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Critical Mass vs OUTLAWS - Subspace/Continuum 2014 Season 35 Playoffs Video Stream and Highlights


3:10 - 3:30 - Chase on Village Bike starts resulting in FR and 2 thors burned.  Almost a kill from a repped thor on 7th.


5:20 - Bad positioning from FTNguyen results in a FR.


7:55 - Legacy in big trouble but WARPS to evade.


9:58 - BARBARIAN forced to rep


10:15 - Chase starts on Village Bike but he narrowly gets away and survives a thor.


11:05 - Legacy gets in a bad spot and has to rep


11:30 - Village Bike floating in boxes and gets semi-rep killed


12:08 - ozn gets chased hard after pblanking a wall, finally resulting in a kill after lots of dodging and a 0 dmg pblank emp.


14:10 - Chase on FTNguyen fails.


15:10 - FTNguyen killed.


15:50 - Legacy has a terrible bounce and positioning and pays for it.\


18:37 - Village Bike gets dumped on.


19:21 - Legacy forced to repel again looks like it may have been for a teammate.


21:50 - Village Bike forced to rep again, setting up a kill on Legacy as well.


22:50 - 7th goes down.


23:29 - BARBARIAN has to rep.


25:10 - Legacy reps late and dies out first.


26:10 - Village Bike chased down and goes out. Followed up by a kill on FTNguyen.


27:45 - Chase on FTNguyen almost dies. Has to burn a rep and rockets.


28:35 - BARBARIAN killed.


29:05 - FTNguyen chased again, goes into boxes and repped in for the kill.



Video goes on some more after that but mostly not interesting BARBARIAN running.






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Critical Mass vs OUTLAWS - Subspace/Continuum 2014 Season 35 Playoffs Video Stream and Highlights - gold teeth - 07-20-2014, 09:35 PM

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