There is something this game has going for it which few others games do:
Simple controls + High Skill Curve + Low on computer resources.
I have recently read many complaints about people not being able to play many of the games released on Steam due to hardware limitations.
Many gamers seek games where they can feel challenged. Hypothetically: Take any of the top gamers in the world and pit them against a few of our best and they will feel a sense of frustration. This game takes some time to get used to, to learn, and to ultimately compete in.
The skill curve is always rising. I have never felt a limit in Subspace. It is perhaps the most pure form of multi-player competition ever. It has no plateau.
After almost 20 years, noone has mastered this game to the point of invincibility. On any given Sunday, anyone can die out and put their team in jeopardy.
What this game lacks is Marketing.
The basic and obvious problem is that noone knows about it. There is so much we can do to revitalize this game and build its population.
1. Spread the word: Get on Blogs, introduce the game.
2. Invite players to try it.
3. Promote the High Skill Curve: Entice people with how challenging it is, no matter how much of a good gamer they are, in this game.. they will have the impact of puppy ears.
4. Create a website sharing some of the history of this game, educating people on its long standing population, etc.. I am sure this is one of the most successful multi player games ever, if not the first multi player game ever.
It does not matter how elaborate other games are, they all get boring eventually and require you to invest real money, or spend incredible amounts of time to compete in. Subspace has the high skill curve to curb all that enthusiasm and humble any individual.
To anyone doubting the validity of this post. I rest my case with the following:
Simple controls + High Skill Curve + Low on computer resources.
I have recently read many complaints about people not being able to play many of the games released on Steam due to hardware limitations.
Many gamers seek games where they can feel challenged. Hypothetically: Take any of the top gamers in the world and pit them against a few of our best and they will feel a sense of frustration. This game takes some time to get used to, to learn, and to ultimately compete in.
The skill curve is always rising. I have never felt a limit in Subspace. It is perhaps the most pure form of multi-player competition ever. It has no plateau.
After almost 20 years, noone has mastered this game to the point of invincibility. On any given Sunday, anyone can die out and put their team in jeopardy.
What this game lacks is Marketing.
The basic and obvious problem is that noone knows about it. There is so much we can do to revitalize this game and build its population.
1. Spread the word: Get on Blogs, introduce the game.
2. Invite players to try it.
3. Promote the High Skill Curve: Entice people with how challenging it is, no matter how much of a good gamer they are, in this game.. they will have the impact of puppy ears.
4. Create a website sharing some of the history of this game, educating people on its long standing population, etc.. I am sure this is one of the most successful multi player games ever, if not the first multi player game ever.
It does not matter how elaborate other games are, they all get boring eventually and require you to invest real money, or spend incredible amounts of time to compete in. Subspace has the high skill curve to curb all that enthusiasm and humble any individual.
To anyone doubting the validity of this post. I rest my case with the following: