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Objective League Squads Evaluations
Is it a new season already? YES!


<i><b><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">Critter Mass

above-average and pretty strong team, though with only 9 people they need more then 50% of their roster to show up and not lag every sunday. Will do a bit worse this season. Ozn is always a liability.


best-line:  three, antihuman, 7th + a 4th. And someone might want to be a fullsub aswell.


<i><b><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">The Dorks

Still got a nice and deep roster even thought they lost a few. Blink mixing lethal play with suicial tendencies in pracs, same with monkk, benji always seems weak in pracs but usually steps it up on sundays, having jocker on the bench is crucial when facing serious opposition. Still this team is probably the most cohesive team in league, especially after others have shown a decline in that department lately.


Best line:monkk, benji, mercury, blink


<i><b><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">Outlewd

Mostly wash-up and hasbeen's here mixed in with some "neverbeen". Relies too much on individual performances from their top-guns.


Best line-up: Eric, leg, KN, kril


<i><b><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">LLamazeros


Lost some player, added some. Got a pretty decent roster atm but I would lead myself to believe that their gluey gameplay has been taking a hit from the pilot drain they have been suffering this year. cfl and psyanide are always choke-prone


Best line-up:elf, Psyanide, fresh, Street. fullsub: cfl, for some extra finishing-juice or  to save the day.


<i><b><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">Ass slayers

Hard to know how their line-up will look on sundays, if showing is poor this team could take many blows the upcomming season.


Best line-up: ,sayian, sika nadai, buny


<i><b><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">Dogshitz

Did some recruiting and split into two teams. Don't know how they will perform this season, on paper they look stronger though but they seem  chokey.


best line: hallowed., joe, skimm, plutorus. fullsub: el father as the finisher


<i><b><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">Starlets

Strong and deep team, will be fighting for the title this season. If they don't fold mid-season that is! Does rage even know the meaning of rust?


best line: rage, seis, 9-volt, pp


<i><b><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">StarFury EXtreme

Look just as strong/weak as previous season, nothing to write home about here.


Best line-up: Sometimes dutch, shikaa, ufotable, Medicus.


<i><b><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">Cosmetic Virgins

A team died and a new one was made. mostly same people + a few rogue addons. Team seems to be at the same strenght as disco.


Preferred line: mindriot, rickdog, greg, ghostbuster



<i><b><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">Semi-phony

Can field a decent four at best, when they don't they wil be toasted over open fire and the smell of clown-ass will be prolific.


Best line: hg, peek, rex, bancko



<i><b><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">Bonerarrow

Roster isn't exaclty deep. The biggest concern with this team is that their players don't really mix well together since their top 6 have quite different playingstyles.


bestest line: tuna, fedu, bona, candy


<i><b><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">World Touring Feminazis?

These guys brought aml back! Their better players aren't all that bad but since they are all over the map any cohesive team will tear them to pieces.


best line: assoul, tico, homie, scub


<i><b><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">Slurrpshitz


Man I was so pumped to watch the slurrps this season, I had prepared to do a live twitch streaming and commentating event during their fight with beastfu but alas we all known the story.


best line: lightbender, nude, brandon, shiny. powerplay sub: Bargeld


Messages In This Thread
Objective League Squads Evaluations - 7th - 10-21-2013, 12:39 AM
Objective League Squads Evaluations - ShadowRun - 09-28-2014, 12:17 PM

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