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Season 29 Stats
Just pissfarting around with the format ... this is just that first table to see if I'm on the right track ...

(I don't know what many of the fields are all about and the were arranged weird so let me know if I've aligned data with headings wrong. The post preview is also colour-coding things for no apparent reason but meh, sit on the blister)

R Pilot              Squad          Rating AVGR   K/D  W-L DDPM/DTPM 1Out K/D(10m) AS-FR(10m) ERat

1 The Village Bike   Nguyens        649      14 31/11  9-2 1777/1523   0%  0.9/0.3  0.4 1.4   1885

2 saiyan             assassins      641      12 34/18  8-4 1662/1521   0%  0.9/0.5  0.5 1.3   1725

3 KNeWWiN            Nguyens        598       8 28/13 10-2 1921/1794   8%  0.9/0.4  0.5 1.5   1334

4 gato               Rebels         589      15  20/6  5-1 1259/1201   0%  1.1/0.3  0.2   1   1293

5 9-Volt             Assassins      572      12  14/3  5-1 1377/1102  17%  1.3/0.3  0.9 1.7   1660

6 Sika               Assassins      571      10 20/14  5-2 1888/1715   0%  0.9/0.7  0.5 1.6   1633

7 Caerbannog         Nguyens        569       8  12/6  9-0  1355/832   0%  0.5/0.2  0.7 1.1   1783

8 Enforcer           Nguyens        565       7 12/11  8-1 1725/1529   0%  0.5/0.4  0.6 1.3   1558

9 pseudo             Sterling       562       8 14/14  5-3 1219/1431   0%  0.6/0.6  0.6 0.8    972

10 hedcase8           Llamas         560       7 20/10  7-2 1287/1188  11%  1.2/0.6    1 1.4   1340

11 el father          !norating      559       8 16/14  3-4 1719/2198   0%  1.4/1.2  0.5 1.8   1210

12 Macuto             !norating      558       7 29/18  5-3 1696/1869  25%    1.7/1  0.6 2.3   1289

13 Rei                starfire elite 555       9 16/14  1-5 1551/2051   0%  0.9/0.8  0.3 0.9   1143

14 vt                 Rebels         550      10  13/6  3-2 1886/1769   0%  1.1/0.5  0.4 0.7   1457

15 Aramen             Llamas         546       8 19/10  4-2 1774/1699   0%  1.6/0.8  0.7 1.4   1130

16 Street Fighter     Llamas         542       5 15/17  6-3 1699/1785  11%    1/1.1  0.8 1.9   1153

17 mAImER             Sterling       541      10   9/4  3-1 1680/1162   0%  0.9/0.4  0.4 1.2   1338

18 Crayzee            The Dark       539       7   9/6  4-2 1928/1518   0%  1.4/0.9  0.8 0.9   1221

19 Tidal              Rebels         537       4  9/12  5-5 1242/1553   0%  0.4/0.6  0.5 1.1   1064

20 Psycho Psematic    happy mob      537       6   9/4  3-3 1726/1228   0%  0.9/0.4  0.9 1.2   1062

21 dEVELOP            Assassins      536       5  11/6  5-2 1523/1578  14%    1/0.5  0.4 1.2   1602

22 7th                Nguyens        535       6  13/6  4-2 1327/1076   0%  0.8/0.4  0.1 0.9   1167

23 Pehkle             StarFire Elite 535      18   7/4  0-2 1835/2222   0%    2/1.1  0.6 1.1   1521

24 fedu               happy mob      535       6   9/8  3-3 1396/1369   0%  0.7/0.6  0.4 0.9   1094

25 SUPERPRO           The Dark       534       4  12/9  5-3 1450/1348   0%  0.9/0.7  0.7 1.4   1198

26 Dagger             Rebels         534       4 12/14  5-4 1393/1487   0%  0.6/0.6  0.5 1.2   1551

27 mindriot           happy mob      534       3 22/22  4-7 1629/1679   9%  0.9/0.9  0.4 1.4   1013

28 bhang              Assassins      532       6   7/8  3-2 1345/1543   0%  0.4/0.5  0.7 1.1   1433

