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Suggestions and ideas about next season

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Eric Clapton" data-cid="289059" data-time="1391245505">
I would really love to see at least one prac arena where mines would be removed, because i am tired of forcing 50 mines onto my ship every prac

You don't actually need to remove mines completely to get rid of runners mining for forever and ever. Just raise cost from 550 to 750 to make them unviable for defensive uses. That way, you can still retain all the nondefensive mine shenanigans.


Mines already cost 550 which is a hell of a lot.   and usually if you are smart it does more dmg to the miner then the attacker.  

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Suggestions and ideas about next season - 7th - 02-05-2014, 06:08 PM

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