08-06-2013, 03:08 AM
<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;">2. ReDS win both? Reds obviously win the title if they win both.
I wasn't there for the game but heard through the grapevine about what happened. I don't exactly understand all your ideas.... but I don't think Street wants to replay game 1.
So if llamas win both, they win. If we win both, we win.
Should we tie... Sudden death, first to 3,4,5,6 kills? or first to get 2 kills ahead? (2-0, 3-1, etc). I don't get the kill/death thing... I mean, apparently we were down 3v4 for a long time because of bot issues, so that gives llamas a lead. At the same time, they could have been in the lead to begin with and won... so....................... I'm down with talking with SF about what we think is fair. I didn't see how the game was being played out, so I can't say llamas or reds were going to win without bot issues. At the same time I don't want to take a win from llamas... but at the same time maybe it would have been a win for us. We were lagging out apparently though... so that means something.
SF: I say we just play the two games. Hopefully one of us wins both and that is the end to it. We can talk about what to do with a tie. Maybe we do kill death and give you a lead to start off with, or play an OT game, or something... so lets talk about that.