Poll: how do you want your safes?
as they are is fine
i'm super cool and i say make them easier to get to
i'm even more awesome and i want even more 'easy to get to safes' on the map!
i want them to be made harder to get into, like my knickers
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safe zones: make them easier to get to please!
I don't understand your post really... I mean if you're too lazy to fly to the safe zone so you just stealth and float, it doesn't matter how "easy" they are to get in to you're still going to be too lazy to fly to them. As they are right now they take about 5 seconds to get in to once you get to them, if you're not a great pilot. I mean they are ridiculously easy to get into and opening them up a little more will save you maybe 2 or 3 seconds? If you're in that much of a hurry to afk you should probably just spec since it's clearly an emergency and you probably won't be back in 15 minutes anyway. In my opinion they should be much harder to get in to so that people can't use them to escape someone chasing them; making them any easier will just result in ever lamer tactics being used when someone is afraid they could die.

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safe zones: make them easier to get to please! - Idolatrous - 06-13-2011, 06:50 PM

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