29 sixth              !norating      528       7  10/6  3-1 1438/1139   0%  0.9/0.6  0.4 0.7   1384

30 fResh              Llamas         527       9   7/4  2-1 1279/1634   0%  0.9/0.5  0.4 0.8   1111

31 realdeal           Nguyens        526       4   6/3  5-2 1432/1392   0%  0.5/0.3  0.4 0.8   1389

32 Slippery Slide     LSF            526       3 10/23  2-7 1987/1925   0%  0.5/1.2  0.5 1.4    927

33 Riverside          Starfire Elite 525       3 18/18  2-6 1891/1972  13%  1.2/1.2  0.3 1.7   1086

34 Count Fapula       LSF            524       3 18/20  2-7 1767/1331  22%  0.9/1.1  0.3 1.1   1038

35 bushes             Llamas         524       6  10/9  1-3 1522/1411  25%  0.9/0.9  0.3 1.3   1511

36 Tuna Pot Pie       LSF            523       3 13/22  1-7 1678/1676  13%  0.7/1.2  0.4 1.6    986

37 Nilrem             happy mob      522       7   4/2  1-2 1217/1162   0%  0.6/0.3  0.6 0.6   1394

38 chrono             The Dark       522       7   6/4  2-1 1271/1384   0%  0.6/0.4  0.2 0.9   1432

39 Mog                Llamas         521       5   7/4  3-1  939/1545   0%  0.8/0.5  0.7 0.7   1215

40 NadaI              The Dark       521       2 10/14  4-5 1545/1623   0%  0.5/0.8  0.4 0.9   1326

41 ossi               Assassins      521       2   7/7  6-3 1320/1308   0%  0.3/0.3  0.1 0.9   1646

42 a suicidal dentist StarFire Elite 519       6   6/6  1-2 1482/1510   0%  0.7/0.7  0.6 0.6   1380

43 Preator            llamas         518       6   6/2  1-2 1810/1539   0%  1.4/0.5    0 2.5   1424

44 arc                Assassins      517       2   9/9  5-3 1281/1378  13%  0.4/0.4  0.3 0.7   1119

45 Surrey             happy mob      517       2 11/17  3-5 1680/2002  13%  0.8/1.2  0.6 1.2   1164

46 Masterlord         Rebels         516       1 21/22  6-5 1512/1773  27%  0.7/0.7  0.4 1.3   1439

47 MfA                Starfire Elite 516       2 14/22  2-8 1621/1515  10%    0.6/1  0.4 1.6   1129

48 Captor             The Dark       516       8   4/6  0-2 1452/2299   0%  0.8/1.2  0.6 1.8   1350

49 cash flow king     !norating      516       5   5/4  3-0 1101/1287   0%  0.8/0.6    1 1.1   1281

50 Seismic            Sterling       514       5   5/3  3-0 1665/1678   0%  0.9/0.6  0.6 1.7   1604
One of the three most dangerous people in Subspace.

Messages In This Thread
Season 29 Stats - Caerbannog - 06-14-2011, 03:56 PM
Season 29 Stats - Caerbannog - 06-14-2011, 04:01 PM
Season 29 Stats - Caerbannog - 06-14-2011, 04:10 PM
Season 29 Stats - Nude For Satan - 06-14-2011, 04:55 PM
Season 29 Stats - Caerbannog - 06-14-2011, 08:59 PM
Season 29 Stats - Nude For Satan - 06-15-2011, 04:25 AM
Season 29 Stats - Caerbannog - 06-15-2011, 08:41 AM
Season 29 Stats - Idolatrous - 06-15-2011, 04:33 PM
Season 29 Stats - Caerbannog - 06-15-2011, 04:54 PM
Season 29 Stats - Idolatrous - 06-15-2011, 04:56 PM
Season 29 Stats - Caerbannog - 06-15-2011, 07:09 PM
Season 29 Stats - 7th - 06-29-2011, 09:44 PM
Season 29 Stats - hallucination - 07-11-2011, 04:10 AM
Season 29 Stats - Crunchy - 04-27-2012, 02:16 AM
Season 29 Stats - Ra. - 05-22-2012, 01:45 PM

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