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What is the incentive of joining a top tier Pro League squad?
Not that we were notable winners of any title this season (except Pryde himself, woo!) But this was the scenario for Dropships last season. We had a FULL roster, and even ran out of room with the desire to add another player in the middle of the season (they were going to remove 1 of 2 inactives on the roster to do it, but then rules and stuff happened).


I was one of the top 5 most actively practicing players, but unfortunately, my badass style of winning is inconsistent, so when game day came around, I was usually there for moral support or as 1st or 2nd sub. I managed to participate in 2 games (partially) and win one completely solo (I was the only player who showed during a bye round against a dropout squad in an early game... but hey, I was there to represent!)


This season, the roster is even deeper with at least 4 new players to the 'dropships' team. So far, we've split the roster into 2 squads, basically A and B teams... final rosters to be determined further down the road. I was placed on the B team due to real life happenings that will limit my amount of time playing and attendance for weekend games. Subject to change as things change in life and in the way matches are scheduled.


End thoughts about participation and winning and playing and benching... I think having a full roster of active players waiting/hoping to play each weekend is a waste. I think that a squad should be built around 5 core players that are willing to commit to playing the season. If you have a core player that isn't willing to commit or practice, etc. then they shouldn't be counted in that 5, nor should they be played during match time if the rest of the core of 5 is present.


I don't get into the stats part of the game, but I would say that the only reason to have a full roster of 12 is to bulk up the pracstats, allowing the 'squad' to prac much more often. Unfortunately, none of that practice is beneficial on game day, when the line-up is completely different. Sure the prac helps the lower and mid end players to hone their skills, but the actual core squad players really need to be practicing as the game day lineup, otherwise it's just playing for playing's sake.


With what I described about dropships and the changes so far this season, and the play time I saw last season, I decided that it just didn't matter to me. I login during the week and I just want to play. Alpha is gone, chaos pub is dead, and the only SVS left with the people I know is 4v4 league, so I remain rostered just to be able to pew pew at all. Without being rostered and at least playing with people that I know and have fun with, I would be left with capping random teams or hoping to get a spot at 11pm on some team with a suicider that never logs off.


If you are seriously into league and stats and winning... nothing that I just said means anything to you Wink


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What is the incentive of joining a top tier Pro League squad? - Bargeld - 08-11-2014, 08:14 PM

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