06-25-2014, 06:02 AM
My squad is still number 1, assuming we can show our best and I don't fly my 4th best ship.
Yeah and my team is still number 1 assuming we score more points than our opponents in games. Pew pew pew.
It's quite amazing how delusional you are. I guess you forgot about all those times you either jumped squads with a few players after you had no chance of being in the playoffs. And the times you quit on your squad after everything didn't go according to plan?
Oh and I'd much rather watch Mindriot vs. Joe Jr. if their squads have people show up, than watch Assassins vs. The Dark part 65 with the same players over and over. However, I'd rather play vs. either of the latter squads. Or would've rather done so back when I almost cared.
Either way, Three is a useless dick, don't mind him