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An idea for a new kind of game play concerning Repels.
I don't find the game particularly fun chasing opponents in a 4v3, 4v2, 4v1 situation.  I don't find the game particularly fun being chased 1v4, 2v4, 3v4.  Probably the biggest change that would make the game more fun (to me) would be to do away with the 3 lives and a slot is out mechanic.  If it isn't removed, I'd honestly prefer games to just be auto-ended whenever the first slot dies out.  I don't think either is or ever was particularly popular.


I kind of like this idea. Although nothing beats a nice comeback from being a man down to win it, I think games would be a lot more fun if slots couldn't die out at all. I think the best way to do this, is to auto-end games when one team reaches 9 deaths. This would correspond to a slot inevitably die out as it is.


This change would make every prac and game fun until the very end.

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An idea for a new kind of game play concerning Repels. - Tunahead - 03-26-2014, 11:34 AM

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