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An idea for a new kind of game play concerning Repels.
To add to my previous post, I only see two real downsides in this:


1) Lowered nerve/mental factor as people would be less stressed about dying out (choking) and thus throwing the game and getting the blame.


2) Loss of the tactical element to try to kill out the weakest slot.


I don't think either of these two would make a huge impact though. Teams would still try to target the weakest link anyway, and less worrying of dying would mean more action and risks taken.


And as 7th stated above, yeah sure, people can abuse this and play carelessly and die out 9 times on one slot, which would make it frustrating to the rest of the team, but how is that different than people currently going 0-3 right away and ruining the game? Most pracs/games are over anyway once a slot dies out. The rest of it is usually just a waste of time and not even fun to spectate.


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An idea for a new kind of game play concerning Repels. - Tunahead - 03-26-2014, 11:51 AM

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