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R17 Schedule, R16 Results
Standings after Round 16:

Results R16/22 (we're getting there, you guys):

6/2 3:52 pm    StarFire Elite     def     Alpha Reunion    12-9    log

6/2 3:43 pm    FTNguyen     def     Rebels    12-0    log

6/2 3:03 pm    Assassins     def     BYE Round    12-0    log

6/2 2:52 pm    Nuke     def     Llamas    12-4    log

6/2 2:47 pm    Requiem     def     ReDS    12-5    log

6/2 2:11 pm    Sterling     def     Unhallowed    12-0    log

StarFire Elite won a game again, hooray. But even better than that, Alpha Reunion had six players show up. Surprisingly it turns out telling people to show up works better than sulking and bitching. Joe, MfA and Something Dutch had a combined 19 FR.

I don't know what to say about our game. I wish I could say it was exciting, but it wasn't. We had a mini turret floating around the map. Then we shot at people. Maybe it was better for Rebels.

Assassins surprisingly won over BYE Round.

Llamas vs. Nuke was actually tied at 3-3 for a good while with blink at 2 deaths. He was subbed by Enforcer, but still, 3-3 and tied. Still, Llamas ended up having the first 2 players out. Maybe saiyan, Nacre and Grifter's combined 18 FR and 9 kills had something to do with that.

Requiem vs. ReDS was likewise tied at 3-3 for a while. Except here it was Hendrix at 2 deaths and Ozn at 2 deaths. But the same format. ReDS end up having 2 people out before getting Ozn.

And unhallowed no-shows....


Alpha Reunion vs. FTNguyen -- 116482

Assassins vs. Llamas -- 116483

Nuke vs. Unhallowed -- 116484


Rebels vs. ReDS -- 116485

StarFire Elite vs. BYE Round-- 116486

Requiem vs. Sterling -- 116487


Messages In This Thread
R17 Schedule, R16 Results - Caerbannog - 06-04-2013, 05:09 PM
R17 Schedule, R16 Results - Nude For Satan - 06-04-2013, 05:30 PM

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