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Having some fun playing the alpha settings or as i like to say.

Closer to real chaos settings then we play with.


Random Shrap much better.

lower bounty start good.

Go Lower.


Make chaos Real Smile

use the good settings.


Besides that some good times playing again. Msg me on this site if you want to help me make a CHAOS WEST.


I think we need some real diversity instead of 4v4 subzones.


Bring the POWER!

24 and 0

learn the game

love the game.

live with it 



Besides that the family is enjoying terria Smile great 2d side scrolling game. I highly recommend it.


XBOX1 untill i can play my xbox games on it.  i'm not buying it!


just bought a game boy colour for 12$ they were droppping at that price as it had no sound.

I plugged in my headset Smile heard the mario music and bought it.  The store guys looked at each other and went... We didn't think of that 


Also final note how are those ss clone/new game clients coming? msg me if you are looking for play testers.


I hope everyone has a great Halloween! and enjoys some chaos time. hoping to see that Halloween map! wheres the death cage!







Messages In This Thread
AXE DEMENTO- Chaos State of MINED - Axe Demento - 10-17-2013, 03:43 AM
AXE DEMENTO- Chaos State of MINED - GC6 - 02-19-2014, 03:53 PM
AXE DEMENTO- Chaos State of MINED - GC6 - 04-01-2014, 06:35 PM
AXE DEMENTO- Chaos State of MINED - GC6 - 04-03-2014, 02:50 PM

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