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Season 30 League structure and roster system
Season 30 League structure and roster system

We'll aim for about 14 squads.

We currently have 10 "real" squads. By a real squad I meant a squad with a roster that the captain has put together, ie. Assassins.

Draft squads will be composed of chaos / other zone people who signed up AND players from existing squads.

This is the only allowed double squad method for existing people. So no, you cannot form a B-squad with the same people to guarantee two games a weekend. Someone was confused about this.

The draft will happen _ONCE_. The same drafted rosters will stay together for the duration of the season. So no, you're not supposed to draft new players each weekend. Someone was confused about this.

Example 1: Mop runs Assassins, and is rostered on Assassins. Arctos drafts Mop for his Draft squad "Evil Platypi", Mop has to come up with a clever alias like Mop2 to roster on that squad, and that's it.

Mop cannot also play on The Dark.

Example 2: Nude For Satan is on the draft list, but not on a "real" squad. NFS is drafted, let's say to Arctos' squad. Nude For Satan could still be picked up by any captain to play for their "real" squad, but not another draft squad.

Example 3: mindriot is rostered on Mineshack, but is not drafted to a draft squad. Mindriot will be able to change his real squad later, until roster lock, but will not ever be able to join a draft squad during this season.

The schedule will look something like

Squad 1 vs. Squad 2. - mismatch

Squad 1 vs. Squad 3. - close match

Squad 1 vs. Draft 1.

Squad 1 vs. Squad 4. - mismatch

Squad 1 vs. Squad 5. - close match

Squad 1 vs. Draft 2.

I'll try to dictate which squads are on par with which other squads, possibly getting input from whoever I see online at the time I do all this. I'll split the schedule up in a way where draft games are a few weeks apart and you never play all the top 3 squads in a row.

This should make more sense than an alphabetical order, and should be as doable, I think.

Messages In This Thread
Season 30 League structure and roster system - Caerbannog - 07-18-2011, 06:22 AM

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