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....It's full of bots.......
GC6 why are you talking about KAOS in chaos forum?  if i wanted to talk about that here i could fill every single thread but that is not the case.


My Bots work for a living Smile

Did you notice them in spec? the only spec'd name beside mover who was running the sound bytes was you.  Next time you visit my house get a ship.  Soon spec will not be allowed at all.


As far as bot/non bots.  I'll run down every single zone thats on the list and i will have a bot to match each spec'd player or bot.  I think chaos has about 18 bots running non stop.  Then many players that never leave spec.  Look for the totals soon.


I just went on a trip returned in the middle i have 17hours left on my 168hour (1 week timer)


Any one who is ready to have some fun is welcome to park and ship and join the fun.

When you have been approved for the other zones you will be able to play those games as well.

Got a really fun Risk Style map on its way.



But i'm not interested in bitter players only fun ones.  Already had a stack of people that used to play stop in which is great.  But even better then that is new players that haven't played before they get to log in learn how to kill some weak bots.


Lots of fun coming and many many more bot versions.  C#, python, battlecore, merv, Bjorns and more on the way.  Soon i'll have some mining bots and some flag grabbing bots Smile got a fun way for a bot to piggyback a  player to collect flags.


Also i will soon have bot waves like a chess puzzle.  I know Gad was having lots of fun fighting killer waves.




To play you need to play






Thanks to all the people stopping in and saying hi!  Feel free to park your ship you have 1 week but don't stay in spec.  You will be moved to a safezone.  


Have fun in chaos Smile



Soon i'll talk with polix about website stuff and will set up another forum where SSDZ  stuff can be talked with.  Until then If anyone is reading this feel free to move this out of the chaos forum.


Messages In This Thread
....It's full of bots....... - GC6 - 03-12-2014, 04:17 AM
....It's full of bots....... - GC6 - 03-14-2014, 06:38 PM
....It's full of bots....... - 7th - 03-15-2014, 02:40 PM
....It's full of bots....... - Axe Demento - 03-18-2014, 02:30 AM
....It's full of bots....... - GC6 - 03-18-2014, 04:51 AM

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