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S33 R10 Schedule, R9 Recap
Standings after Round 9:

1    FTNguyen    8-1    72    0.483

2    Requiem    8-1    54    0.555

3    Nuke    7-2    56    0.474

4    Rebels    6-3    25    0.488

5    Sterling    6-1    18    0.605

6    Assassins    5-4    33    0.473

7    Llamas    5-4    9    0.49

8    Alpha Reunion    3-6    -47    0.509

9    Unhallowed    2-7    -20    0.515

10    Gods    2-7    -39    0.528

11    ReDS    1-0    10    0.422

12    StarFire Elite    1-8    -56    0.446

13    BYE Round    0-2    -24    0.423

14    Shocktech    0-8    -91    0.514

Round 9 Results:

4/14 4:10 pm    Requiem     def     Assassins    8-6    log

4/14 3:59 pm    Llamas     def     Gods    12-2    log

4/14 3:48 pm    ReDS     def     Alpha Reunion    12-2    log

4/14 3:10 pm    FTNguyen     def     Sterling    8-7    log

4/14 2:50 pm    Unhallowed     def     StarFire Elite    12-5    log

4/14 2:34 pm    Nuke     def     Rebels    12-2    log


This time I'll be schedule first, recap later. But all the games were bad and mostly uninteresting :p

That late recap..


Requiem vs. Assassins was a slow paced game, like most of Requiem's games seem to be. Assassins made more errors and exploded more frequently. Three statwhored his way to 5-1 and 4 FR. 8-6 Requiem.

Llamas picked up a 12-2 win vs. Gods' leviathans. Yes. They had at least two in at one time. Weezie was a leviathan for all three lives. Every other god ship changed at least once during the game.

ReDS beat Alpha Reunion 12-2. The stats or log don't give much insight as to what happened besides THC probably playing way over aggressive (first out, 5 fr) and Hendrix's bot skills

Hendrix> !setlagout greg

FTNguyen vs. Sterling was also painfully slow. Freebies were once again granted, kind of both ways. We tried to go for the traditional 0-2 lead for the enemy, but ended up overdoing it for 1-4. Got it back to 4-4 between 22:13 and 23:40. By 32:29 and 6-6 FTNguyen would have 3 people at 2 deaths, TVB with none. Sterling at this time had two people at 2, two at 1. Eventually the game goes to overtime at a 7-7 score and TVB on a toyed up ship. I reckon we had the advantage on toys besides just TVB.

Unhallowed beat SFE in a rather regular looking 12-5 fashion. Nadai onyly bothered to repel twice. SFE on the other hand only wasted 2 repels total.

Rebels didn't seem to put up much of a fight vs. Nuke's stack of baddies. 12-2 in a game where Dagger was dead twice in under 6 minutes isn't exactly the most convinving loss. Even my good friend Seriel Killer failer to serially kill people. In fact he failed to land a single bullet Smile

Round 10 Schedule:

Gods vs. Unhallowed -- 114581

Sterling vs. ReDS -- 114582

Requiem vs. StarFire Elite -- 114583


Alpha Reunion vs. Llamas -- 114584

Assassins vs. Rebels -- 114585

FTNguyen vs. Nuke -- 114586


Messages In This Thread
S33 R10 Schedule, R9 Recap - Caerbannog - 04-16-2013, 04:56 PM
S33 R10 Schedule, R9 Recap - Caerbannog - 04-19-2013, 06:30 AM

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