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Season 30 League structure and roster system
[quote name='Caerbannog' timestamp='1311083512' post='276628']


I'm also planning on scheduling draft games mostly at 3pm, so the players on draft teams basically have a scheduled prac before their real game... that should help prevent no-shows, right?

[quote name='elf' timestamp='1311072101' post='276624']

Any plans to fix/make a website which stores rosters and stats and such?

Any plans to implement a bot which allowes people to !signup draft <squad> or !signup league 30 etc?

Is hotsing an issue? Is time an issue?

What are the obstacles preventig these things from happening? Maybe if you share the problems with the community we will be able to find a solution or help you in some way.


Well, the website exists. So the question is any plans to bring it back to share its information with the world. The answer is, yes, kind of.

Hosting is an issue, and is being either actively or passively looked into by Hallu / Polix, we're just leeching off chaos zone anyways. AFAIK the website, database and bots are hosted on the same server to keep the bot lag down. This is the way we'd prefer to keep it, setting this up externally usually takes money. Even more money if support is wanted for weekends, which is handy seeing as how our league always happens on Sundays. People donating is initially a great idea, but it all falls apart when the people who invest money start demanding things.

As for any bot changes, I haven't asked UL for any. A botban feature would be handy, a sign up feature or an automated league thing... well, maybe, yes, could be used. Requires setting up some extra DBs and I'd imagine quite a few lines or code.


Then make it clear that anyone donating will get nothing in return other than a website that works.

The website didn't require donations before, and we were hosted in Chaos before. Why does it require donations now?

If donations are required then you should try to canvas the community with a simple topic or zone msg checking for interest/contributions. I would happily donate for any costs relating to reinstating a website.

I know you hate hearing this, but UL/Someone in PB coded a league signup bot.. why not get in touch with them? If you can't be bothered or don't have the time, why not appoint a current staffer with the duty of doing this? I saw you promoted Surrey, get him to do it.

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Season 30 League structure and roster system - elf - 07-19-2011, 03:52 PM

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