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Powerball league development and discussion
Updated site (with some unfinished work that I wasn't planning on pushing), reason: I put this new feedback thing in the bottom right, use that to submit ideas/feedback on powerball league.


This thread will just be me posting updates on development (until the forums ded lol). Ok so powerball prac bot is almost complete. Powerball league bot will be 90% of the pracbot with minor changes so it will be easy (e.g. remove queuing with next, no team balancing, and other teams related stuff).

Some info on the bot. Stats that are currently being tracked for players:

Death, Kill, Pressure, Steal, Turnover, and Ballcarry.

Not implemented yet: Goal, Assist, Save.

About pressure -- players will be awarded a pressure if they kill the current ball carrier, or if they kill the last ball carrier within 0.5 seconds of them having had the ball. pretty much a ballkill.


I don't plan on tracking ball carrier damage, nor ball time.


Can take a look at the code and track changes here


Messages In This Thread
Powerball league development and discussion - Crescendo - 10-11-2014, 06:17 PM

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