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What is the incentive of joining a top tier Pro League squad?
Unfortunately this whole discussion hinges on players changing their personality/behavior. That's a losing battle. It's silly to assume that top players would be complacent with playing on a weaker team just to appease the population. An individual who is competitive at heart naturally expects a level of quality from the individuals they surround themselves with. If they end up on a team that doesn't fulfill that expectation then they will look elsewhere. A top player on a very weak team just becomes a glass cannon. It's like watching an olympic sprinter pass the baton to Xena. That's just how it is and I doubt there is much that can be done to remedy that. Human nature. Competitive people want more out of who they surround themselves with.


However, instead of saying "No this won't work" I will give a suggestion. Focus on your core team and figure out what the problem is - and fix it. What's your teamwork like? What's missing from it? Does your lineups consist of the right kind of players? You can't just create a team with a ragtag crew and expect that quality players will flock to your team or you will be successful. You have to generate some level of allure because any quality player can see potential if you've properly displayed it...and if they're available there's a solid chance they will join.


I don't think I have to point out how drastically things have changed for us on Critical Mass - but I will anyway. At our core most of us played on Aenima, Thor and Requiem together YEARS before we got traction. Beforehand we didn't really put a substantial amount of thought into lineups, teamwork or much of anything. I think it's safe to say - because of that we hovered around at being a mid-level team. After improving as a team and figuring out what the problems were we had the opportunity to display our teamwork capabilities on Requiem. Subsequently we formed Critical Mass and were able to attract some quality players that were an integral part of us making it to the finals.


So with all that said I would sincerely suggest that you stand in front of the mirror and ask what you can do to create a better team. Don't just expect a top player to materialize and solve all your problems because it won't happen.

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What is the incentive of joining a top tier Pro League squad? - Ozn - 08-20-2014, 02:06 PM

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