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An idea for a new kind of game play concerning Repels.
What about a slight tweak to the prac rules then? Previously on the bots I believe you could choose which 4v4 rules to play in (12 deaths per slot, etc).I personally think the first to 12 is better as the name of this game is 4v4 right?


Pros for current format:

- It is fun to win a 4v3, 4v2, 4v1 comeback

- It is what we have always played


Pros for first to 12

- Everyone stays in longer, giving newbies more of a chance.

- Each slot is less important than the overall teamwork.


The cons listed for first to 12 are typically:


- It is different

- Someone can ruin prac by suiciding over and over and ending game.


Addressing it is different:


- If we can choose to play/prac traditional 4v4 is it a problem? !ready 12 vs !ready


Addressing ruin prac:


Perhaps there is a way in pracs to mitigate the suiciders and allow even more people into pracs? Assemble a team of 4. Captain can !allowsub players. Once a slot has 3 deaths, the player is specced and the first allowsub is given 15 seconds to sub in before moving to the next person registered in !allowsub?


Beyond that a bad player will ruin your prac even harder if given only 3 lives to instantly die out in.


Not saying these are good ideas, just throwing them out there to get people thinking about ways to bring some new ideas in instead of just saying "X is bad. Never change."


Messages In This Thread
An idea for a new kind of game play concerning Repels. - gold teeth - 03-29-2014, 02:10 AM

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