30? - Idolatrous - 05-25-2011, 05:52 PM
Season 30? - Idolatrous - 05-25-2011, 09:00 PM
Season 30? - babaloo - 06-03-2011, 02:37 PM
Season 30? - Caerbannog - 06-05-2011, 05:19 PM

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