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Heheh Crushing for alls!!


I am checking in from my underground bunker Smile with a weak wireless connection.  That on its own is grounds for crushing!


I'm not seeing a lot of forum activity lets get it moving!


Did that baseball shirt ever get produced! its logo was good.


I do have t-shirt making presses etc if you need me to print it out or make some vinyl patches!


I hope everyone had a successful summer session!


The Dementos have been having fun and traveling also construction on a kitchen remodel and a house extension have gone well for one of my country retreats!


New showers have been installed with a rainfall cascade option and a seat Wink if you want to relax while showering.  This should be enough to remove the smell of SS once again.


Look for my arrival from the north!


Be axecellent to one another!


the choas state of mine.... will once again bring the joy and pain! like sunshine and rain....



Messages In This Thread
AXE DEMENTO- Chaos State of MINED - Axe Demento - 09-05-2013, 07:03 PM
AXE DEMENTO- Chaos State of MINED - GC6 - 02-19-2014, 03:53 PM
AXE DEMENTO- Chaos State of MINED - GC6 - 04-01-2014, 06:35 PM
AXE DEMENTO- Chaos State of MINED - GC6 - 04-03-2014, 02:50 PM

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