Poll: How is Caerbannog doing as sysop?
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How is Caerbannog doing as sysop?
As league op, I'd say he's doing a fairly good job. Participation is up, there are more squads than there have been in recent seasons, games have gone smoothly with really only one squad being inactive, etc.


As sysop, or whatever label it's given, that oversees 4v4 arenas as a whole, I'd say I have a different opinion. For whatever it's worth, which probably isn't more than the cost of the pixels this is typed on, having a hands-off approach is bad. Very bad. The 4v4 arenas are a daily/nightly thing for most people. These people see trends, while others may call them problems, and archaic rules that were put into place years ago don't always stand the test of time or evolve with the game. Without being there to witness it yourself, things can only be taken for face value. Reminding people that you're pretty "meh" about anything that is SS related is almost like saying you're apparently going to take the easy road when it comes to every judgment call while falling back on a rule set that is simply outdated or non-applicable.


From my perspective, and basing this largely on the last few weeks, 4v4 (the arena, not the activity) at night has gotten entirely boring and monotonous. By the time I log in after work, which is generally around 10:15pm Central time, there are often 40+ people in a single arena, !showline has 6-10 people in it, but the same 8-12 people end up playing for the next hour while the people that are still trying to get a cap slowly dwindle as they begin to log off. Now perhaps I'm logging in after the height of 4v4 activity has died down and everyone has gotten their fill. Maybe my opinion is completely baseless for that reason alone. I just have doubts that starting the moment before I log in, the arena that has 40+ people in it has suddenly turned into only 8-12 active players while everyone else is afk. Furthermore, there are plenty of other posts that complain about forcecap, so I don't think I'm too far from the truth.


The solution we were offered was "Get 8 people and go to another arena." That's not addressing the issue, or even attempting to discuss an accepted solution. That's putting the blame squarely on the players that are getting their cap removed from them. It's essentially saying "It's your own fault for not playing." I guess it's even more frustrating when in the same breath we're told that the reason for not burning or speclocking people that lag out multiple times is partially due to the inability to find a sub.  So finding a single sub for someone that lags out more than 5 times can be a difficult task at times (so no need to change rules), but finding 8 people to go to a new arena isn't (so no need to change rules).  I refer back to my earlier comment about taking the easy road when it comes to judgment calls.


I'd say it's safe to presume that most people know that I log in for Chatspace more than anything. If I reach 50 practices in a month, I've had a busy month. That being said, since joining Rebels for league, I've been far more active in practices than at any other point in the last 3-4 years, maybe longer. I also know and accept that outside of squad practices or claiming a cap, I don't get picked for practices. I'm fine with that...I'm not good. Yet, when I know that I have little to no chance of getting into a practice because my cap will be forced away, it really lowers the desire to even log in (when I'm logging in hoping to get a claim or two, that is). My time spent in SS has steadily gone down over the last two weeks, outside of weekends when I know squadmates are on and we can get a practice going in one of the arenas. I'm not implying that I'm any more important to SS than anyone else, but merely giving an opinion on something that I enjoy being a part of. Perhaps the stance of "I don't care" is a good way to diffuse and limit trash talking, but when the daily playerbase starts to not care because they have restricted access to the game (read as: forcecap being abused), it may be time to tune in and be open to suggestions.


But I digress...




P.S.  I'm not just trying to tear into you, Caerbannog.  I've always been on friendly terms with you.  Heck, we've been in the same Skype channel text chatting with everyone else in there for nearly two years.  I simply don't see eye to eye with you on this issue.  It's nothing personal, and I hope that's evident despite the tone in this post.


Messages In This Thread
How is Caerbannog doing as sysop? - Savage - 04-10-2013, 10:41 PM
How is Caerbannog doing as sysop? - 7th - 04-11-2013, 12:30 AM
How is Caerbannog doing as sysop? - oldvet - 04-11-2013, 05:38 AM
How is Caerbannog doing as sysop? - Street - 04-12-2013, 06:50 AM
How is Caerbannog doing as sysop? - ImDigs - 04-12-2013, 02:33 PM

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