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Whining during pracs / weak attitudes
Alright dudes, couple of things from the Riot of Minds.


1. This is the best game ever created and the community is full of highly skilled pilots. I have a ton of respect for many of you, not solely for your skill level, but because many of you have done well with your lives. We have known each other for a lifetime already and that in itself is an interesting thing.


2. Given the reality of no.1, we can all do better when dealing with one another, and frankly some people have to man up. I am not going to name any names, you know who you are. If by chance you do not, I have written some friendly pointers below to help you out.


1. For the pilot that *always has an excuse* after a death:


three> enough with the excuses

three> it makes you weak


2. For the pilot that *always* blames lag after a death:

<div> </div>
three> enough with the excuses

three> it makes you weak

<div> </div>
<div>3. For the pilot that *always* blames his team after a death:</div>
<div> </div>
three> enough with the excuses

three> it. makes. you. *WEAK*



You get the picture. If you die, or die out... try growing a pair of testicles for a change and take it like a man, don't say anything. Come back and say something with how you pew pew. Kill the guy that killed you and FEEL THE GLORY!


You know what happens? You have a little less space between your thighs and a little bit more OOMF in your thrusters, savvy?


You are not going to survive every battle you have in Subspace. You are going to die. It is an inevitability. I know, you know, god almighty in his continuous continuum knows.


If you are in your early 30s, or approaching your 30s and the above applies to you, it is time to seriously evaluate where your life went wrong and why experiencing an inevitable death in an on-line game shatters your ego. I say that with love.




Messages In This Thread
Whining during pracs / weak attitudes - mindriot - 03-20-2014, 04:45 PM

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