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Suggestions and ideas about next season

The council seems to be struggling with activity? Maybe we should give each squad 2 council votes (2 members, who can have different opinions even though they're on the same squad) and have however is active vote on things

Or perhaps we could vote on things via the bots? or a poll on the forum?

Has there been any discussion about downgrading the warbird? like removing multi-fire?

Do we need to look at roster size or are we fine with assstackings splitting up player talent?

Should we remove fullsubs? This might lessen stacking, even if slightly. And it'll get rid of sub-errors.

Allow 4man turrets? Why not?

Does everyone still want to use the same map?

I think rosterlock should end right before playoffs. Active players who try to help out new squads shouldn't be locked out for weeks on end if their squad happens to dissolve.

Does anyone want to apply for ref? to help things run more smoothly on sundays.

Can we rename our sub-arenas to something like "Pro League prac1" instead of just "4v4prac1"

I think we should hold an Allstar game, just for fun. Say the top 10 on .leaguetop at the end of the season. 4 players, 1 sub on each team. 

Help out with input and more suggestions!



Messages In This Thread
Suggestions and ideas about next season - Candyman - 01-31-2014, 12:05 AM

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