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Regular Season AWARDS
Wow, it feels great to be acknowledged like this from my peers. I have a few words, and a couple people I would like to thank.



A few short seasons ago I logged into game after a very long break, and with some motivation from some old friends decided to try 4v4 out again. I was quite pitiful then as my 1200/2100 damage ratio would make abundantly clear. Essentially, I was floating around in a cloaker attempting to vulch kills: ignoring any semblance of team play. However, one day I reached a turning point. I was in a practice partnered up with a couple of folks from a top-tier squad. I thought to myself "this could be a great chance for me to get some recognition and maybe even get invited to their squad." I flew around doing my usual cloak and vulch strategy, hoping i could get a couple kills and show off some moves to get some attention. It did, but in all the wrong ways. Specifically it was really getting on the nerves of this one particular guy. For the remainder of the practice he berated me and insulted me, openly pointing out my flaws and lack of ability to play properly. I tried with all my then skill to do what he pleaded, or to at least get him to be quiet about it. I flew with the team as best as I could, but eventually, I was separated from the group once more. This top-tier pro was done with me. I was swiftly booted from the frequency and replaced. Our team eventually lost and it was consensus that I was the reason. Snide comments as they banned me for the next practice effectively rubbed salt into the wound. I sat there dejected as many players would have felt in my position. I had heard complaints about my ability before, but I'd never been booted from a frequency mid-practice. I could have lashed out, could have quit, could of created an alias and attempt to gain a better reputation with a new name. But instead I decided to soldier on. Although I wouldn't consider myself a great player or even a good player, I think that I've improved to the point that I can hold my own. So thank you, Three. Unbeknownst to you (until now), your words and actions that day have been an essential motivator for me and my subspace playing career. I believe you are one of the main reasons that I have become the passable (hopefully) league player that I am today. It really pains me that players like B-hole  (please come back dude, you are missed) couldn't do something similar. I'm not trying to be a jerk, just saying that having a chip on a shoulder can be a great motivator.





There are also a ton of other motivators that have compelled me to get better. Mostly our great albeit sometimes flawed community!


I’d like to thank:


Sven for taking a chance on me a couple seasons ago. I’m still waiting on your Guide to Subspace book. (Hit me up if you need a copy of Gods and Kings.)


Plutorus for believing in me and giving me constant reminders of how far I have come.


Nude for always having the time to listen to me vent, drunkenly ramble, and giving me plenty of playing time.


The rest of the Dropships for being fantastic bunch of classy gents. Except Hallowed, fuck that guy. (I still owe people some games for that Llamas win.)


Hallucination, for challenging me to try and play again when I randomly logged in out of curiosity.


Weasal for creating his awesome program.


Intrinsic for having some fun and interesting ventrilo nights as well as testing my patience. J


The Village Bike for being my hero.


Jocker for being my little Pita. Thanks for letting me know I had potential although we never got to be squaddies.


And Da Monkk for inviting me to Dissent and giving me some of the best advice: “Just press crtl.” It totally works, dude!  


I know I missed a lot of people. Feel free to bitch at me in game.



I almost forgot. Here are some inside jokes.


Dan Quad needs your support.

Five Lives

Four Pitas

chono smash!

What are the rules?

I am from Sweden.


Thanks guys!


Messages In This Thread
Regular Season AWARDS - Street - 08-02-2014, 07:35 PM
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Regular Season AWARDS - Street - 08-06-2014, 10:19 PM
Regular Season AWARDS - ImDigs - 08-07-2014, 12:04 AM

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