Poll: how do you want your safes?
as they are is fine
i'm super cool and i say make them easier to get to
i'm even more awesome and i want even more 'easy to get to safes' on the map!
i want them to be made harder to get into, like my knickers
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safe zones: make them easier to get to please!
with the safes how they are it's a pain to go there.

so i ask that we make them or at least 1 or 2 of them easier to fly to.

case for making the safes easier to get into:

1) ok the biggest reason is the many AFK moments we have. what I do is i just point my shark in the direction of empty space and float over there with the stealth on and hope no one kills me. if the safes were easier/quicker to get to, i would just fly there.

most of us do this. i killed hallu the other day when he was doing this. (i only killed him because he'd left his aw on and it was quicker than flying out of the antiwarp area - which is too large anyway, but thats another bitch).

so if its easier for the guy who can change things himself to float and die rather than be bothered to fly safe, somethings wrong. am i wrong?

2) the new bonuses setup would be more user friendly

the case against:

this seems to be that players don't want Gad to run to safe. that seems to be the main reason. i say let him.

and it seems some players don't want the safes to really be part of the game.. they want them removed from the strategy. i myself welcome using safes as a strategy. ive been involved with plenty of scraps when players are ducking in and out of safes. it's fun. well it was fun.. the only time that happens now is in the castle. and the castle doesnt get used much in it's current form - (but that's another bitch)

opinions please?

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safe zones: make them easier to get to please! - Capt ARGH! - 06-13-2011, 11:15 AM

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