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Vector Public Arena Weekend!
Ziggy you need to take off the forced graphics set.  Bomb ranges is like training wheels.  the champ don't need training wheels.


I have been able to remove some of you forced graphics Smile but loading files mid subzone switch Smile


This particular forced set of graphics and the idea of this in the pub zone.  Make me realize why i need to make a new zone.  One that takes public play as the proper game.  having the subzones of crap takes away from the main zone.  When you kill the main zone with a game that is not chaos it is not worth playing.


your graphics are nice and in another game they might be fun.  But i have no need for em.


Hallu everytime you kill the pub zone you kill the real game.


If you want this zonetype.  Make it a vector subzone.


I don't want to play it.


Have a good weekend tho!

Messages In This Thread
Vector Public Arena Weekend! - ZiGNoTZaG - 09-19-2013, 09:40 AM
Vector Public Arena Weekend! - Axe Demento - 09-21-2013, 06:07 AM
Vector Public Arena Weekend! - Axe Demento - 09-22-2013, 04:58 AM
Vector Public Arena Weekend! - ZiGNoTZaG - 09-22-2013, 02:08 PM
Vector Public Arena Weekend! - Plutorus - 09-25-2013, 02:29 AM

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